
Chapter 12 Beat Alfred Up

Chris couldn't comprehend why the Collins family always held themselves in such high regard. Why did they assume the invitation was meant for Alfred? Was it because Alfred had no shame?

Alfred became irritated and yelled, "Look at you, you poor beggar. Do you honestly believe Mr. Mester would send you an invitation?"

Michael, too, was angry. "Susan, look at your son-in-law. He must be insane. Take him back. He's no longer welcome here!"

Alfred approached Chris, reaching his hand out. "Give me that invitation. It's mine."


Chris delivered a hard slap to Alfred's cheek.

He snorted, "What an idiot!"

The slap left Alfred and everyone else stunned. They couldn't believe that Chris had the audacity to slap Alfred.

"How dare you?"

Alfred regained his senses and grew furious. He rushed towards Chris.

With a cold stare, Chris calmly asked, "Do you want to die?"

In Alfred's eyes, Chris was nothing but a madman. A tough madman, at that. Even the police couldn't touch a madman if he killed someone. So what if Alfred provoked this madman and ended up dead? It simply wasn't worth it.

Alfred sneered and said, "I won't stoop to your level. I'm a nobleman, and I won't fight a madman."

"Chris Shelby! How dare you slap my husband?"

"Chris! You slapped my son-in-law! Are you out of your mind?"

Both Laurence and Loretta were furious after Chris slapped Alfred. It was a stark humiliation for them as well.

Michael roared angrily, "Get out of here! Now! You're no longer welcome in the Collins family!"

The Harker family was on its way to becoming a first-class family, and the Collins family still relied on their help. What if the Harker family resented them because of Chris's actions? The thought enraged Michael.

Almost everyone cursed Chris. Esther could no longer contain her anger.

"Grandpa, Chris is also your grandson-in-law, yet you've been mocking him since he arrived here. Alfred constantly made things difficult for Chris, so Chris slapped him. But all of you just scolded Chris."

"Grandpa, you're being completely unfair. Nobody here sees us as members of the Collins family."

As she spoke, Esther couldn't help but shed tears. She and her family had endured a lot that night.

Susan and John shared the same sentiment. Their eyes welled up with tears.

Michael snorted indifferently.

Chris approached Esther, embracing her and offering comfort. "Silly girl, don't cry. You shouldn't be upset because of these people."

"Chris, come with me."

Esther shook her head, feeling disappointed with the Collins family.

They left the villa.

Esther then asked Chris, "Chris, is the pure-gold invitation really meant for you?"

Even Esther couldn't believe it. Chris furrowed his brow and said, "Esther, I'm your husband. Nobody believes me, but you must trust me."

Chris felt sorrowful. He spoke the truth, yet nobody believed him. Even his wife had doubts. But it was the truth.

Feeling remorseful for Chris, Esther nodded. "Alright. I trust you, but this is the last time. I hope you won't disappoint me again."

After saying that, Esther turned around and returned to the villa.

Chris didn't immediately follow. Instead, he made a phone call.

"Tiger, I'll attend the banquet in seven days. I need you to make some arrangements for me."

"There might be some bothersome people there. You have to handle them..."

"Also, help me get in touch with the East Coast Hospital. My daughter needs surgery tomorrow."

"Oh, and find the best mansion on the East Coast. I can't let my wife and daughter live in the basement, nor do I want my in-laws staying with the Collins and facing humiliation."

"Yes, Master. I'll take care of it."

Chris hung up the phone.


The banquet ended quickly.

As the guests left, Michael suddenly said to Alfred, "Alfred, you and Loretta can stay here tonight."

Alfred was delighted to hear that. "Thank you, Grandpa!"

Susan overheard and quickly asked, "Dad, if they're staying, where should we go?"

Since John was expelled from the family, they had been living with the Collins.

The villa had a limited number of rooms. Now that Alfred and Loretta were staying, where would they go?

Michael glanced at Susan and her family, his brow furrowing in disgust.

"You should go to the old house. Chris might have some mental issues. What if he does something crazy here?"

Susan's eyes welled up with tears upon hearing this.

The old house had been abandoned for many years. It was old and dilapidated, unfit for habitation.

Susan wanted to say something, but John stopped her. He said, "Forget it. Let's go to the old house."

John knew all too well that they were treated like outsiders by the Collins family. As the son-in-law, he had no place there.

Realizing this, John cast a glance at Chris. Their fates were nearly identical!

Alfred smirked smugly and said to Chris, "Chris, don't embarrass me at the banquet. If you're not allowed in, don't tell anyone that you know me. I don't want to be humiliated."

Chris snorted, "Oh? I feel the same way. If you can't get in, don't mention that you know me."


Alfred didn't take Chris's words seriously at all.

No one would believe the words of a madman.

Susan and her family exited the villa, consumed by dejection.

Susan could no longer control her emotions.

"It's all because of you, Chris! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been humiliated tonight."

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been expelled. Now we have nowhere to stay."

"You only bring us bad luck. You left five years ago, so why did you come back? Do we owe you something? Stay away from us!"

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