
Chapter 8: Butterflies

The past months was hell for Zaylee, she was tired from work and her school it doesn’t help that she’s a medicine student. She just wants a break, but sadly Lilith won’t allow it. She went to work with her boss half asleep. She needed to finish her schoolwork before going to work. She slept throughout the whole ride since she only gets to sleep for a few hours last night.

Lilith took notice of the helpless state of her secretary which makes her pity her. She released a sigh before parking the car and deciding to just carry the girl and not bother to wake her up. She got off the car and made her way to the passenger seat, she carried her bridal style until they reached her office. People are staring because why would their boss carry her secretary right? Right, Lilith also has no idea.

Once they reached the office Lilith laid Zaylee at the couch before heading to her desk, she grabbed her phone and contacted the receptionist to cancel all her meeting for the next 2 weeks, she hung up and continued her work. She made sure that Zaylee wasn’t disturbed from her sleep.

As she was done with her work, she just starred at the shorter girl sleeping in her couch. She made her way to the opposite side of the girl and just starred at her. She may look like a creep, but she doesn’t care, she’s being pulled by the girl.

She sighed as she remembers the helpless state the girl was when she asked for a ride today since she woke up late. Her eyes were filled with dark circles and she keeps yawning, she’s still beautiful, nonetheless. Lilith’s eyes trailed to the girl’s soft features, her pointed nose that just fits her right and that jawline that looks like it could cut you, the soft pinkish lips that looks so kissable right now.

Lilith caught her thought at what just happened. I don’t like her, right? Definitely not. She’s your secretary for fucks sake. She scolded herself. The youngers eyes slowly fluttered open and the softest blue eyes met the confused green ones. Zaylee looked around like a lost puppy, I mean who wouldn’t? the last thing she remembered was that she was riding the car to work.

“Relax, you’re at my office” Lilith said once she realized the panic look on the girl. “I’m sorry I fell asleep” Zaylee said as she bows down. Lilith felt guilty on how the girl look so scared to her. He heart clenched at this. “It’s fine, just take a rest, I cancelled all my meetings for the next 2 weeks” she said. Zaylee’s eyes grew wide at what she just heard. “But miss, you have a lot of important meeting next week and this week” the younger girl said in a panic. “I don’t care, they can wait” Lilith firmly said leaving no room for objections. Zaylee just looked down before nodding.

“Do you want to go home?” Lilith asked as she saw that Zaylee still looks tired, the latter just shyly nod her head as an answer. “Let’s go then” Lilith said as she stood up and offered her hand at the opposite girl. Zaylee just looked at her hand before shyly taking it. They suddenly felt electricity ran down their spine, but none pulled away.

Their eyes met and turned into soft orbs that only focuses on each other. Lilith tugged Zaylee a little hard to make her stand up but the younger lose balance making her lean at the taller girl, they felt butterflies erupting in their stomach making both of them feel nervous all of a sudden. Their faces are only a couple of inches away from each other, but none dared to pull away.

The door suddenly burst open making them pull away from each other with reddening cheeks. The door held a fuming Corinne, Lilith’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight. “What are you doing here?” Lilith asked through gritted teeth. “Why am I not allowed to be here?” Corinne said also mad. Her receptionist suddenly arrived with a very apologetic look. “Miss, I’m really sorry she just started running away when I told her that she’s not allowed in” her receptionist explained. Lilith just nod and dismissed her.

“So, is this your new plaything?” Corinne asked as she made her way towards Zaylee who looks so lost at the whole situation. “Ma’am you must be mistaken, I’m just her se- “she was cut off when Lilith spoke. “She’s my girlfriend so get lost” Lilith said gritting her teeth to held back her anger. Zaylee’s eyes grew wide at what she just heard.

“Miss?!” Zaylee asked still shocked. Lilith pulled her closer making her blush. “Don’t call me miss when we are alone baby” Lilith said loud enough for Corinne to hear. Zaylee felt another set of butterflies erupted in her stomach at the way Lilith called her baby. “I can’t believe you just dumped me for a piece of garbage” Corinne said “Oh shut it you slut” Lilith said as she threw a glare at Corinne. The latter just screamed and made her way out.

“Sorry about that, she’s crazy” Lilith said apologetically. “I could see that” Zaylee said as she chuckled. “But why did you say I’m your girlfriend?” she suddenly turned serious. Lilith gulped at this. “Well, I—uhm that’s the only way I thought to get rid of her” Lilith said as she scratched her nape from embarrassment. It’s not like it was the first time she flirted with anyone, to be honest she was a flirt before, that’s the reason Lilith met Zaylee.

“I’m just joking, it’s fine” Zaylee said as she laughs it off, but she honestly felt disappointed at the answer, why? She was about to know. “Let’s go home?” Lilith asked and offered her hands. Zaylee nod before taking the older girl’s hand, the sparks suddenly comeback making them both feel ecstatic and also worried.

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