
Chapter 2: Secretary?!

She heaved a sigh and sit up straight before heading to her bathroom, she checked herself in the mirror and her eyes drifted to her neck, she traced a two-dot scar before hissing in pain when she applied pressure. She stripped out of her clothes and just stared at the mirror not caring about the time. It didn’t say what time should I go she reasoned to herself. She touched the bandage in her stomach before slowly removing it hissing every now and then because of the pain.

What appeared in front of her made her shock. There’s a stitched wound in her stomach and from her perspective as a medical student it was neatly done. “Even I can’t stitch this clean” she told herself, perhaps it was a doctor that helped her she said to herself before proceeding to take a bath very carefully to not damage her wound.

Once she was finished, she started dressing her wound again and made sure it was clean. How she can still move is a mystery to her. She headed to her closet and get a decent turtleneck and casual pants. As soon as she was done, she grabbed her bag and headed to the door, she made sure she locked it before heading down to the elevator.

She greeted the guard at the door which looked shock that she’s there. “I thought you didn’t come home yesterday” he explained, Zaylee looked confused making the guard continue what he was saying. “I didn’t see you enter the building last night, so I thought you stayed somewhere else” he explained making Zaylee more confused than she already is. “oh, well I got here pretty late so maybe you were doing rounds when I got home” she explained. “Yeah, maybe that’s the case” the guard said and continued what he was doing.

Zaylee bid him goodbye before hailing a cab, she told him the destination and laid back in her seat. She plugged her earphones and blasted her comfort music. As soon as the first line was heard her mind flew to the endless possibilities of what could have happened last night and what’s waiting for her at Kaos. She stared at the window, mind wondering. Time flew by without her realizing it. The cab came to a halt, she arrived. She released a sigh before paying up and stepping out of the cab. Harsh wind blew once she stepped out making her skin crawl. She looked at the towering building before having the courage to step forward. Once inside she headed straight to the receptionist and cleared her throat.

The girl behind the desk smiled before asking “How can I help you?”. “Oh, I was told to come here” she answered suddenly feeling shy. “Do you have any appointment ma’am?” she asked again which Zaylee just shake her head as an answer, “But I have a note saying foe me to go here” she said and started searching her bag for the note. As she was slowly losing hope because she can’t find her note, her eyes drifted to a girl walking their way. She just stared at her studying her features as flashbacks slowly sinks in.

“I-it was you” she said still shaking. “Took you long enough” The girl said before walking away. Zaylee absent-mindedly followed her towards the elevator. The whole ride was filled with silence- awkward silence, for Zaylee she felt like suffocating inside. She’s overwhelmed by the taller girl’s presence. The suffocating ride was soon over when the door opened revealing a hallway with only one door.

She silently followed her, too scared to say a single word. They entered the door and a very spacious room greeted her. There’s a large organized table at the center and a mini lounge area at the side with a television mounted at the table. There’s another door which she presumes as a bathroom. The Taller girl proceed on sitting at her swivel chair behind the large table. A name plate was sitting perfectly at the edge of the table which reads Lilith Reeves with the word CEO below.

She gulped when she realized who she’s talking to. “Take a seat” she said motioning to seat in front of her, she silently took her seat not removing her eyes from the ground. “As you can see my name is Lilith Reeves and I’m the CEO of this company” she introduced herself. Zaylee just nodded not saying a word. When silence followed, she took it as a cue to speak. “T-Thank you for saving me, I’m Zaylee Frost” she said not making eye contact.

“Is the floor more interesting than me?” Lilith asked not taking her eyes off Zaylee. “No ma’am” Zaylee answered as she looks at her, once they made eye contact, she felt like her soul was being sucked by the green orbs that’s staring intently at her. Her heartbeat skipping. “Then look at me when you are talking” she said. Zaylee just nod before gulping.

“Why did you ask me to go here?” Zaylee asked once she gained her courage. “Simple, I want to get my part of the deal” Lilith answered and laid her back at her chair. “What deal?” Zaylee asked visibly confused. “Oh dear, you’ve forgotten about it already?” she asked rhetorically. “Let me remind you, You ask me to save you in exchange of anything, I don’t need money since I have a lot of it next best thing is your…” she trailed “My what?” She asked. She raked her eyes from head to toe making Zaylee feel bare. “Your body”. “EXCUSE ME?!” Zaylee exclaimed furious about what she just heard. Of course a beauty like her would be a pervert she thought to herself, “Not body like the way you think, You aren’t my type” she said “I would want you to work for me, specifically as my secretary” she continued. “I’m a med student ma’am I don’t know anything about gaming” she tried to reason out.

“Well, if you don’t want to work for me you can just pay me up, I think 100,000 dollars is enough for your impromptu surgery don’t you think?” She said with a sly smirk up her lips. Zaylee heaved a sigh before looking at her.

“You’re choice Miss Frost, It’s either be my secretary or pay up within a week” she said and laidback at her seat once again.

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