Well, reality caught up with me a few days later:
when a 4-week business trip came up for Silke, she
gave me an ultimatum: clean up after myself and
lose weight. If there was no visible progress, it was
over and I was out. It was her place and most of
the furniture was hers, too. When I’d moved out of
my bachelor pad and into her place, I’d sold, given
or thrown away most of my stuff since I hadn’t
treated it well anyway. I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned my microwave once in the five years I’ve
owned it.
The look Silke gave me before she left for her
trip that morning finally seemed motivating
enough. Again, I was wrong. After a promising start
with some yoghurt and fruit for breakfast, I felt so
ravenous by the time noon rolled around that I polished off two pizzas and a jar of ice-cream. I really
tried to eat nothing for the rest of the day but when
my growling stomach wouldn’t let me sleep that
night, I found myself in front of the fridge again.
Now there was no one around to look decent for, I
just cranked up the heat and spent all day in my
oldest, baggiest briefs that didn’t cut into my belly
too much. Another benefit: no T-shirt meant no
stains and no laundry.
You’d be surprised at how unaware you can be
caught up onto becoming a whale. I didn’t notice
until the end of week three when I had a craving
for Chinese food and decided to hit the buffet and I
could n’t fasten my jeans. I was so worried now, I
tried my trusty sweatpants next. Silke, the always
perfectly dressed and groomed, would kill me if she
knew I planned to go out in sweats, and semi-clean
ones at that, but she wasn’t here to keep an eye on
me. We did face time a lot but I always kept the
phone aimed at my face and that hadn’t changed
since she left.
Like the jeans, my sweats were way tighter than
they should have been. A nasty sense of foreboding
hit me as I tried to pull my largest T-shirt down
over my torso. No matter how much I kept tug-ging, it crept back up my sagging belly that hung
over the rubber band of my briefs, covering a third
of my thighs. I almost didn’t dare breathe. Could
somebody put on that much weight in such a short
time? I needed to assess the full damage but Silke
refused to keep a scale at our place, let alone a
heavy-duty model for up to 500 lbs. Since that was
close to what I might be looking at. Measuring it
was then. Hastily, I went through Silke’s closet for
her sewing stuff, throwing things left and right until
I finally found the 60” tape measure. I sat down on
the bed, not letting my belly sag down between my
thighs as usual but balancing the full bulk on top of
them. I trapped one end of the tape measure between two fat rolls and struggled to wind the rest
around my back and belly. Not a chance. There was
no way for me to reach around myself, and judging
by the remaining length of the tape, the ends
wouldn’t even reach!
This couldn’t be happening. How could I have
let things get so out of hand? With no one there to
force me out of the apartment for a walk or a trip
to the store, I had stayed inside and ordered in, not
noticing that I was steadily outgrowing everything.
Silke had demanded visible progress, and by God
was it visible. I must have gained another twenty
pounds in the time she was gone!
Think, I kept repeating to myself. The first step
was the clothes. With no exact measurements, I had
no choice but to order a few shirts, T-shirts and
pants in 8XL, two of them with those loser elastic
waistbands, just in case. Since I’d checked ‘overnight delivery’, everything arrived the next day.
The shirts and T-shirts fit OK width-wise but even
their extra length couldn’t cover my sagging belly.
The only option I had was to stuff it into my pants,
meaning that with this extra girth only the two pairs
of jeans with the elastic waistband fit. The result
looked terrible and there was no doubt Silke would
think so, too.
I got rip-roaring drunk that night. In the morning, food was the only thing to battle the hangover
from hell, and in this manner one day blurred into
the next. It was no wonder I forgot which time
Silke was supposed to be back from her trip and it
didn’t help that the apartment was a mess either. I
don’t think I’ve ever heard someone scream as
loudly and as long as Silke did. I’d heard all those
words before “lazy”, “pig”, “loser”, “no self-respect”, but never from her, and never within a few
seconds at that many decibels. I took the verbal
beating until the words “Look at yourself. You’re a
waste of space, literally. A whole lot of space wasting.”
I did look down myself. Actually, wherever I
turned I saw myself. It was impossible not to. My
gut, competing for space with moobs that probably
needed a cup size DD, was always the first thing to
enter a room. My arms, flabbily rolls, stuck out because they rested on the giant fat pads under my
upper arms. When I sat, I saw ass cheeks to my left
and right that invaded half the couch. I also felt myself all the time. My thighs rubbing each other, my
upper-arm flab jiggling or my outlying regions wob-bling when I walked or turned. There was no movement that didn’t lead to other movements.
How could I have let this happen? It wasn’t as if
I’d woken up fat, I’d been there for every bite,
watching myself grow. Except I hadn’t watched.
Somehow, I’d shut out the unobstructed. I had
turned into a disgusting whale, barely capable of
wiping his own ass anymore, let alone get a job. I
was a freaking waste of space. Mutely I turned and
trudged out, Silke’s words ringing in my ears that
she would toss in the trash whatever I didn’t pick
up by the end of the week.