

Rodrigo pov

I rushed outside when I realised that Hillary wasn't in the room.

My heart started to beat faster as i searched for her in the huge building but couldn't find her.

I instantly felt hot, and I started to sweat.

That is when I remembered that there was a garden here. I ran towards the garden and when I got there, I heard her scream like never before.

I walked closer and saw Angelo on top of her. I don't know why Angelo always wants the women I get. This was the same thing he did with Paloma.

He seduced her and got her to sleep with him. My blood boiled when I heard how he laughed when Hillary yelled.

I went closer to where they were and yanked him off her. He looked at me with a smile on his face, and I wanted to peel that smile off his face.

I couldn't control myself and landed heavy blows on his face. I broke his nose, and he looked at me in disbelief. I rolled my sleeves up and landed him more blows when he fell down.

I got on top of him about to land him more blows when I heard Hillary scream that I should stop. The only time I wanted to hear Hillary scream was in bed.

I immediately got up and pulled out my gun. If I couldn't beat him to death, I might as well injure him. I shot his two arms and shot his leg.

“This will remind you to keep your filthy hands and your third leg away from my wife.” He screamed and groaned in pain. I looked at Hillary trembling and knelt beside her.

Her hands were covering her ears, and her eyes were shut tightly. I gently touched her shoulders, and she jumped in fear. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

She immediately hugged me and started to cry. I held her tightly and carried her. I brought her to the car and made Fabio drive while we sat in the back seat.

I kept on caressing her hair as she lay on my shoulder, still sobbing. I shouldn't have left her alone in the first place. I promised her that I'd protect her, but I failed.

Hillary has been through enough trauma, and I didn't want more to happen to her. We got to my mansion, and I realised she fell asleep, so I carried her in a bridal style and brought her to her room.

If Angelo had been anyone, I would've killed him on the spot. Just because he had fun with Paloma and I didn't react, he thought he could do the same with Hillary.


“Boss, we have a problem.” I turned to Fabio. I looked at him and realised it was huge because of his expression.

“Some of our diamonds have gone missing, one of our shipments was delayed, and our men were attacked when they were bringing our firearms.” His eyelids drooped.

“FUCK!” I yelled while slamming my fist on my table. “Who's behind this?”

“We're still investigating, but I think it might be someone you know.” I was about to explode with anger.

“We did catch one of the gang members who attacked our men.” Finally, some good news.

“Let's go.” I said while walking past him and grabbing my jacket from the hanger.

We got to the warehouse and he was tied to a chair, untouched just the way I like it. I like my game untouched.

I don't get why these scumbags always get on my nerves. I don't hurt women, children or innocent people, but these scumbags always want to try me.

I walked closer to the blonde haired guy, he looked young like he was in his early 20s. “What is your name, boy?” the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled.

“Did you bring me here just to ask my name, what an asshole.” He said while laughing. Fabio landed a deadly punch to his face and he started to cough out blood.

One thing I liked about my men and I is that our blows were deadly. “Don't fucking talk to boss like that.” I laughed while looking at him.

“I was thinking about letting you live but I don't like your attitude, I'll feed you to my dogs.” His skin went pale and he started to chew on his bottom lip.

He looked scared. “I'm sorry, please spare me. I'm not even part of the gang, they just sent me to check what was in the warehouse.” “Who?”

“I…I… don't know his name, I never met him. All his men go by nicknames so I don't know him. I was ordered and given money by the second in command, that is all.” He said while shuddering.

“Mm free him.” “What?” Fabio asked with a confused expression.

“He's of no use to us, plus I don't want to get my hands dirty.”

I was back in my office, thinking about the misfortunes happening in my work. Who could it be? I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

“Rodrigo, we found an intruder.” Fabio said while barging into my office. I quickly grabbed my rifle and left with him.

Hillary pov

I had been in bed since morning and finally decided to shower. I took a long cold shower and came out. I pat dried my hair with another towel.

I opened my closet to choose a comfortable pyjamas when I heard some rustling sound behind my curtain.

I peeped through it and saw a man crawling in the grass. I looked closely and saw the man covered in crimson red.

I stared at the man in horror as my heart race escalated.

He looked like he was in so much pain. He kept on crawling, like he was trying to get away from something. I saw a silhouette of a man appear and the man started to beg for his life.

The person in the shadows stepped closer to him and I got a better view of him. “Rodrigo?” I covered my mouth with my hand.

He pulled out a gun and fired 3 times and the man fell down and became still.

I immideately covered my mouth with my hand to suppress the scream that wanted to come out.

I've seen a lot of shitty things but I had never seen murder with my own eyes. I stared in horror.

I immediately covered my window with my curtain and sat on my bed. I brought my hand to my chest to steady my heartbeat when I heard a knock on my door.

I hesitantly walked to the door when I heard the knock again. I unlocked the door and twisted the knob.

I was met with his killer blue eyes. His hands were covered in blood and he had stains of blood on his shirt.

He leaned lazily on the door frame while playing with his gun and I don't know why but he looked so hot.

I nibbled on my lower lip trying to calm myself down from what I saw earlier.

He looked at me carefully and gave a half smile. “I'm sorry you had to see that Freckles.” He let himself in after saying that. How did he know I saw him?

“Why are you standing there? Sit down” I immediately sat on my bed. He walked closer to me without breaking eye contact.

He crouched to my height, only a few inches away from me. “You know what I hate most in the world? Betrayers. Don't ever betray me okay?”

I nodded as I stared at him. There was something about him tonight that scared me to death but it also attracted me to him. He looked hungry, but for something else.

He had the eyes of a predator waiting for his prey to make the wrong move.

He moved closer and kissed my cheek, he paused for a while and kissed my neck and this made me shiver.

I wanted to kiss him but I held back. A certain kind of warmness spread throughout my body as I stared at him. I pressed my thighs together in order to refrain myself from giving in.

His nose brushed against my skin and I couldn't help the good sensation I felt.

He moved his face closer to mine and I stared at his lips. He looked like he wanted to kiss me and I also wanted to kiss him.

He brought his lips closer to mine but I turned my head to the other side, I can't give in now.

Him being here kind of made me forget that he just killed a man in front of me.

“Goodnight Freckles,” he smiled and walked away.

“What the fuck is wrong with you Hillary? Why are you finding him hot?”

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