
Chapter 2

“I tell you. He’s fucking rude and judgmental. Just a memory of his fucking face is pissing me off. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve decorated his face with bruises.”

I was pacing back and forth in my office in frustration. I came here straight to Runner Studios when I realized that even walking in the streets of New York City was not calming me down. I always have the shortest temper. Quinn perhaps had forgotten that fact when she sent me off to that bastard.

“That’s why I told you so many times, Kur. You need to ditch that t-shirt and jeans of yours. Not to mention those combat boots. This is the corporate world so dress like it. And please, again, Kur, the language is unnecessary.”

“They’re just boots and sneakers. Please drop the combat. I’m not going to war. And excuse me, I’m damn good at my job regardless of what I wear or how I look or how I cuss his brains out.”

She sighs heavily. “I guess I have to talk to him myself then.”

“You better.” I spat.

“Kur.” She whined in frustration.

“What?” I didn’t like the silence that followed. “Look, I’m sorry. You know I was never cut out for talking to men in suits and ties. You should’ve known from three years ago.”

“Kur. Please don’t be like that.”

“It’s the truth.” I answered as I finally stopped pacing. Somehow my pair of shoes suddenly caught my interest when I looked down.

“I’ll set up a meeting with him when I come back. Belle would have been ideal but I don’t want to bother her. She needs to focus on her new angel.”

I sigh. “Yeah. Sorry I failed.”

“You don’t need to apologize, babe. I tend to forget how overbearing and prude that man is.” I could feel Quinn’s smirk on the other side of the line.

“Well, I had to experience that firsthand. Guess I’d make sure to dress up nicely when I meet him. Your gift would certainly be useful.” She laughs at my comment.

“Sure is. Gonna hang up now. I need to call Nile for the appointment and to explain to him what happened, and maybe demand an apology for you. You need to apologize too, you know. You’re partly to blame.”

I scoff in disagreement. “We’ll see.”


“Are you close?”

“Damn. You called me five times to ask that again. And for the fifth time, I’m close to the restaurant.”

We all know that’s a lie.

“Oh, god, Kura. You’ve been saying that for five times in all the five times I've called." She returned my sarcasm. "We can’t mess this up. This is a huge deal. You will be leading this team so please just be here. I don’t care if you’re late for one hour. I’ve already been stalling time for you.”

I scoff. “You’re asking me to face that piece of shit, Quinn.”

“Kur.” She cried in exasperation.

I sigh. “Alright, alright. I’m almost there, like for real now. Five minutes, so chill.”

“You better be or you will face my wrath, Kura Kunoe.” I rolled my eyes when I noticed she already cut the line. Such a drama queen.

My sigh came heavily as I needed to quicken my pace. They had to choose a restaurant far away from my apartment. Veselov Industries was much closer.

“Kura.” I flinched back a bit when Quinn suddenly popped out of nowhere in front of me.

“How did you know when to find me?” I asked, impressed at the perfect timing.

“Because your five minutes is ten minutes.” She hissed. She then narrows her eyes to glare at me. “Don’t think I don’t know you, Miss Kunoe.”

I laugh. “So where’s the son of a bitch?” My eyes travel around the spacious restaurant to look for their seat. She grabs my hand, pulling me with her.

“You never cease to amaze me with your name calling for him.” She shook her head in amazement.

I shrug. “The man gifted me the ability. I'm surprised myself I have such talent.”

When we reached the table, my first sight landed on the prick’s scowling face. This Adonis has the most perfect face. Sadly, he can only show a scowl. It must have been a curse from the gods who created him with perfection. I smirk at him to provoke him. And it did! His scowl deepened even more.

I shifted my attention towards the table. My eyebrows raised together in surprise. I noticed the food was barely touched. Correction, completely untouched. Some were still steaming hot. I slowly turned to the future missus Evans. She was smiling sheepishly as if she knew that I noticed what she had been up to all this time.

I swear my right eye just throbbed in irritation.

“Explain yourself, Quinn Anderson. Or I will fucking walk out of this expensive ass restaurant you set us up with.” Nile Veselov who was sitting all this time, raised a brow at my outburst. He studies us with ignorance which only proves that he had nothing to do with this.

“Okay, okay. Relax. I knew you would’ve easily found out.” She sighs. “You were not late at all, obviously.” She muttered the last word. “I was just checking up on you if you were gonna come. I mean let’s face it. It’s always either you’re late or you’re a no show.”

“Don’t sway off the topic, girlie. We know you’re the schemer here.”

“Ugh, okay. I just wanted you guys to formally introduce each other and maybe forget about what happened the first time and perhaps… apologize to each other.”

“No.” We both answered simultaneously. Our heads turned towards each other in a swift motion, narrowing our eyes with a scowl.

“I’m certainly not gonna apologize to that dick.”

“This woman doesn’t deserve my apology.”

“You’re a bitch.”

“How crude.”

“I can’t believe you know each other.”

“I can’t believe you know each other.”

We both said at the same time, our voices overlapping. When we both turned to Quinn, I was amused at her forced grin, a nerve almost breaking was visible in her head. Serves you right, you schemer.

“Okay.” She inhales a lungful of air and exhales. “You will settle your differences, okay? I’m not saying this as a boss or someone who’s going to be working with you.” She eyes him in warning. “I simply want you guys to be at least at the level where you can stomach your faces… as a friend who has known you since dinosaurs.” She suddenly turns her head sharply towards me. “Got that?”

I eye her in disbelief. “What?” I shrug.

She rolls her eyes. “Just be a good girl, Kur.” She whined.

“I am.” I smirked mischievously. It fell out when I heard a scoff from the moody version of Adonis. I moved towards him with an aim to at least put a shade on his too clean of a face. Fortunately for him, Quinn interrupted, warning me to stand down.

“I think your dog needs a leash.”

I think, everyone, it’s when all hell broke loose.

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