
Chapter 1

“What? Why did you forget something as very important as this?”

I was wandering off the streets of Manhattan when my phone rang and pulled me out of my usual routine. I found myself doing this a couple of years ago when my mind was filled with unsolved setbacks.

Next thing I know, I was doing this every single day. Walking. Meditating.

“You can just attend the meeting in my place, Kur. I’m so sorry if I totally forgot about it.” I can hear the worry and regret in Quinn’s voice. I raised a brow almost in disbelief at her outrageous suggestion.

I know I’m slowly gaining their trust back. But is it really alright that I have to take over her place in this very important meeting with a big time client? I’m even doubting myself.

“Don’t worry. I know Nile Veselov. He’s a family friend which I’m sure he’ll understand.” She added with sure confidence and delight. The chirp in her tone did not ease my circumstance.

Why did she not happen to mention that she’s going on a trip with her family and her fiancé? For two weeks at that… in Paris!

“I don’t think-“

“Come on, Kur. Please.” She interjected. A long pause silenced our conversation. “Perhaps this will be your chance…” She trailed but I know where this phrase will lead to.

I didn’t speak for quite a while and that made Quinn call my attention for numerous times. I always have a soft spot for this woman.

“Alright. Fine.” Quinn exhaled in relief and joy.

The phone call ended with her thanking me nonstop. I could hear the excitement in her voice for their vacation before she cut the line. She was so happy and it was contagious. But the feeling was cut short when I was faced again with the reality.

I take my time not moving in my spot. I look up as I ponder. The sunlight was bathing down on me, feeling the warmth the start of summer was bringing. A lot of people already passed by, brushing my shoulders along the way. Their chatters and laughter zoomed past me. It felt like I was the centerpiece of this clock while the long hand and short hand kept turning and I’m just here, standing still.

I sigh as I try to let go of my unneeded worry. I walked and walked until I reached Veselov Industries. I was thankful enough that there was no specific time for the meeting. The CEO was available for the whole day. I just have to walk in there and show myself. And then we talk.

I forgot to tell her that I might have zoned out when we had a board meeting so I didn’t quite hear the part where Runner Studios, our company, will have a big ass client. Veselov Industries at that. A huge company who’s famous for their futuristic and advanced technologies. I guess I only heard the part where they will have a promotional event coming up… or was it a launching event. Either way, Runner Studios was given a chance to organize the event and do the production.

You see why my worry was not misplaced?

This is probably the tallest skyscraper in New York. I thought as I felt dizzy looking way up the enormous building, the rays of light making me blind that scattered on the glass. The whole building was said to be owned by the Veselovs. The receptionist had a hard time believing me when I told her I was the representative of Quinn Anderson. Her eyes bulged when she saw the tattoos decorating my pale arms as I showed her my ID card.

Once I saw the elevator open, I didn’t wait for her signal to go. I stomped my way towards it, ignoring her callings. When the doors closed, I saw the agitation adorned in her face. I gave her a playful smirk.

When I reached the floor, I noticed an empty desk which was probably his assistant’s. I didn’t wait for him or her and went straight to the door of the CEO’s office. I knocked three times before when the owner of the voice from the other side said to come in.

Expected, I was met with a man in his black suit and tie. He was sitting behind his desk, his face buried on the documents he was signing in haste. The sound of the door closing finally pulled him out of his deep concentration. There was a frown on his face that did not leave even though his attention was shifted to something else or maybe to me.

I was not offended. Really. I was not offended at all when the frown was suddenly turned into a scowl. I got to hand it to him. The scowl might be ugly but his face was not. The man was in no doubt attractive. Surprisingly, his beauty is that of androgynous. With a midnight black hair, beautiful sculpted nose, lips painted in a blooming color with an artist putting it in much detail and a strong well defined jaw that brought distinction that his features were more on the masculine than feminine.

When our eyes met, I thought for sure I was looking at my own pair of bright hazel eyes. Everyone I met was easily attracted to my eyes. They said it was the lightest they’ve ever seen. Quinn never told me that there was someone who had the same pair of colors. The only difference was it was protected by the frames of his eye glasses.

I shook the stunned look I have when I realized I just stood still and gawked at him. I cleared my throat to speak and probably break the tense atmosphere going on. He beat me to it though.

“I don’t remember allowing my secretary to let someone in.” He stated coldly. His eyes traveled from my head to the tips of my toes. Judgmentally, I might add.

The guy obviously has an attitude problem.

“Yo.” That’s probably not a good way to start my introduction. Okay, maybe terrible or awful.

I clear my throat with the hopes of salvaging myself. “Yeah… I’m Kura. Quinn’s… representative.” On the bright side, I didn’t stutter. There were unnecessary pauses but… I shrugged at the thought.

He raised a brow. Funny because he looked like he didn’t believe me. His scowl deepened which was of course, the cherry on top.

I was never good with formal meetings, never good with formal discussion. I was shit at it. That’s why I was always at the back end of our work. I was completely hands on. Quinn and Belle were the ones with the gift of silver tongue.

Which made me question Quinn’s decision again. Oh, right, because I was the only one who was available among the directors.

He scoffs, dropping his pen with too much force needed. He crossed his arms as if to say he was the boss of this whole building. Well, obviously. “Do you expect me to believe you? My receptionist just phoned me that a strange woman passed by her without waiting for confirmation. Lucky for you, my secretary was out for lunch. You wouldn’t have stepped a foot inside this office.”

I grit my teeth. “Excuse me?” This asshole is downright arrogant. Who does he think he is? Our big ass client. That’s who he is. And if I screw this up, I’m probably beyond salvation. So I had to resist myself redecorating his face with my fist.

“You’re disrespectful, dressed and talk unprofessional, have tattoos that look like you’re working with the mafia. Shall I go on?”

Fucking hell, Quinn. You better have some good explanation for this.

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