Part 2
*Cara's pov*
I transform back into a human and look back at the girl with my wolf eyes.
"Why do you have to do that" I look over at Taylor.
"You know that makes people go crazy" I chuckle a bit.
"I know, but it's so funny seeing their faces when they see my other eyes on a human" Taylor shakes her head.
"What if everybody believed in our kind, then would you do it?" she asked.
"Of course not, then they would want to kill us and we can't have that right, Jonah?" I turn to my son.
"Yeah, mama I don't wanna die" he puts his head on my shoulder and falls asleep.
I'm Cara Dele. I'm basically 19 years old, I turn 19 in a month. I'm from England and I'm a werewolf. My dad was a wolf too but my mom was human. They both passed away in a fight we had against another pack. I'm the alpha now and I have these powers, I can do everything from controlling people's minds to stopping time and moving objects. It's pretty cool.
My friends are my pack. There are Taylor and Karlie. They are dating. Then there's Alex and Jake, they are both bi but aren't each other's type. They would be cute together though. Last is my son, Jonah, he's 4 years old and a mini-me. I didn't give birth to him, because I'm a female alpha I was given a dick but I can only have kids with my mate. Sadly my mate died while giving birth to Jonah. She was too a wolf but the stress of the pregnancy was too much for her to handle.
There are times that Jonah said he could see her and talk to her and its possible if it was his power but he's too little to have powers yet, they normally come when you're closer to ten years old.
I haven't found another mate yet. I didn't think I could have another mate but Jake's mom said that Jake's dad wasn't her first mate, that her first mate was a girl but her mate's family didn't approve so they had to move on.
"Hey, Cara snap out of it" I came back to earth and look at Alex.
"What's up?" he laughs.
"Nothing. You just spaced out and Jonah needs to go to bed" I look around and realize we are home.
"Yeah thanks" he nods his head at me and I smile.
I walk upstairs to Jonah's room and I put him down in his bed.
"Goodnight baby sleep well, I love you" I tuck him in and turn off the light.
"Goodnight mama I love you too," he tells me as I close the door.
I go back downstairs and lock up the house. I turn off the lights and head to my room. I close my door and belly flop onto my bed falling asleep.
*Next morning*
"Mama wake up we need to go to school" I roll over to the other side of the bed.
"Come on mama get up," Jonah said while shaking me.
I quickly roll over and grab him pulling him onto the bed. he burst out laughing so I decided to tickle him too.
"Mama stop! I'm gonna pee" he said threw his laughter.
I stop tickling him and sit up in bed, he also sits up and sits criss-cross in front of me.
"How did you sleep?" I ask him.
"Good, I had a dream that me, you and mommy were at the park and you would slide down the slide with me and then mommy would get me when we got to the bottom"
I don't understand why he keeps dreaming of this stuff, he's only seen her in pictures but he said he sees and talks to her.
"That's good sweetie, I'm happy you slept well". I lift him out of bed and turn my phone on.
"Alright, buddy go get dress and make sure to brush your teeth" he nods his head and runs off to do as he was told.
I stretch before going to take a shower. After my shower I brush my teeth and pick out my clothes, I grab black joggers and a plain white long sleeve t-shirt. I put my clothes on and put my phone in my pocket. I put my shoes on and head down the hall to Jonah's room.
"You ready Jo?" I go into his room and he's putting his shoes on. He's wearing a light blue plaid button-up and white jeans.
"Brush your teeth?" he stands up and grabs his backpack.
"Ready and yes I did, Alex helped me with the toothpaste" I take his backpack and lift him up, I head downstairs and put him on the stool in the kitchen. I take out five bowls with spoons.
"What Cereal you want today?" I ask him, he puts his hand on his chin like he has a beard.
"Honey Bunches of Oats please" I nod my head and go to get the box.
"Which one you want bud?" I ask him again. He quickly says "almond."
I grab the box and pour some into each bowl.
"Good choice" I get the milk and pour some into each bowl.
"Guys! come eat your food!" I yell.
Slowly everybody comes downstairs. First, it was Taylor and Karlie. Tay is wearing a black sweater and black skinny jeans with her normal makeup and red lips. Karlie is wearing a white sweater and tan skinny jeans with her normal makeup. They both sit down and eat their cereal. Next Alex came down wearing a blue sweater with a white button-up underneath and black jeans, he always looks stylish. Lastly Jake came down wearing a black V-neck short sleeve shirt and black pants. We all finish our food and clean up.
"Let's see what this school is all about." It's our first day at this school, we had to change schools. Jake started this huge ass fight with the football team. They didn't like the LGBT Community and we didn't take it so well. We all grab our backpacks and get into our cars. I have two but the one I use with Jonah is safer.
It's a matte black 2016 Ranger Rover. Alex has a white 2016 Jeep Wrangler unlimited. Taylor and Karlie are using Karlie's car which is a black 2014 Mercedes-Benz G-Class and last is Jake's car, he has a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, let's just say he's a huge supernatural fan. My other car is a white 2017 BMW I8. Taylor has the same car as Alex but red.
I put Jonah in his car seat and we all head out to school. We get to school and park next to each other, we always get stared at because the normal teenager doesn't have these types of cars. I get out of the car and let Jonah out, I grab his hand and wait for everybody to get out of their cars.
"Nice cars" some dude said as he looked at our them.
He goes to touch the window.
"Please don't touch my car" I said nicely, he touches the window.
"Dude really? I just asked you nicely not to touch my car" he laughs.
"I heard you, but it's just the window," I tell Jonah to stand by Jake and I walk in front of the dude.
"Dude just look at them and leave, don't touch," I said a little more annoyed.
He tries to touch my car again, is this guy stupid? I grab his hand squeezing it a little.
"Yo! What the fuck?!" he half yelled.
"I said don't touch my car and you still did and then tried to touch it again" people start to look at us.
"Your such a bitch"
What a great way to start the first day at a new school.
"Dude just walk away, I don't want to fight" he laughs.
"Because I would kick your ass" this made me, Jake and Alex laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" he asked.
"Because you're so stupid to think you could kick my ass."
He turns around and starts to walk away but then turns back and tries to punch me. Again I grab his hand and twist it down.
"Ow! Stop you're breaking my hand!" he screams.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone jogging to us. I let go of his hand and he immediately grabs it bringing it to his chest. The person that was jogging to us pushes me against my car. I look at the person that shoved me and its a girl in a blue and white cheerleaders outfit and she's extremely beautiful. She has brown hair in a ponytail and these brown eyes that are breathtaking. She's pissed at me.
"What the fuck are you doing to my friend?" she asked me while poking my chest.
"Can you guys stop swearing, there's a 4-year-old right there" I point to Jonah.
The girl looks at him and her face softens as she backs up away from me.
"you're lucky he's here," she said before walking away with her stupid friend.
I turn back and pick up Jonah.
"Guys wasn't she hot?" We all start walking up to school.
"Yeah, she's super hot, like wow," Karlie said and the rest agreed with her.
We get into the school and Jonah and I head to the front desk while everybody else goes to their classes.
"I read that you guys have a pre-k here for teen parents, where would that be? it doesn't show it on the map." She asked to have my map so I give it to her.
"Ok so you go past the cafeteria and you take a left at the end of the hall, up to the stairs to the second floor and pre-k is the fifth door on the right" she hands my map back.
"Here let me just get someone to bring you there so you're not late for class," I said thank you and sat down with Jonah on my lap while he's playing with my necklace.
I look up and see the same girl from the parking lot.
"Ms. Dele this is Kendall Jen, she will bring you to this little guy's class" Jonah hides his head in my neck.
I stand up and grab our bags. I carry him down the hall with this Jen girl next to us.
"I'm only saying this because you kinda had the right to do what you did with my friend. I'm sorry I shoved you and I'm sorry he's an idiot" she said.
"It's ok"
This school is huge, we just got to the cafeteria and we have been walking for ten minutes.
"I didn't see you as the mom-type," she said while looking at Jonah.
"It's complicated but yeah most people don't"
"How old is he?" I fix Jonah's shirt.
"Jonah tell her how old you are" he moves his head out from my neck and looks at her.
"Wow four years old, you ready for the school life?" she asked, shes nosey.
"No, but mama said that school is the start to get money and be a man, when I finish school I will be a man and not a little man" I give him a little hug.
"Your mom is right, school is the start to a good future," she said
"It's mama, not mom my mommy died when I was born," Jonah said.
Kendall looked so confused but we were at Jonah's class.
"Alright bud, have a great day and be good, I love you" I kiss his head and then he kisses mine.
"I love you mama" I give his backpack to him and he walks into his class smiling.
"Thanks for walking us to his class" before she could say anything else I walk away to my class.
I love Jonah with all my heart but he needs to not talk so much about personal stuff.