
Chapter 7

20 years ago

Marvis was an only child, her parents tried to get pregnant after her birth, but it was impossible. Marvis was a very beautiful girl, loved by everyone, she was the apple of her father's eyes. She went to the best kindergarten, traveled all over the world, and had all the best things.

Pamela was a kind woman, soft-spoken, beautiful, and intelligent, Pamela was an artist, she loved painting, and she brought drawing to life.

She always takes her precious daughter to exhibitions around the world. She taught her daughter how to paint and drawing.

Marvis! When you come of age, I want to open a gallery for both of us.

Mother, I will paint lots of pictures for you.

" I love baby, I love mummy," replied Marvis, smiling.

Marvis was tasty in the middle of the night, she went downstairs to get water to drink, and then she heard her parents sobbing and whispering.

"Please darling, don't tell Marvis about my illness, it will break her.

" Pamela, you have to tell her, don't keep her in the dark, she has a right to know.

"Dad! Mum! What's happening? Why are both of you crying? Please tell me, are you alright, are you hurt?

Her mum, broke down over the years crying, she didn't know how to tell her baby that she only had 3 months to live. The cancer has passed the treatment stage, all she has to do now is to keep her affairs in order.

My sweet baby, "you know that I love you so very much, you are my sunshine". Listen, baby mummy is ill.

Please take care of yourself for me alright?

Darling, please take care of Marvis for me." Please promise me!

Marvis was angry with God, and everything, why? I need you here with me. I can't do this alone, Pamela I can't live without you.

Marvis's childhood was overshadowed by tragedy. Her days were filled with sorrow, loss, and the constant reminder that she was going to lose her mother.

Marvis was just a young girl when the devastating diagnosis stole her mother's vibrant spirit. She watched as her mother deteriorated, her strength waning with each passing day. Marvis became her mother's caretaker, a role far too heavy for a child to bear because her father couldn't bear to watch his precious wife die.

Mummy, please don't leave me!! Marvis sobbed…..

Kissing her forehead," Marvis, promise me you will be a good girl, take care of yourself and your daddy," don't give up on painting.

When her mother finally succumbed to the merciless disease, Marvis's heart shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. She was left alone in a world that suddenly felt cold and unfeeling. But little did she know that the cruelty of fate had only just begun.

Her father, consumed by grief and unable to bear the weight of single parenthood, sought solace in the arms of another woman.

3 months after her mother's death. Marvis watched as her father remarried, his new wife stepping into the role of mother with a seemingly genuine smile. But behind closed doors, the truth unraveled.

Marvis's stepmother, Isabella, harbored a deep resentment towards her stepdaughter. She saw Marvis as a reminder of her husband's previous life, a life that held memories of love and happiness she could never replace. Isabella reveled in making Marvis feel unwelcome, deeming her presence a nuisance.

Everything got worse after Isabella gave birth to her, Tracey, and Marvis became a rejected stone. No one cared for her.

Marvis' father couldn't stand to look at her because she reminded him about his dead wife. He sent her to his father's house.

Richard, u can't just leave your daughter here. You can't blame her for her mother's death. She needs you too. "Mum, please help me, I can't stand her.

I can only accommodate for the vacation, I will send her back after the holidays.

Marvis felt rejected, so she found solitude in the paint.

Two days later,.....

Hi am Chris.

Hello am Marvis

Can we be friends?

Yes, we can.

Chris is 6 years old, he came from a wealthy family. His mother owns the house next to Marvi's grandma's house, she is a supermodel, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is very kind and friendly, she treats Marvis like her own daughter…. She always wanted a daughter she could play dress up with.

The summer vacation was fun for Marvis, she was free and happy and she had a new friend too. Chris's mother took them to the mall and bought her new clothes, toys, and shoes, she took them to the zoo, aquarium, and parks, they went hiking and did lots of things to make the Vacation a memorable one. Marvis didn't want the holidays to be over, she didn't want to go back, she knew what awaited her.

Marvis, I will be traveling out of the country tomorrow with my mum, promise me, we will always to friends.

Pinky swear, I promise, you Chris Tonnel will always be my best friend.

After the vacation marvis was sent back to her father's house, but her room has been turned into a nursery for her sister Tracey. She was taken to the basement.

Marvis, this is your new room.

But …. I love my room. Marvis cried

Shut up…. This is my house shouted her father, I say who stays or who leaves.

Marvis wept bitterly. … mother !!!! Where are you? I need you. I don't understand father anymore.

Marvis became the house help, she washed, cooked, and arranged the house. She was not allowed to go out and make friends, she made her little world for herself, she painted and read novels

Her sister, Tracey, was treated as the golden child—the perfect daughter. Beautiful, intelligent, and charming, Tracey was everything Marvis was not. She became the treasure of the house, the apple of their father's eye. Marvis watched as Tracey basked in their father's affection, while she was left to wither in the shadows.

In her isolation, Marvis sought solace in her books, paintings, and daydreams. She dreamt of a life far away from the suffocating confines of her home, a life where she would be loved and accepted for who she was. But the reality of her circumstances was a constant reminder of her worthlessness.

Will Marvis ever find happiness?


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