
Chapter 6

Marvis was very happy, she couldn't believe her luck. Her father had sent the money, just as Jace had demanded. She felt a mix of relief, gratitude, and curiosity. How was it possible that Jace, a man she barely knew, had such power over her father? And why did he even care about her situation?

As the day went on, Marvis couldn't help but wonder about Jace's true intentions. It was clear he had a significant amount of influence and wealth, but what did he expect in return? Did he truly love her, or was there something else at play?

Unable to contain her thoughts any longer, Marvis decided to confront Jace later that day. She found him in the study, engrossed in listening to some audio documents. He perceived her smell as she entered, flashing her a warm smile.

"What's on your mind, my dear?" he asked, setting the documents aside.

Marvis took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Jace, I can't help but wonder why you helped me. I mean, I know you don't love me, but... why go through all this trouble? And why do you have so much power over my father?"

Jace leaned back in his chair, studying Marvis intently. "Marvis, I understand your curiosity and concerns. To be honest, my involvement with your father and my reasons for helping you are complicated."

Marvis frowned, her mind buzzing with questions. "Complicated? What does that mean?"

Jace sighed, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and regret. I know how it feels to be cheated on and treated badly, I made a mistake—a terrible mistake that cost me everything. My wealth, my reputation, and even my sight. I was once a hero, beloved by many. But that all changed when I trusted the wrong person."

Marvis's curiosity deepened. "Who? Who betrayed you?"

Jace hesitated for a moment as if debating whether he should share the truth with her. Finally, he spoke. "Anderson Sullivan, my stepbrother. He was consumed by jealousy and resentment. He orchestrated an accident that left me blind, hoping to take everything I had worked for."

Marvis gasped, her heart aching for Jace's pain. "That's... horrible. How did he get away with it?"

Jace's voice turned bitter. "He had his ways. He manipulated the evidence, framed me for the accident, and managed to convince everyone that I was responsible for my misfortune. My family turned against me, leaving me with nothing."

Marvis's mind spun with this newfound information. "So, what does this have to do with me? Why did you help me?"

Jace's face softened, and he reached out to take her hand. "Marvis, when I first met you, I saw something in you. Something pure and genuine. You reminded me of the person I used to be before everything went wrong. I wanted to protect you,

Marvis felt a mix of emotions—gratitude for Jace's intentions, anger at the injustice he suffered, and a strange connection between them that she couldn't deny. She squeezed his hand, searching his eyes for any sign of deceit.

Jace took a deep breath, I hope that we can build something genuine together. A partnership, perhaps even love."

Marvis was torn. In her heart, she knew she had genuine feelings for Jace, but the circumstances surrounding their marriage felt suffocating. It was a choice between her happiness and a life of uncertainty.

Marvis soon realized that her role in Jace's life was more than just a wife. With his blindness and the deep frustration that plagued him, Jace relied on her for assistance in his daily activities. She became his caretaker, tending to all his needs while desperately hoping for a hint of acceptance from him.

Days turned into weeks, and Marvis found herself entangled in the complexities of her new family. Jace's stepmother, Mrs. Tessy, and her conniving children, Anderson and Charlotte, had their ambitions, willing to go to any lengths to secure their position within the Sullivan empire. They saw Marvis as a threat to their plans, and they were determined to eliminate her.

Marvis noticed the tension within the Sullivan household, with Anderson and Charlotte constantly whispering conspiracies behind closed doors. She became suspicious and started paying closer attention to their actions. One night, while Jace was resting, Marvis decided to investigate further.

Quietly, she walked down the hallway, following the muffled voices that led her to Jace's stepmother's study. Peeking through the slightly ajar door, Marvis witnessed a heated argument between Mrs Tessy, Anderson, and Charlotte. They were discussing a plan to poison Jace, making it look like a tragic accident.

Shocked and terrified for Jace's life, Marvis knew she had to act quickly. With her heart pounding, she retreated from the study and went to find Jace's loyal assistant, Ethan.

Am scared about Mr jacks life,

She shared her discovery with him and together they devised a plan to protect Jace from his own family.

With her instincts kicking in, Marvis started to investigate the Sullivan family's secrets. She discreetly gathered information, uncovering a web of deceit and betrayal solely orchestrated by Anderson and his girlfriend, Charlotte. They were responsible for Jace's accident and subsequent hardships.

Determined to protect herself and Jace, Marvis formulated a plan to expose their wrongdoings. She enlisted the help of a newfound friend, Chris Tonnel, who had a personal vendetta against Anderson. Together, they gathered evidence and prepared to bring the truth to light.

However, unbeknownst to Marvis, there was a traitor within her midst. Anderson had managed to convince one of Jace's longtime employees, Rebecca, to betray them. Rebecca leaked information, causing their plan to unravel.

what will happen as the tables are about to turn, can Marvis come out of these unharmed?

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