
Chapter 2

Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. She couldn't be trapped in here, could she? Jace too had also heard the sharp click. His frown deepened and his face twisted in contempt.

"Is locking yourself in here with me one of your dirty tricks to seduce me?"

Marvis was taken aback.

"Seduce him? Why will she ever think of doing such?" She mused sardonically.

"If that is what you are after, let me tell you now, you have failed. How much did my grandfather give you that made you still marry a handicapped man like me?" Jace probed further. Marvis was still silent. She only knew about the one million dollars her father had given her and nothing about her father and his grandfather.

" Have you gone deaf and dumb as well, you disgusting gold digger," he bellowed.

"I don't know anything about that," Marvis answered calmly.

"Huh? You are not Tracey. It's you, Marvis?" Jace asked, recognizing the voice.

"Yes. It is me", she responded calmly.

Jace was surprised to know that Marvis was the one married to him and not her sister, Tracey.

"Now, I am certain that you are indeed a gold digger in search of a gold mine. You decided to marry me in your sister's stead and also seduce me too? Are you in so much hurry to get into my bed that you had to lock the door? Tell me, how much were you paid to do this?" he said spitefully.

"Can you stop all this nonsense, Master Jace?" Marvis responded in anger. She had been trying to keep her cool and take it easy with Jace. She had a tender heart and she pitied the handicapped man but he was already making her lose patience. Jace was too stunned at her courage to reply.

"I am here to take care of you and I won't have you speak to me that way," she finished.

"I do not need your care," he sneered.

Marvis ignored him completely and looked around the room. It was a small room and she felt it didn't quite befit his status. Or did he confine himself here because he was blind? She didn't quite understand. She looked at the floor and saw broken pieces of glass and food poured around the floor. She quickly picked up the glass pieces to avoid anyone accidentally stepping on them.

Blood dripped from the little cut on his fingers. Marvis saw it and shivered. Grandfather Liam had put her in charge of Jace. He had also handed her the responsibility of taking care of him in general. If he didn't look okay by the following day, she would be in trouble.

" Master Jace, where can I get a first aid kit? You have a cut."

"I thought I had made it clear to you that I don't need your damn care?"

Marvis suppressed the urge to punch him hard in the face.

"You should be nicer to me now, Master Jace. I will be taking care of you from now."

" Are you mocking me?" he asked bitterly.

"Of course not. I am only stating what is true. You should not always misunderstand me. By the way, how do I open the door? I need a servant to clean up this mess on the floor."

Jace pretended not to hear her. Marvis rolled her eyes at him. It was nice he couldn't see her.

She went to the door and after a series of trials and errors, the door eventually opened. She smiled broadly and heaved a sigh of relief. She stepped out and went in search of the senior servant, Esther. She saw her in the kitchen dishing out orders to the other servants.

"Excuse me, madam Esther," Marvis called politely. Esther turned and replied,

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"I need a first aid kit," she said.

" For?" came the reply.

"Master Jace. I need it for him. He has a cut."

"Alright. But the kit is not here right now. You will take it tomorrow," Madam Esther replied.

Marvis was surprised.

"What do you mean? He has a cut and…" Marvis protested.

Madam Esther gave her a dry look and said,

"It's not here at the moment. You will treat him tomorrow. Excuse me." She turned and went back to what she was doing.

"Why the attitude?" Marvis wondered.

It was night and Marvis sat on the sofa in her pyjamas. The weather was cold and the sofa was uncomfortable. The only blanket in the room was with Jace and there was no way he would let her come close to his bed.

A teardrop, followed by another ran down her face and soon, they fell freely and she cried in silence.

Her life had always been a mess. All her life, she had always dreamt and hoped for a happy marriage. But now, marrying and spending the rest of her life with someone who loves her was out of the picture and off the table. She was stuck to this beast for life.

When Tracey refused to continue with the marriage, no one questioned her. As usual, they all respected her opinion. Her father couldn't refuse Liam Sullivan's marriage proposal as he knew the consequences too well. Moreover, that was a rare opportunity, and hence, the mantle fell on Marvis.

That evening, she was in her room painting when a servant came in to announce that her father summoned her. Painting was all she knew how to do. Her mother loved art and instilled that love in her. Her mother always wished for her to be an artist, a renowned one. After her mother's death, no one cared about her and didn't want to hear anything about art from her. It was only one boy who did. Although he bullied her often at that time, he still cared for her.

"Yes, Father," Marvis answered when she got to the sitting room.

"Here", her stepmother, Shirley said, placing a wedding gown in her hands.

Marvis looked on, flabbergasted.

"You are going to get married to Jace Sullivan in two days," Shirley broke the news to her without mincing words.

"But why…" Marvis opened her mouth to question.

" No buts," Shirley said sternly.

"Be gone. Get out of my sight and prepare for your wedding and new home."

Marvis recalled this and her tears flowed all the more. She had always wanted an elaborate wedding with the man of her dreams but she didn't even get to have any wedding at all. Her only consolation was the one million dollars she was going to get from her parents. She would use it to open her art gallery as her late mum always wanted.

Marvis heard a "crank." She felt she was going to break her neck on the little and uncomfortable sofa. She was also freezing. She couldn't get a cold. She wiped her tears and stood up. She walked gingerly to Jace's bed and called out,

"Master Jace, are you asleep?"

"It's none of your business. Don't disturb me," he answered flatly.

"Can...can...I sleep on the bed, please? The sofa is too small and I'm freezing. I promise I won't do anything. Can I please?"

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