
Chapter 1

The bride to be was beaming with smiles. She looked very radient in her wedding dress. Her name is Tracey. She was very happy to be getting married to the biggest and most famous CEO in the country. She was getting married to Jace Sullivan, who was the heir to the Sullivan companies and also every woman's dream.

"Congratulations! Tracey. You look very beautiful," complimented her friend, Emma, who had accompanied her to the designer store to pick a wedding dress. Her wedding was in two days.

" Thanks," Tracey replied, broadening her smile. It was like a dream come true. She had always dreamt of being the wife of a famous, powerful and rich man. Jace had all these qualities and above all, he was very handsome. It didn't matter to her that he doesn't like her. In fact, that was the least of her worries. All she wanted was to lay her hands on wealth, power and social status.

"Grandfather Liam," Jace called out quietly. Liam Sullivan turned and glared at him. His old, yet sharp eyes seemed to bore right into the younger man's soul. Every other person would have shivered but Jace stood his ground.

"What is it?" Grandfather Liam asked when he was done scrutinizing him.

"I don't want to marry her," he said calmly. His grandfather hit his stick hard on the ground and thundered,

"You have no say. I have decreed and it must be obeyed. Get out of my sight. Quick."

Jace was unmoved. "But grandfather, I obeyed you and found a girlfriend when you said I was rumored to be gay. I didn't love her. I did it to please you. Now, you have brought someone else for me to marry. Why grandfather? Tell me, why?" he replied trying his best to keep calm.

Grandfather Liam stood up in anger and hit him with his stick.

"Are you questioning me? How dare you?"

"No, grandfather. I am not. Everything I did, I did it for you. I have always obeyed you. But not anymore. I have my heart for someone else. It's neither Charlotte, nor Tracey. Neither will it be anyone you say is arranged for me. I am not getting married to anyone and that's final. Anderson is your grandson too. He can marry her," he retorted losing his temper.

"Be prepared to loose your inheritance to him too," grandfather Liam said in response. Jace flashed him a death glare, picked his car keys and walked off in anger.

Jace Sullivan was the most beloved grandson of Liam Sullivan. Jace was high and mighty but he never disobeyed his grandfather. His grandfather was one person he obeyed despite all odds.

Jace sat in his car seething in anger.

"Be prepared to loose your inheritance to him too," his grandfather's words kept ringing in his ears. Anderson was his step brother and greatest rival. He would be a bitter and sore loser if he lost his inheritance to Anderson. He was determined to disobey his grandfather this once and not get married but he couldn't loose his inheritance. Lost in thought and worry, he didn't realize the traffic light had shone red. When he realized, he was almost jumping the traffic. He quickly matched his brakes but there was no response.

What? What was going on? He had gone out with that car earlier that day and he was sure it was in good condition. He didn't have time to think or question himself further as he collided head-on with a road block and darkness descended on him.

A few hours later, all news headlines carried the details.


Although Jace survived the accident with no serious injury, he lost his sight.

"Clash," the paint brush fell off her hands as tears poured down her face.

"Why must it be me?" she wailed. Her father and step mother had decreed and declared that she was going to marry Jace Sullivan, the heir to the Sullivan company.

"Even my paint brushes are weeping with me. It should have been Tracey, not me. Mummy, where are you?" Marvis cried all the more. Her mother died a few years after she was born. Her parents were not able to have another child after her and within that period, the family business was in shambles. Poor Marvis was blamed and considered a bad luck in the family. Her father got married again and together, they made life miserable for Marvis.

"I will give you one million dollars and you will be out of this house. Take the money and fufil this. You must marry Jace," her father, Bennet Lewis said, giving no room for a counter opinion.

"But, it should have been Tracey, not me. You all chose Tracey for this great position. Why turn the tables now? Why father?" Marvis protested.

"That is because my dearest daughter, Tracey, deserves better," Bennett answered. His words hit Marvis like an arrow which set to strip her of her ego. If Tracey deserved better, then what about her? Why will she be the one to go now? Now that he had lost his sight and was handicapped?

"One million dollars?" she asked her father.

" Yes. One million dollars."

One million dollars. That sum would go a long way to help her life. She could broaden her art business and fend for herself from there. She would also be fulfilling her mother's dying request.

Marvis stood in front of the Jace family mansion. She was now the wife of Jace Sullivan. The arranged marriage between the two families, the Lewis and the Sullivan has been accomplished.

She took deep breaths to reassure her self. She knocked on the door of Jace's room and opened it. She moved aside just in time to escape being hit by a glass flying in her direction.

"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed in surprise.

"Get out", a voice roared furiously. She looked up and saw a stunningly handsome man seated at the foot of the bed, glaring at her. This was her supposed husband, the man that had been originally been arranged for Tracey when he was in his full glory.

When Jace realized he hadn't heard the door open again, his muscles tightened and he screamed again, this time louder and more furiously,

"I said get out."

Marvis was scared, she quickly made for the door. She touched the handle and turned it left. There was a click and the door was shut. She was trapped inside.

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