


The sliding door to the balcony opens and closes, I don't bother to look at who it is I keep my focus on the view infront of me. I hear someone sit down next to me as i keep looking out to the buildings scattered across the Las Vegas Strip. "Why did you leave?" He asks looking over to me, I keep my eyes infront of me, "Why does it matter, it was a random fuck was it not?" I ask, "Well yes-" He begins but I cut him off, "Exactly, so it does not matter" I hum to myself taking another drag of my cigarette.

"It fucking does" He growls from beside me, I take my focus off the view and sit up turning to face him, "Why? Because you have never had a girl leave after sex? Do you feel used and dirty? Is that what it is?" I chuckle to myself.

He growls again this time standing up abruptly, he leans over my chair and body probably expecting me to shrink under his gaze and 'authority' ha funny. I sit still with my smirk plastered on my face, "It matters because no one acts like that to me, I'm Vincenzo mother fucking Moretti, men bow down to me and hate me they would die to be me, women crawl at my feet begging to breathe the same air I fucking breath, I have bitches lined up outside my door hoping for just a glimpse of me" His voice drips in domination and if I wasn't so amused by his tantrum I'd be all over him like a fat kid on a cake.

I chuckle to myself again after his little outburst, I move my face closer to his our lips inches apart, his eyes keep switching between mine and my lips, a small smirk tugs on the corner of my lip, "Well I'm Karma mother fucking Ferrara, and I don't give a fuck who you are or who you think you are, to me you're just a man, no different from the last one or the next one. Goodbye Vincenzo" I use my index finger and push on his chest to move his body away from me. With that, I give him a sickly sweet smile and make my way back inside

Iggy looks at me and i shake my head as i make my way over to the speaker, i connect my phone to it and scroll through my Spotify to find a song, "I thought we were going swimming" He whines at me, "Oh we are Igloo, i just wanna listen to a song first" I turn to him with a smile, he smiles back and nods his head ignoring the new nickname i just gave him, i find the song I'm looking for and start playing it, Kendrick Lamar begins to play and i try to hide my smirk.

Iggy begins dancing around the kitchen to the beat, i get up and make my way to the kitchen island sitting my ass on the counter as i watch him dance around the room. Vincenzo walks back in as Iggy and I begin to sing the chorus, i look directly into Vincenzo's eyes and serenade him.

"Sit down, be humble, sit down, be humble. Bitch, sit down. be humble", He narrows his eyes at me but i keep singing along, Iggy dances from one side of the kitchen to the other still muttering the words. I try not to laugh at him but its like the poor thing has two left feet. The music stops and i look over to see that Vincenzo had turned the speaker off, "Boo, you whore" I yell at him as i walk over to take my phone out of his hands.

"I'll go get some towels then we can go!" Iggy yells as he runs out of the room leaving Mr. Sex god and i alone, he leans down to my ear his hot breath on my skin sending my body into a frenzy like a pack of piranas attacking a wounded animal. His hands move to my hips dragging me closer to him until we are chest to chest.

 "The only thing i want you to sit on is my face and cock" His accent more prominent than it was before, so fucking sexy why does the universe have to do me dirty like this?! His teeth graze my ear and neck, i hold in a moan i won't let him know he has this much of an effect on me, it will only make his ego bigger, if it gets any bigger and I'm certain he will explode.

"You have no idea how good it felt to pound into your tight little pussy, but i know you craved more, you wanted it harder, and faster. You didn't want to be able to walk out that door hmm?" He continues as he bites and sucks on the skin of my neck leaving more red and purple marks. Get your shit together Karma, you're a bad bitch remember.

As if he can sense my mind battling itself he laughs against my neck before moving his face away from me, my time to shine. I grab ahold of his chin and drag it down towards my face, our noses touching and our lips are millimetres apart, i look into his eyes and bite my lower lip, his eyes swap between my mouth and my eyes trying to predict my next move, i smash my lips against his and he takes no time in asserting his dominance, I'll let him... For now.

He grips my thighs and loops them around his waist before turning us around and placing me on the edge of the table, i bite down on his lower lip and slowly drag it inbetween my teeth as i drag my nails down his chest and stomach, once i let go i lean up to his ear and bite on his earlobe earning a moan from him, "The only thing i want you to sit on is a cactus" I say as i slide off the table and begin to walk off, Iggy comes running back in with the towels.

"Ready?" I ask and he nods his head walking towards me, "Don't forget dinner is at 7" Vincenzo calls out from behind us, i look over to Iggy and he smiles, "Every Sunday we have family dinner. It's tradition, everyone has to be present. Have you never had Sunday dinners?" He asks curiously, the smile on my face falters Iggy and Vincenzo looking at me closely, "No... before today i hadn't seen Stefano in months" My voice comes out soft and more vulnerable than I'd like it too, even when we were in Italy with my mother i don't remember having family dinners, the only family dinners i had were at the asylum, and they weren't exactly pleasant.

"Hey, are you okay?" Iggy's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, i give him a stiff smile and nod my head, he furrows his eyebrows together at me and stares at me for a second. "On second thought why don't we stay up here and jump in the jacuzzi instead, Ace wanna join us?" He asks as we turn around to look at him, "Sure, why not" His voice much more relaxed than usual.

Iggy links arms with me and leads me out onto a separate balcony as Vincenzo goes to get changed, we jump in my body relaxing as soon as the hot water hits my skin. "Do you mind?" I ask holding up my cigarette packet, "Nah i smoke too" He says holding up his packet. We make small talk between each other telling stories about our craziest nights out to embarrassing stories about ourselves, of course, i left out the part about fucking Vincenzo, let's not drop that bomb right now.

I hear the door open and look to see Vincenzo in just swimming shorts, expecting some smart ass remark from him for staring i look away, but he says nothing, he just gets in with a small smile on his face. "So what exactly do you guys cook for family dinner?" I ask both of them trying to break the silence, "Anything really, sometimes it's roast, sometimes it's homemade pizza, but tonight there will be a feast for our new family member" Iggy says as he takes a drag from his cigarette, "Want a top-up?" He asks nodding towards the empty glass next to me, i shake my head "No but thank you, in case i get called into work tonight, can't go shit faced, but I'll have one at dinner".

He nods his head and fills up a glass for himself, "Where do you work?" Vincenzo finally speaks, "Well isn't someone a sticky beak," I say pushing on his nose hoping he will drop it, and he did thank god. For the next hour, we all sat and talked about anything and everything. They were both born in Sicily, Italy, just like Steffy and i, both of them have siblings, Gio being Vincenzo's younger brother and Iggy told me he has a brother but he lives in Italy with their parents.

We talked about childhood memories of growing up there, i don't remember much of what it's like, i was locked away for years before i was shipped off here with my brother, but it was nice to hear both of them talking about it, it almost made me feel like i could remember how it felt and smelt to run through the fields of wildflowers there as a young girl.

Gio pops his head outside and pouts, "Where was my invitation?" I laugh at him and match his pout, "Maybe next time handsome" His pout turns into a smirk before he speaks again, "Dinner will be ready in half an hour, Stefano is 20 minutes away, "Guess we should get out hmm?" I get up and get out of the jacuzzi, i begin to dry myself but stop when i notice that Gio was planted still in the doorway and Vincenzo and Iggy had not moved an inch looking at me, "Take a picture lasts longer" i wink at them and wrap a towel around me before walking past Gio.

I walk into the kitchen and it smells fucking amazing, "I'm just going to get change and then I'll come and help" I say to Lukas as he stirs something in a pot, "Nu-uh little missy, you're the guest of honour tonight, no helping" He says pushing out of the kitchen, i huff and make my way to my room. I have a quick shower to rinse the chemicals off of me before digging through the boxes to find clothes, i really should have unpacked all this shit.

While digging through the boxes i find my favourite hunting knife, i kiss the blade and put it under my pillow, weird i know but don't ask, i feel safer with it there. Eventually, i find a knitted grey sweater and a black of ripped jeans, i don't bother putting a bra on, you can't see my nipples through the thick fabric, but i do put underwear on, classy bitch i am. I just hate how underwear feels, it's almost constricting kinda makes me feel claustrophobic in a way. 

I put some socks on and quickly brush my hair before making my way back to the kitchen when i walk in all of the boys are buzzing around like headless chickens, Stefano comes out of nowhere and wraps his arms around me crushing me with another one of his brother bear hugs, i don't know why hes been so affectionate today, it's spinning me out, maybe he feels guilty.

He leads me over to a large circular table and sits me down in a seat before he makes his way back to the kitchen, i watch all of them closely, whatever it is they do they defiantly have a pecking order. Vincenzo being the boss obviously hes even bossy in the kitchen, next is either Steffy or Iggy maybe both, and then Gio and Lukas seem to be tied.

They begin to bring over the bowls and plates of food and I'm in freaking love. Different kinds of pasta and bread, chicken cacciatore, chicken parmigiana, and different soups/stews, "Oh my god" I mutter as i look over the food infront of me. We say a prayer between us before digging in, during dinner Stefano and I started telling stories about each other, like the time i caught him playing with my barbie dolls or the time he caught me melting his action figures in the microwave at our grandparent's house.

After we were done i offered to help clean up but was told to 'Sit my pretty ass down' by Gio, his words exactly. I got up to get a glass of wine when footsteps echoed from the front foyer, Vincenzo looked at his watch and smirked, soon enough i had Vincenzo on my right and Steffy on my left the others were standing next to them.

The face that walked through the kitchen door was a face i thought I'd never have to see again, i was certain he would have offed himself before i ever had to look at im again, boy i was fucking wrong. My mind snapped and i change in a second, Steffy likes to call it my alter ego but i call it Borderline Personality Disorder. 

My mother thought the devil was in me as a child, she didn't understand it, to be fair back then not many people did, so she did what any good mother would do and shipped me off to St. Marys Mental and Psychiatric Asylum at the tender age of 4, it doesn't take much to set it off, but when it does god help anyone in my warpath.

His stupid muddy brown eyes meet mine and he has the balls to smirk at me, that's it. I had noticed that Vincenzo had a gun tucked into the back of his pants before dinner i just hope it's still there, within seconds i had shoved my hand into his waistband, pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger hitting his arm if i wanted to kill him right then and there i would have, but i want to do it with my hands i wanted to feel his life drain away by my hands. 

Just like he did to me.

Large arms wrap around my body as the room is sent into a panic, Kyle drops to the floor clutching his arm as the guards burst in the door guns drawn and aimed, Steffy's face looks pale and everyone else is in shock while Vincenzo tightens his grip around me, i begin thrashing and kicking trying to get out of his grip to get my hands on the piece of shit infront of me, "LET ME GO" I scream my eyes only looking at Kyle, seeing him bled and in pain makes me smile and laugh while still trying to fight Vincenzo off, "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM LET ME GO YOU SON OF A BITCH".

He takes the gun from my hands and drags me off down the hallway, "Lukas stitch him up, the bastards bleeding all over my floor!" he yells out over his shoulder "NO LET THE FUCKER BLEED OUT AND DIE" I scream again, i continue to try and get loose of his grip still screaming at him to let me go. Once we get to the bedrooms hallway he lets me go as Steffy runs after us, i walk over to my door and open it before slamming it shut and locking it on the inside, it's safer for them this way.

I put my phone on the dock impatiently tapping my foot as i find the right playlist to get me through, i have different playlist for different personalities so the doctors like to call it, once i find it i put it on shuffle and turn the volume all the way up as Bring Me The Horizon beings blaring through my speakers, i turn around and let out a loud scream before throwing all of my shit across my room in a fit of rage.

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