


The sound of someone banging on my bedroom door wakes me up from my comatose state, i move my arm over the bed to feel nobody next to me, the banging continues until i answer "Fucking what?" I growl as I rub my head to try and ease the pain of my hangover, the door flys open and Iggy walks in with a smirk on his face I roll over to look at him and notice that Karma's clothes and shoes were gone. "What the fuck" I mumble to myself as I sit up resting my back against the headboard, "What's got your panties in a knot?" He asks as he sits down in one of the chairs in the corner of my room.

"Fucking spit it out" I groan as I reach down to the floor to grab a pair of  sweat pants to put on, "Remember how Stefano said his sister might be coming to live with us?", I think back to a month ago where Stefano said he was worried about his sister, in and out of jail, secretive, told us she has problems but never went any further than that, I nod my head as I stand up and stretch my body, as small note on my bedside table catches my eye, I'll wait till Iggy removes his ass from my room to look at it.

"Well apparently this morning was the final straw for him, so she's coming today, her stuffs being moved in as we speak. Also, Kyle Cunningham has called and asked for an appointment with you this afternoon" He says while tapping his foot on the floor, "Alright, what the fuck does that maggot want?" I ask as I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

"Damn you get in a fight with a lion or something? No idea, maybe he's going to pay you back what he owes you" I laugh out loud and turn around to face Iggy, "A lionessa (lioness) actually. You really expect that weasel to have the money or drugs he owes me?" He smirks at me as I look over my shoulder to the long red scratch marks cascading down my back "No but it will be amusing to watch him beg for his life" Iggy replies with a smile and a shrug.

I laugh and shake my head, "What time is his sister getting here?" I say as I turn back to face my mirror, "He just got the call from LA PD, so I'm guessing an hour or two" I nod my head and he gets up and leaves the room, I get undressed and jump in the shower, my mind replaying last night and trying to fill in the missing blanks, when did she leave? Why the fuck did she leave? I've never asked anyone to stay but I was hoping I'd at least get to tap it again before she left. If anyone had of seen her leave they would have told Iggy and he would have drilled me for all the details.

I finish washing my body and hair before jumping out, I wrap a towel around my waist and use another one to dry my hair, I stand in the mirror and slick my hair back with gel before putting deodorant and my cologne on. I walk back into my room and go over to the bedside table to look at the note, a simple word is written on the piece of paper that seems to piss me off even more 'Thanks', fucking thanks?

I throw the note back on my bedside table and go to my walk-in closet digging through the racks of clothing, I grab whatever looks comfiest and throw it on before going to check my phone. I unlock it and the first thing that pops up is a photo of her and I from last night at a club, I look at the time stamp and it's 12:45 am, I hum to myself as a string of text messages come through my phone. I take it off the charger and put on a pair of shoes before making my way into the kitchen, "Good morning sunshine" Gio says as he makes something to eat, I grunt in response, the smell of his food making my stomach churn.

"Heard we are getting a new roommate?" He asks as he plates up his scrambled eggs, "Yep" I reply staring at the coffee machine like it's going to make it work faster, "Someone's grumpy" Lukas teases as he walks into the kitchen, the coffee machine dings and I grab the travel mug taking a sip of it I groan when it hits my tongue, "I have shit to do at the warehouse, I'll be back later" I say as I put my phone in my pocket and grab my car keys off of the table, a mixture of goodbyes call out from behind me as I walk out the door.

The drive to the warehouse consists of me chain-smoking and sipping on my coffee, I still can't get her out of my fucking head, I don't know what it is about her but it's driving me fucking crazy. Was it her confidence? Her body? Well fuck, of course it was her body but it was something else that I couldn't put my finger on, she was easily one of the best fucks I've ever head, every other bitch complains about it being too rough, but not her, the look in her eye was almost as if she wanted to push it further, and by god, I would have if she fucking slept in my bed like I told her to.

Anyone else would have jumped at the chance to stay in my bed overnight, so why not her? Maybe she doesn't know who I am? Pfft everyone knows who the fuck i am.

I pull up out the front of the warehouse and head inside, hopefully, this will get her out of my head, I lock my car and make my way in, everyone I pass lowers their head as soon as I enter the room, I never asked them too but im not going to stop them from doing it. They all respect me, no one dare's to challenge me because they all know it's a fight they won't win, except fucking Karma, my knuckles whiten when she pops into my head again.

I get up to my office that overlooks most of the warehouse and get stuck into paperwork and deals, I pull out Kyle's file and scan over it. Kyle Cunningham, 25 years of age, addicted to meth, heroin and cocaine, no spouses or family, multiple hospital records for overdoses, no known address either, well that makes it easier to dispose of him without any questions. "Yeah like he's going to be coming over to pay anything back" I scoff to myself.

Someone knocks on my door and I call out for them to enter not bothering to look up from the paperwork infront of me, "The shipment from Russia just arrived, Capo" I nod my head and stand up to follow him downstairs to the newest shipment of guns.

I stand back and lean against a table and light a cigarette as my workers swarm around the large truck opening the back doors, I look over the wooden crates that have straw sitting on top in an attempt to hide the guns, but with the LA PD in our back pocket, we don't have to worry too much about hiding anything really, thank you Stefano.

"5000 AK-47's, 2000 Nagant M1895 Revolvers, 4500 Makarov Pistols, 6000 PP-91 KEDR Submachine guns, 3000 Verp-12 Semi-automatic shotguns and 8000 Mosin-Nagant Sniper Rifle's, all accounted for," He says from next to me as I look over my cargo, I nod my head and smile. "Get these distributed and log it once they're shipped, don't send anything to people that haven't paid, no payment no guns. Anyone behind in payments i want names and addresses sent to me and how much they owe me" He nods his head and makes his way over to the truck.

I look down at my phone and notice it's been a few hours since I left, Stefano had sent me a message to let me know his sister was at the penthouse but he had to leave to deal with some legal issues on our end, I replied to him before making my way back to my office i send a text to the leader of the Russian Mafia letting him know the shipment arrived with no issues. I pack up all my paperwork and lock it in the safe before grabbing my phone and keys, I lock the door behind me and head out to the car to go home, I just hope his sister isn't batshit crazy.

I pull into the garage and park my car, I notice 2 other cars that I've never seen before, must be his sisters. One of the guards at the elevator gives me a knowing look, I raise an eyebrow at him and he just smiles back, i get in and wait for the doors to close, "What the fuck was that about?" I ask myself out loud. I tap my key pass and enter the code before pressing the top floor, the elevator dings and I walk out to the front doors of the penthouse, both guards giving me a slight nod as I make my way past them.

Once inside I can hear people talking and giggling, I walk towards the noise and stop in the kitchen when I see her, oh how the tables have turned I thought to myself, there she is in my kitchen dancing around in a bikini with Iggy, her skin scattered with the hickeys and marks I left there last night, I hum to myself in approval before making my presence known, I clear my throat and watch her jump in the air before clinging onto Iggy's back.

I don't know what came over me but seeing her practically naked and clinging to my best friend pissed me off more than it should have, a lot more than it should have. Her eyes meet mine and her face turns into shock, the corner of my lip slightly tugs into a smirk before returning to it's neutral expression. She slowly climbs off of Iggy's back and a weird sense of relief comes over me, fucking hell get ahold of yourself it was a one night stand i mentally scold myself.

 "Ace this is Karma, Stefano's sister! Remember he said she was coming to live?" Iggy says as he looks at me to not say or do anything that might give her the hint that her big brother is apart of the Italian mafia, apparently shes too naive to know about it but after last night I think she could handle the truth, that girl is not naive or innocent, she's a lionessa and a woman asserting her dominance towards me has never made my dick harder than it was last night... And this morning.

I wonder how long it will take until she realises that there's more going on here than her brother let's on, for now, I'll respect his wishes by keeping it from her, but if she asks I'll tell her the truth, two things I can't fucking stand in this pathetic world are cheaters and liars.

 "Nice to meet you," She says holding out her hand to shake hands with me, oh we are going to play this game la mia leonessa? (my lioness) Well, game on. I smirk again before I take her hand in mine and bring it to my lips planting a soft kiss on her knuckles, "Lovely to meet you, Karma" her face burns red as she takes her hand back from me, oh this is going to be fun I think to myself, I take my time to look over her body properly since it was a dark last night and I didn't get the chance, the marks on her skin bringing back memories of her under me getting pounded by my cock, her moans, how fucking good she tasted, I lick my lips and return my gaze to hers.

"Stefanos going to kill you if he finds out you touched her," Iggy says while laughing, amusement apparent on my face as I thought to myself, oh if only you knew brother if only you knew, "Not as much as he's going to kill you if he finds out about this little kitchen party," I say looking at the bottles of wine back to Karma.

"Calm down boys, Iggy and I were just having a party before the pool, Steffy can deal with me if he has a problem," She says while shrugging her shoulders, "Yeah calm down Vincenzo," Iggy says from the safety of the other side of the kitchen bench, she turns her focus to me and raises an eyebrow, don't worry we all have secrets leonessa. "I need a smoke, we can do swimming after that," She says while turning on her heels to walk away but not before she smacks Iggy's ass causing him to wince in pain.

She grabs one of the bottles on the kitchen islands and walks away to the balcony swaying her hips, I take my time watching her until I hear the door close before Iggy turns to me and gives me a suspicious look, "What?" I ask nonchalantly, "What's the deal?" He asks raising a brow at me. I smile at him and shake my head, "Absolutely nothing" I reply as I make my way towards the balcony door, "Uhuh" He yells out from behind me.

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