
6. Can't Escape

Mia's Pov

I was fucking exhausted here. I have wracked my brain over and over to get out of this place but there is absolutely no fucking loophole. They have excellent security here. There is no way I can make it out of this place until someone comes and lets me out. My thoughts wander back to Dad. Was he worried about me? Was he planning on doing something to get me out of here? What about Sylvia? Did she know I was missing? She should by now, I'm guessing. They are my family. They must be doing at least something to get me, right?

I heard the doors to the dungeon crack open again, informing me I had a visitor. I waited for exactly three seconds before looking up to see Christian once again. And boy did he smell amazing. Fuck, why do I feel this way towards him? It's like there is an invisible force that is drawing me towards him, pushing me into noticing him, feeling attracted towards him. There was no denial of the fact that he was a handsome creature made with utter elegance, hotness, handsomeness with exactly the right amount of darkness to elevate his personality to another level. But I had to stop imagining him in that way. I understand he is my mate, but that doesn't mean anything to me. I am not a werewolf and my loyalty lies to my father. Joining the side of these murderers is just not an option.

He slowly unlocked the gate before entering and suddenly the cell felt too small with his gigantic figure in here. I gulped, looking at his muscles bulged under the half-sleeved polo shirt he was wearing and my mouth was threatening to go dry at the sight. My poor heart started beating at a speed where I thought it would burst out of my ribcage.

Get a grip, Mia! I scolded myself. But damn, it was getting so hard to control my nerves, high on alert because of the proximity we were currently in.

"We have to talk," came his strained voice.

"Then talk," I said boldly with a poker face, making sure to mask my emotions.

"Not like this. I'm here to take you out of here."

"So your King finally decided to pass the orders to kill me?" I saw his jaw clench, and fist ball up in anger as his eyes swirled with a fiery wave of anger at my question.

"Let's move," was all he said before expecting me to follow behind him. And that's exactly what I did. Couldn't miss the chance of running away when they are literally presenting me with the opportunity to escape on a gold platter.

He led me through some corridors of their main pack house and I observed some of his people giving me looks. We climbed up a staircase until he opened a door connected to a room in a more secluded area on the floor. He held the door, waiting for me to enter after following behind. Huh, what a gentleman, I scoffed in my mind.

I was instantly met with an aura of rugged masculinity, embracing the shadows that danced gracefully along the walls. The walls were cloaked in a deep, velvety charcoal, absorbing the scant light that dared to trespass through the heavy curtains, giving the space an enigmatic ambiance. A rich, mahogany bedstead stood proudly in the center, its sturdy frame commanding attention.

The bed, dressed in layers of midnight black and charcoal gray, boasted pillows plumped to perfection and sheets as smooth as moonlit silk. A weathered leather armchair with brass rivets stood in one corner. Nearby, a rustic wooden table showcased an assortment of aged whiskey bottles and crystal-clear tumblers, catching glimmers of light like hidden treasures.

Against one wall, a tall, imposing bookshelf stretched from floor to ceiling, laden with leather-bound tomes and antique artifacts, telling stories of adventures long past. On the opposite side, a grand fireplace, carved from blackened marble, stood proudly, its flames flickering with an intensity that mirrored the room's mysterious allure.

I raised an eyebrow in question as to where we were here and why.

"This is my room. You'll be staying here for a while." He answered my question.

"So you give this special treatment to all your prisoners?"

"No, only my mate deserves all the special treatment from me, prisoner or not," I swear his words made my heart skip a beat, but I immediately pushed the feeling away.

"What am I doing here, Christian?" I heard a low growl of appreciation erupt in the back of his throat as he took threatening steps towards me.

"Say that again," he commanded, but I chose to remain quiet, not giving him the satisfaction. He momentarily closed his eyes before gaining back control and I saw the specs of gold that had glittered them, all of a sudden vanish. "I told you, we need to talk," he broke the silence.

"I am listening," he looked confused, as if almost contemplating what to say or where to start.

"You are the mate of the Royal Beta, so you can't be kept in the dungeons. It's disrespectful to you and my status. That's why you'll be residing here." What a fool, I thought. Who the fuck keeps their enemy, who could possibly be a potential threat in their own room? "Enemy or not," he responded, as if reading my mind, "this is where you belong."

"I am not a werewolf, I'm sure you already know that. Hence, this bond means nothing to me. Your Moon Goddess has made a mistake. Clearly." He growled in a menacing low tone before taking excruciatingly slow predatory steps towards me. With every step he took forward, I took one backward until I felt my back paste against a wall. That was all the invitation he needed to invade my personal space, and plaster himself against me, placing his hands on either side of my head, holding me captive between him and the wall. His breath fanned my face, making me feel hot.

"The Moon Goddess does not make mistakes. And don't think I can't see beneath your facade of not feeling the pull and how much I affect. Werewolf or not, it won't take much time for me to make this bond mean everything to you." His lips grazed the shell of my ear making my core throb, "So much that you will worship it." I felt a shiver run down my spine, and saw a smirk of satisfaction bloom on his lips. Fuck! This was exactly not what I wanted! Him satisfied!

"You wish!" I sassed.

"Remember one thing, fire, something that I absolutely love is a good chase and a challenge."

"Well then, be prepared, because this chase and challenge is going to break you into pieces, leave you absolutely shattered."

"We'll see about that when the time comes."

With all the pent up rage for feeling even the slightest bit attracted towards him, I pushed him away by his shoulders. Thanks to his rock figure, he only budged an inch, my push doing nothing to create the space that I wanted between us. But taking the signal, he gave me a last smirk before moving back to create the space I was dying for. I wasn't capable of breathing properly in this close proximity to him.

"There is a change of clothes in the bathroom, freshen up and I'll get one of the maids to bring something to eat for you." Great, go away so I can run. "And before you think of escaping, remember we are on the third floor. Knowing you are not a werewolf, there is no way you will land down on the ground without a few or all broken bones. So do as I told you to, fire. It's for your own good," he smirked before leaving and locking the door from outside. Fuck his smirk!

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