
Knockout - 3

I found two nurses walking into the room, interrupting the tensity which had found its way into this space, and come the next minute, I was already being conveyed into an outlying room.

For just as they termed it, I was being placed under extensive care.

They rolled me out of the room in a stretcher, but right before I went past that door, I couldn't help but summon that green gaze my way, and upon contact, I swallowed hard.

Olivia Sanders, some wreck you are.

Spluttering your juices in the face of some stranger wasn't one thing every girl thought to encounter even once in her measly life, all because she had her legs spread wide before some fellow, lacked the caution to keep herself together after having gone years without having the feel of whatever summed up pleasure, and mostly the magic of hands the Mister bore.

Dammit, Olivia!. Perhaps, the accident should have claimed you.

I was led down the hall, taken out of the E.R, and just as the nurses mentioned, Dr. Valentino had requested that some lady nurses attended to me.

I didn't want to think about whatever the reason was, I only laid back in that bed, wondering why the day didn't seem to fancy me so much while the lot of these nurses began tending to me.

We were only half an hour in, when a shriek had me jolting up the bed, gaze coming to behold the figure which had now sauntered into the room.

Loren Shipman.

Her eyes held onto every sadness I never had found in my friend before, and with her steps cautious, she examined my figure while I remained laid back on this end.

"Liv" She gasped. And at once, I found her hurrying to me, arms stretched out.

She had taken my frail form in her hold, the sound of her cries soft in my ears, while I juddered in her embrace.

"Oh, Liv" She sighed, pulling back to take in my state.

"When they called, I was with Philip..." She poured. "it was some wreck of a news, I didn't know where to turn"

"You're here now, Loren... that's all that matters" I uttered, stroking her face, but that wasn't enough in stopping those tears which came running down her cheeks.

"I'm fine, Loren"

"No you're not" She snapped immediately, reaching to examine my body.

"You just got into an accident with that good for nothing sucker, and heaven knows what would have happened if the situation was any worse than this" She called in a rush, voice wavering.

"I warned you about him, Liv. I warned you!"

I only gave a nod at those words, having to watch my friend vent. I just had gotten accustomed to that tone of hers, and being in such situation only now warranted it be used on me.

"All he wants is to leave you broken. He's never cared for you, Olivia. Never"

"That God-forsaken swine wants nothing more than to end you. Lord!"

I stared at Loren, wondering wherever such spite spawned from cause I remember vividly that day we stumbled upon Gary at the airport, and all she said was "He's the one for you"

"I've always despised the fellow!"

Alright, Loren.

She kept silent after a few minutes, taking my hands in hers while the tears clouded her gaze.

"I don't know what I would have done if anything ill had befallen you" Her voice croaked, those mascara smeared lashes of hers, batting recurring-ly.

Despite her state, I couldn't help but notice how smashing Loren looked.

Just like every other day I came across my friend, she appeared like she had just come out of some event.

That blonde hair of hers looked freshly curled, bold red lips, so plump, thanks to whatever beauty secret she was now following on the internet, and not to forget that tanned skin of hers she never went a week without tending to.

Even I, still questioned myself how I ended up becoming friends with a girl like Loren Shipman.

"I'm just glad you're okay, Liv" She uttered, pulling me once more into her embrace. "Now, when do you get to leave this place?" I noticed her face scrunch while she eyed the room.

"We need to get you some care that would bring the life back to you"

"You know, Madame Jean's spa just opened, and they're having a sale...

"God, Loren!" I called at once, staring at the girl before me. "I almost died out there!" I stated, like she hadn't just received a call about the misfortune an hour ago.

"Yeah, but you didn't die!" I was sure to hear the words of Loren follow.


Loren presented the cup of coffee into my arms, and with hands reaching for a pillow to help secure my body with, she shifted into her motherly character.

Speaking of mothers, why was I yet to have mother barging in here, creating some ruction in these halls?

"How's mother?" I enquired.

Loren took a pause staring into my eyes, and as if reading my mind, she began;

"You don't want me to tell her do you?"

I gave a nod, sighing.

"She mustn't catch word of this" I dropped.

"She needs to know, Liv"

"No, she doesn't" I dropped at once.

"Imagine what it would do to her and would break them"

"Is that the reason, or is it you being scared to admit that she was in fact right about just how much of a ponce your boyfriend is"

"Ex" I corrected for the umpteenth time now. "And he's in a coma, Loren. Show some respect"

"The balls of you, Liv" I watched the eyes of my friend grow in size, gaze stern.

"The balls of you having to defend that prat who has done nothing but leave you battered.

Maybe, she was right.

A prick, he was. And I believe it was high time, I let go of all I shared with Gary.

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