
Farewell - 4

"Olivia Sanders, 26 years of age, 5'6, 133 lbs..."

The lady's eyes did a one-over of me, hoping I grasped each word that left her lips.

I managed to strain a smile, urging her to go on, and at each growing second, she would pat her platinum blonde hair, tilting her head to the left, then scribble something onto the paper in her hands.

Loren was already growing impatient standing beside me, wanting so bad to make her exit from the hospital grounds. According to her, I had a home filled with people awaiting my arrival.

I had no idea whatever Loren had set up, but I prayed for my sanity it wasn't one which would have me even battered than I already was.

"How long would it take to have her checked out?" Loren was sure to voice her impatience, soon earning her a 'look' from the lady serving at the front desk, who was clearly pissed at the smashing lady who had walked in here, commanding the attention of everyone, merely by her presence.

Only a girl like Loren could do that.

"You'd be returning every Thursdays during the week for a complete checkup, to know how far you're going with the treatment..." The woman paused, flipping onto another page, and skimming the writings, she managed to bring her gaze on me.

"You'll most certainly be attended to by the Doctor, Miss Sanders..." She flashed a grin.

"So you need not worry, you'll be fine in no time"

I was barely concerned with however long it would take me recovering, what really was on my mind, was the name I found scribbled stop that file.

"Doctor Valentino" I read the name yet again, placed in the tab of my assigned Doctor, and that was when I found myself scooting closer to Nurse Roseling.

Perhaps the lady had taken notice of the look of apprehension held in my gaze, for in a second, I watched her brows pull into a furrow.

I paused, wondering what to do of such focus which had now been placed solely on me.

On one side, Loren stood, watching as I was at war with the words held on my lips, and on the other end, Nurse Roseling stayed, keeping a keen eye on me.

"Ma'am.." I began.

"Can I request a change of Doctor?"

I watched the lady's face scrunch at once, a frown now taking her face.

"And why might that be?" She questioned.

I hesitated, having a glance at Loren.

"I think it be best" I uttered.

"Dr. Valentino is known to be one of the best here, I believe it would be just perfect having him tend to you, Miss Sanders" Nurse Roseling who I was pretty sure was already worked up at this point uttered firmly, daring me to go against her yet again.

But as I will go on saying, it was no mistake Loren had been sent to me, for in every situation I knew not how to handle, she was certain to step up.

"Excuse you..." She jumped in at once.

"If your patient requests a change of Doctor, then you should see to that at once" She spoke.

"And perhaps you lot should check yourselves as to why your patients are requesting for transfers, rather than choosing to exchange words with them...We'll be here, Thursday. Good day!"

And that was how my friend had grabbed me by the hands, dragging me out of the halls, while those intrusive gazes were sure to linger on our departing figures.


An acrid smell hit my nose.

The sound of murmurs already reaching my ears as I found my way into the house.

Everything still remained the way I left it that night—The 'Jane Austen' novel laid on the coffee table, my favorite mug positioned next to it, and if one looked closely, you would find bread crumbs littered all around the rug.

The entire area was all too familiar.

Of course, I had grown just too comfortable here. For the past two years, I made this place home, and now, here I was, wondering if I would ever see these walls again.

Upon entry, I froze at the sight before me. If I wasn't mistaken, then I must say it was the entire neighborhood crammed up in the modest Californian apartment I shared with Gary.

Some of those faces I recognized, the rest, people whom I never had come across.

One thing they all shared in common, was such look of empathy held in their gazes.

Their eyes beckoned onto me, urging me to come forward, and with the silence soon hitting as I brought myself properly into the living room, Loren had stepped forward beside me, taking my hands in hers.


My eyes found rest on the figure walking towards me.

Greta Patterson.

Those beady eyes of hers still remained gleaming as every other time you would find the lady, and with her grey hair completely disheveled compared to the last time I found her in front of her apartment, I was only left beholding her different state.

Something about her didn't settle right with me.

Perhaps, it were the bruises on her neck, or the heavy cake of makeup she had plastered onto her face, either way, the lady a couple feet away, made a huge difference to the one I had come to know over the past years.

She had come forward already, at once grabbing me into her arms.

"God!" She sighed. "We feared something might have happened to you"

"When the news reached us, all we thought of was coming over to pay a visit, but the hospital wasn't so kind in receiving a number of people filing into their building all to see one of their patients"

"Oh, it's fine, Greta" I assured, pushing a smile up my lips.

"We're glad you're back home" She dropped.

I was just about opening my lips to speak, when a voice blurting from beside me had at once shut my words back into my mouth.

"Home?!" That voice interposed. "I don't think a place which has fed you with nothing but pain should be referred to as such" Loren declared.

"If you must know" She now had her arms folded across her chest, gaze stern on the number of people before us. "Olivia is here to pack her things... I think it's fair she part with such distress"


This time it was Peter who was first to say something.

He had now come over to me, gaze shifting from my profile onto the galled face belonging to Loren.

"Why?" Enquired Peter, eyes accessing mine.

"Because some Ponce wouldn't—Loren began, but I was just in time to interject, before she went spewing all the itch with remained compressed in her chest, waiting for the right moment to be let out.

"It's fine, Loren" I uttered.

I examined the lot of those faces, watching as every one had their focus solely on me, and soon advancing closer to where they stood, I began;

"I need a change of environment"

They exchanged glances, the look of confusion all too familiar on their profiles.

"It's dire I leave" I dropped.

"In as much as all you've given me has been nothing short of kindness and care, I have to go"

I saw those tears which were now clouding the eyes of Greta, and with her figure already approaching mine, she pulled me into her embrace.

"Oh, Liv" She poured in a breath.

"We're sorry for paying a blind eye to all that had been going on" She let out. "We should have done something" I heard her voice.

Of course. But you see, who concerned their self with others when you're in a neighborhood like this filled with people who wouldn't even spare a listen to the rings of their doorbell.

People who would pack up the letters in their mailbox, squeeze them up, and toss them right into the trash.

Certainly, no one could spare a minute care.

And I had grown up realize that overtime.

"Not at all, Greta" I interjected. "It was my business and mine alone... It's only fair I bear the pain myself"

Greta's hold on me tightened, her hands stroking me lightly. "We'll miss you, Liv...I tell you, we will"

I gave the lady a weak smile, caressing her face. And soon pulling away from her, I turned around to examine the rest of those faces.

Those figures still remained accessing me, watching as Loren helped me up the stairs, leading me to pack my things.

I had a glance back at those faces. Some of them gazed at me like they had just received word that I was dying, believe me, the air of melancholy wasn't far from here.

An hectic one, it had been. It was time to roll up everything I had shared with Cole.

It was time to leave.

I fear I might have been battered enough, and it was only right to part. My only regret was the friends I had made along the way, who I wouldn't be seeing in a long time.

There would be no more pies from Joy McConaughey while she brought them to my doorstep, or Ol' Tim coming over to ask that I had drinks with him.

It was some farewell, one which was only to break me.

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