


It's been what everyone has been telling Cobie all night. Some even walked up to Colson and asked him if he was excited. And he is, he truly is but there's a limit to everything and if one more person walks up to him and ask him if he was excited for Cobie and Erik, he'd choke them.

Cobie and Erik has kept the news to themselves for a day before they informed the Elders who in turn threw the huge party happening in the backyard of the pack house. It felt like everyone was here.

Colson had on a black shirt unbuttoned halfway, black pants and boots. There's a bottle of beer in his hands, the same one he's been holding since the party started hours ago. He takes a gulp, his eyes dancing around the crowd. His eyes fell on Michel who was surrounded by guys and girls who look like they're giggling to his every word. The Beta looked good all dressed up in tight jeans and sweater. Curly hair blowing in the wind and a bright smile.

For the first time in forever, Colson doesn't think, why can't I have him?, to himself. Instead he just stared, his mind scarily calm. He almost takes a step back when Michel suddenly looked at him.

Colson looked away quickly and took a gulp of his beer. Ugh. It was warm now. He made his way through the crowd and made his way into the house where people were milling about. The kitchen, thankfully, was empty. He pulled open the over head cupboard and tried to grab one bottle of vodka. But his hand couldn't reach, his fingers grazing the bottom. Colson lets out a huff and tried to reach for it again.

He spun around when he feels someone behind him. He stared at Aetos who reached for the bottle of vodka with ease. This close, Colson could see more of Aetos and could even smell him.

The vampire had on a black round neck long sleeve button up tucked into black slacks, his hair slicked back, his skin pale and shiny.

"Here you go." Aetos said as he drops his hand, his fingers still wrapped around the bottle of vodka. The vampire made no move to go backwards, to create a little space between himself and Colson.

Colson doesn't drop his gaze from Aetos' grey eyes. There was a burning feeling underneath his finger tips, like he should reach out and touch Aetos. Fuck.

Aetos also looked like he was battling something mentally. His eyes never straying from Colson's.

"Uh... guys?"

Colson snapped out of it and turned to the person who interrupted them. Gabriel stood there in a midnight blue a line gown that stops mid thigh, black lace up boots and his hair styled into a fringe. Colson had the urge to give Gabriel a hard slap but why? He didn't know. It couldn't be because he interrupted him and Aetos could it?

What the hell is going on with his feelings?

"Have any of you seen Se Ju?" Gabriel asked.

"He's in his room." Aetos replied, his voice deep and it sent shivers down Colson's body. Gabriel turns around at that and leaves Colson and Aetos to themselves. Colson grabs the bottle from Aetos and made his way to the counter. He hopped up on it and opened the bottle.

"Why are you here?"

"A drink." Aetos answered, watching Colson as he took a sip of his vodka, pineapple flavored Ciroc.

Colson takes two gulps of his Ciroc as he stared at Aetos. The vampire wasn't fidgeting but Colson could still tell he was lying.

"Here." Colson said, his hand outstretched as he hands Aetos the bottle. He knew Aetos couldn't get drunk on plain alcohol alone, so he looked around the kitchen. He leaned over to grab a knife from the rack and before Aetos could stop him, he cut a thin line down from the tip of his finger and pressed it until a few drops of blood fell into the bottle.


"Now we can both get drunk." Colson shook the bottle of vodka at Aetos. It took several minutes for Aetos to come closer but he does. He grabbed the bottle and took a swig.

"Why are you getting drunk?"

"Because I want to, day walker." Colson takes the bottle from Aetos and takes another swig.

"You've got to stop calling me that."

"But that's what you are." Colson giggled. "You're a vampire that walks under the sun. Day walker."


"I am so fucking happy for Cobie. My brother is living the life he deserves. Happy and so full of love. If our mother was here, she'd be over the moon." Colson said. "I remember when we were seven. I had asked my mum why my eyes couldn't change colors like Cobie's."

"And what did she say?"

"She told me that while I wear my heart on my sleeves, Cobie wore his in his eyes and it was my duty to protect him against people who might hurt him, just as it's his duty to protect me from people who might hurt me." Colson took a swig of his vodka. He looks at the ceiling.

"She sounds wonderful."

"She is. Cobie wasn't that close to her an-"

"You don't have to go on."

Colson takes another swig and smacked his lips. "I know. I'm just reminiscing. Is it going to be nine months or less, since he's carrying pups."

"Nine months, Colson."

"What?" Colson whined. "I wanted to know. I'm not well versed in matters of wolves."

"Don't you wanna learn?"

"Why?" Colson shrugged. "It's not I'm going to mate one of them or some shit. I know their weaknesses and that's fine with me."

Aetos takes a large gulp of vodka and moved closer to Colson. "You're quite beautiful up close." Aetos says and Colson stops to stare at the vampire. Aetos' eyes were clouded, his pupils blown and his lips red. He was staring unblinking at Colson.

Colson's cheeks heat up and he grips the bottle he was holding tighter.

"I know I am, day walker."

Colson wasn't even sure what exactly was going on with him lately. There was something about Aetos, something that Colson wasn't understanding.

"Why are you with me? Like, why do you always talk to me?"

"Because you are you. You're amazing."

They were interrupted by a dark skinned man. "Lord Aetos." The man said and Aetos goes still but he doesn't move away from Colson's side.


"There's been an incident, sir. At the dark house." Samir said and Aetos pulls back. Colson stared at Aetos as the vampire straightened up. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath by from the way he was clenching his fingers and the slight tick in his jaw, Colson knew Aetos was angry.

Samir quietly walked back out of the room and Colson hopped off the counter just as Aetos opened his eyes. Aetos' grey eyes were now bleeding red.

"Come on, big guy."

"And where are you going?" Aetos asked, a sleek brow raised.

"With you. I remember you offering me a job so I might as well know what the hell I'm getting into." Colson said as he walked over to the sink. He pulled open a panel in the wall and grabbed the hand gun hidden there. Cobie has several hide outs for his guns around the house, after the attack six months ago, he wanted to be prepared.

Colson checked for bullets before tucking it behind. He looked up at Aetos who was still watching him with an unreadable on his face.


"We're taking my car." Aetos said as he turned around, Colson falling into step beside him. Colson was a bit tipsy, it would take more than one lousy bottle of Ciroc to get him drunk so he was alright.

"You have a car?"

"Of course." The vampire replied as they walked out of the house. Most members of the pack had walked over to the pack house but a few had come with cars but there was one particular car that stood out. It was a matte black jaguar XE.

That was, without a doubt, Aetos' car.

The vampire unlocked the car and held the door open for Colson who took a seat. Once Aetos was in his seat, he peeled out of the driveway with speed, the scenery brushing Colson's window in a blur.

"So What is a dark house?"

"It's a building for vampires who don't have jobs at the moment. It's a place for them to stay and take care of."

"Like a shelter?"

"Yeah." Aetos replied. "I've got twelve vampires in that house, each with their own bedroom and bathroom but fights still break out within."

The dark house was not far from Aetos' house. It was just two streets apart. The dark house was a tall building with white walls and a garden. The lights were on and voices could be heard immediately Aetos kills the engine.

"Wait here, I'll handle it." Aetos said and Colson nods. However, as the vampire gets out of the car, Colson does the same.


"I can defend myself, you know."


Aetos pushes open the door and made his way upstairs, following the crashing sound. Colson was practically pumping with excitement. The only time he gets this excited was during pack training with the wolves. Once they got to the second floor, Colson saw a dark skinned man, fangs stretched out and blood stained lips.

There were three other vampire hissing at him but they all scoot away once Aetos makes his presence known.


Diego doesn't listen and instead snarls at Aetos. On the ground between them were shards of broken glasses.

"Diego." Aetos repeats but Diego doesn't back down. Instead he jumps at Aetos who grabbed him by the neck with one hand and twists his hand to his back, Diego letting out a howl of pain.

"Push back you fangs or I'll keep squeezing." Aetos ordered. Diego struggles for a bit but his fangs slowly inch back into his gum and Aetos three the boy onto the floor. He turns to the other vampires.

"Clean him up and lock him in his room for a day." Aetos said to them. He made his way towards Colson who was watching in awe as Aetos spoke, the commanding tint of the vampire's voice doing unspeakable things to his mind.

Colson rolled his eyes as Diego struggled to get up. He jumps over the table separating him front Aetos and gives Diego a round kick to the head causing the vampire to stagger back in pain. He pulls out his gun and with a steady hand aimed it at Diego.

"Wooden bullets." Colson lies, his voice and heart beat strong. "Calm the fuck down before I shoot." Colson spat and smirks when Diego flinched.

Colson stood his ground until he feels the weight of Aetos' hand on his shoulder. Diego falls to the ground in a heap and starts crying. Colson drops his hand and tucked the gun into his pocket as Aetos made his way to the vampire.


"I-I saw you." The vampire said and Aetos frowned.


"You killed everyone. There was blood everywhere and I was so scared. Baba said the time is coming." Diego cried, his body shaking with it. Once his words registered in Colson's head, he kneels down and brushed Diego's hair away from his face.



"Did you see what Baba looked like?" Colson asked as he gently ran his hand through Diego's hair in an effort to sooth the vampire.

"No. I just heard his voice. I keep seeing blood and Lord Aetos." Diego cries. Colson nods. He turned to Aetos.

"He needs water and sleep. He just had a nightmare." Colson said and Aetos nods. One of the other vampires picked Diego up and walked towards the direction of what Colson hopes was his room, the other two following.

Colson stared at Aetos who had a frown etched on his face.

"He saw you."

"I heard what he said."

"Do vampires get like super powers where they can see the past or future?" Colson asked.

"No. Just strength, speed, healing and other things."

"Then what did he see?"

"Like you said, it was just a bad dream. He'll be fine after he rests a bit." Colson walks towards the stairs and turned to a Aetos. "You coming?"

"Give me a few minutes. I have to see Diego."

Colson nods and made his way down the stairs. He looked around the house, the white walls, hanging flower pots, the huge flat screen on the wall and stylish sofas. Once he got closer, Colson realized the windows were tinted and the stylish black curtains were thick blackout curtains.

The house was quiet, big and stylish.

"You ready?"

Aetos voice startled Colson who turns to his side and just walked towards the door in reply. Aetos following. He pulls open his door and got into the car before Aetos could open the door for him.

"You do know I have hands right?" Colson asked as Aetos pulled out of the driveway.

"What if I like opening doors for you?"

Colson looks away from the window. "You're a smooth talker. Do you talk to all your conquests that way?"

Aetos laughs, his grip lax on the steering wheel and head thrown back a bit. The sound was so musical to Colson's ears and there's a small swell of pride blooming in Colson's chest. He caused that. He made Aetos laugh that hard.

"Who says conquests?"

"I do." Colson stuck his tongue out at Aetos who just shakes his head.

"Should I drop you off at home?"

"Nah. Pretty sure the party is still raging on." Colson said, hand fiddling with the radio. Calum Scott's What I Miss Most comes flitting in through the speakers. Aetos drives them over to his house and pulled into the driveway.

"So are you going to take the job? Be my assistant?" Aetos asked and Colson just hums. He looked at the scenery. It's been something he had been thinking about since Aetos asked him.


"I'm still thinking about it." Colson replied.

"You were good with Diego."

"Telling a boy he's going to be okay and telling him to rest, doesn't make me good assistant." Colson said, bobbing his head slowly to the music.


"I want to get spectacularly drunk tonight."

Colson doesn't hesitate to get down from the car and into the house like he owned it. He heads right into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. The last time he was here, he found out Aetos kept his drinks in the fridge. Lo and behold, there were two bottles of peppermint gin in the fridge. He grabbed it and pulled open the cap.

"I've always wanted to know..."


"Why do you put your alcohol and shit in the fridge?"  Colson asked as he ops onto the counter for the second time that night.

"If I'm going to enjoy my alcohol, I'd like it cold."

"Well, I'm not complaining."

Colson raised the bottle to his lips and chugged the gin, his throat burning. Aetos shakes his head and made his way to the cupboards and pulled out a large bag of flavored chips. He tears it open and pushed a handful into his mouth.

Colson lets go of the bottle and burps, his lips and cheeks as well as his nose were red. "Pardon me."

"Pretty and with manners."

"Of course. You forgot brains too." Colson blows Aetos a kiss and passes him the bottle. "Why do they call you Lord?"

"Because I am one." Aetos rolls his eyes at Colson. "I was a lord before I died and even now. I'm an elder and we vampires call our elders Lord or Lady. It's a sign of respect."

"That's neat. I on the other hand, I'm just Colson. Gun extraordinaire and about as fluffy as a cat." Colson gripped the bottle and chugged the remnant of the gin.

"You're like a cat. Especially with those hoodies you wear that have fluffy ears."

"I love those hoodies. They're comfy." Colson cheered, raising his bottle of peppermint in the air. Aetos shook his head and grabbed the bottle from Colson so he could take a gully.

"I know they are. You've got so many of them." Aetos replied, taking another handful of chips and pushing them into his mouth, one at a time. They talk for a few more minutes until Colson was drunk and the empty bottles of gin had steadily increased.

"Aetos is a bunny. Aetos is a fine bunny." Colson sings, waving his hands about and legs swinging back and forth. Aetos laughed as he watched Colson wiggle on the counter in a small dance. "Aetos is a bunny. A cute baby bunny."

"I am not a baby bunny and you're drunk."

"Yes!" Colson replied. "Hey, Aetos, come closer." Colson said. He comes closer but Colson parts his legs and beckons him closer until the vampire was between his legs. Colson looks up at the vampire and smiles.

He grabbed Aetos hands and placed them on his hips, his own fingers trailing up to rest of Aetos' shoulder.

"I need..."

"You need...?"

"Kiss me, Aetos. Please kiss me."

Aetos doesn't hesitate, he moved closer to Colson, his grip on Colson's waist tightening. He pressed his lips to Colson's in a hard kiss. The wet smooth slide of their mouth was anything but gentle, the kiss was hot and frantic. Colson's fingers in Aetos' hair as the vampire kissed him like it was their last day. Colson moaned and pressed closer, when Aetos slid his tongue into his mouth, licking and tasting and taking. Tingles shooting down Colson's body, from his lips to his finger tips.

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