

Colson grabs a handful of fur and flips over the Wolf, sending the beast snout first into the ground. While Colson doesn't have a job, he does help Erik and Michel train the betas and warriors.

"Is that all you've got?" Colson taunts. He's sweating, his hair plastered to his face and his shirt sticking to his body. Colson had forgone jeans and just had on sweatpants.

The wolf gets up from the grass and charged right at Colson who merely raised a brown at the wolf. He doesn't even stretch out his hand, he just flicks his finger and the air the wolf was breathing thicken, the wolf snaps his mouth open as an alternative to breathe and Colson rolls his eyes. He jabs his elbow to the side of the wolf's head, takes a hold the wolf's ear and pulled.

Training with the wolves had to be Colson favorite thing besides eating whatever Aetos makes for him. The wolf crumbles to the ground and Colson lets go of the ear.

"You did good buddy." Colson said as he gently stroked the wolf's fur. He turns to the side to ask. "How long?"

"Fifteen minutes. He kept up with you for fifteen minutes. The kids deserves a goddamn house!" Pytor calls out, waving his phone in the air.

Aetos and a couple of vampires were in Erik's office discussing something that Colson didn't really want to know, it couldn't be important if Pytor was down here with him and not up with his brother.

The wolf beneath him was a kid called Jesse who Cobie liked to keep tabs on. They were the last on the field, everyone had gone a few minutes ago. Colson grabbed a towel and draped it over the wolf who shifts back into a boy, fur sinking back into the skin, bones resetting. Now paws, just straight smooth legs. Thankfully, the towel covered the boy perfectly.

"Good job kid."

"Thank you." Jesse replies.

Colson got up from his position on the ground and made his way towards Pytor who was typing away at his phone, a pair of sunglasses resting on his nose. Colson still wanted to know how they could stand under the sun, it was a burning question that never stopped tugging at his brain.

"Why are you here?"

"Aetos is up there." Pytor doesn't look away from the screen as he points up.

"You didn't have to keep me company."

"You didn't have to seat beside me."

Colson rolled his eyes at Pytor. He could never understand this vampire. Pytor had on a white sheer shirt, jeans and lace up boots, his recently dyed white hair blowing softly in the breeze. They both stay seated for a couple of minutes until Pytor spoke.

"What exactly are you doing with my brother?"

Colson raised his head, squinting a bit as he stared at the sky. "You are not actually related, are you?"

"Blood isn't the only thing that ties people together."

"How old are you?"

"500 as of last week." Pytor answer honestly, still tapping away on his phone. Ever the nosy body, Colson leaned over and snorted when he sees Pytor was playing Candy Crush. 

"You look good for an old man."

"You avoiding the question doesn't mean I've forgotten about it."

"Yeah, well, I don't want to answer you." Colson retorts. He looks back up to the sky as he silently pondered about Pytor's question. What exactly was he doing with Aetos? Why was he always there? Why was he always thinking of running to Aetos whenever he felt sad?

Thankfully Michel hasn't been to his room since the incident and he tries to talk to Cobie about what was going on between him and the Beta but it's like the words won't come out.

"I'm going in. I need a snack."

"I'll join you in a few."

Colson nods at Pytor before getting up. He dusts his sweatpants and walked back into the house. He makes a straight trip to the kitchen and stops short when he sees Cobie looking through the fridge.

"Why am I always seeing you rummage the fridge?" Colson asked his twin as he pulled open the cupboard and grabbed a pack of pringles.

"What? I can't even eat in my own fucking house?"

Colson just raised a brow at his brother, whose face was still in the fridge. He hops onto the counter and waited for Cobie. Cobie pulls out chocolate syrup, carrots, a see through pack holding three slices of pizza and sets them all on the table. Cobie doesn't hesitate to stick the pack into the oven and hit on.

While he wanted he turns to Colson and grins widely when he sees Colson was eating the barbecue flavored Pringles. He dips his hand into it and pulls out a handful.

"Why aren't you in the meeting upstairs?"

"I was hungry and Erik can handle it. It's an issue about a vampire finding his mate and public displays of affection."

"What?" Colson asks. "Vampires have mates too?"

"Yup." Cobie replied as he drizzled chocolate syrup onto the pringles and pushing it into his mouth. Colson mouth opened as he tried not to gag. Especially when Cobie bit on the carrot whilst still chewing his pringle abomination. What in the fuck was going on with his brother and how the hell coud he stop it?

"Apparently, after the Moon Goddess cursed the wolves, a couple of gods did the same. They saw what the wolves were doing to themselves, to their mates and they didn't want that for their creations." Cobie paused to snack on another pringle abomination. "Ever since Erik and I mated, it's been causing a chain reaction everywhere."

"You mean worldwide."

Cobie waved the carrot at Colson. "That too."

Colson tried not to but when he closed his eyes, an image of Aetos smiling and hugging someone else, someone who was his mate made Colson queasy and want to run to the sink to throw up. He snapped his eyes open and stared at his brother.

"What do you think about Aetos?" Colson asked, blurring out the question. Cobie stops mid chew and narrowed his eyes at his brother, his eyes searching Colson's face.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think Aetos has a mate?" Colson asked.

"Maybe. Why are you asking?" Cobie said, his eyes still narrowed.

Colson shrugged and grabbed a Pringle. He pops it into his mouth and chews. Cobie was still watching him, one hand on the bottle of syrup and the other on the counter. He looks like he wants to say something but Erik walks into the kitchen before he could. Cobie uses that time to pull his pizza from the oven.

Colson watched as Erik made a beeline for Cobie, pressing a kiss to his mate's temple.

"What are you eating?"

"Something amazing. Do you want to try it?" Cobie asked. He doesn't even wait for Erik's reply, he just grabbed a Pringle and poured the chocolate syrup on it. Colson watched the two of them, holding back his snort because Erik was always going to say yes to whatever it was Cobie asked for.

Colson snorted at the face Erik made when he pushed the Pringle abomination into his mouth. Colson wanted to give Erik a standing ovation for eating the revolting thing.

"What? You didn't like it?" Cobie asked.

"I ... am not a fan of it." Erik replied and Colson snorts again. Cobie turned to him, shooting dagger with his eyes. Aetos walked into the kitchen, Pytor behind him.

Cobie went still, a hand pressed to his stomach. Before anyone could blink, he was rushing towards the sink and throwing up. Erik was at his side in seconds and so was Colson who was trying to push Cobie's hair off his forehead and switching on the sink.

Pytor stepped closer and Cobie retched harder. Once he was done, Erik hands Cobie a bottle of water. Aetos in the blink of an eyes disappeared and appeared with a bottle of mouthwash.

"What the fuck is that smell?" Cobie snapped after he had rinsed his mouth.

Erik's sniffed the air and shook his head. "What smell?"

Cobie made his way to Aetos and sniffed around the air. He wasn't it. He stands in front of Pytor and scowls.

"What the hell is that smell?"

"What smell? My cologne?"

"Either go take a shower in one of the spare rooms or get out of my house." Cobie growled, his eyes flashing red.

For the first time since Colson met Pytor, the vampire looked scared. He took a step back and ran out of the room.

"What is going on?" Erik asked as he made his way to Cobie, his hand sliding around Cobie's waist. Colson watched as his brother leaned against the Alpha, brain calculating.

Cobie's eyes have been literal rainbow swirls for weeks now , his sudden change in palate -What with the pickles and marmalade, Pringles and chocolate syrup, his mood swings and Erik explaining how Cobie smelt sweeter.

To confirm, Colson asks.

"Erik, how does my brother smell to you?"

The Alpha doesn't hesitate to reply, his nose pushed into Cobie's hair. "Cupcakes and berries. Sweet." After a beat Erik adds. "There's only a slight hint of ... something citrusy."

Colson lets out an excited scream and from the look on Aetos' face, the vampire already knew what he knew. How the hell had they been so blind?

"Cobie, bro, Bie Bie, you're pregnant." Colson cheered, walking closer to his brother. Cobie stared at Colson liked he had lost his mind.

"I'm not. I'd know if I was."

"Actually your brother is right. I was waiting a couple more days to tell you but Colson beat me to it." Aetos said. The vampire had on a black light jumper, even darker jeans and boots.

"How long have you known?" Colson asks just as Cobie turned to Erik.

"Go get pregnancy tests. I need as many as you can get." Cobie snaps at Erik who looked hesitant to leave Cobie's side. "Please. I'll be fine. This was my first time throwing up."

Erik nods and pressed his lips to Cobie's for a few seconds before running out of the kitchen. Cobie stumbled backward, Aetos holding him up by the waist.

"Come on, lets take you upstairs. You need to be comfortable." The vampire said. He lifts Cobie up bridal style and turns to Colson. "Can you bring your brother a bottle water?"

Colson nods and turned to the fridge. It was when he placed his hand on the handle that he realized his hands were shaking. Cobie was carrying. There was a child growing inside his brother. He tried to take deep calming breaths but his hands wouldn't stop shaking.

He pushed himself, pulling out a bottle water from the fridge and making his way out. Thankfully, there were no wolves in the house so the news was only between the three of them. He finds Aetos standing at the foot of Cobie and Erik's bed.

"Here." He hands Cobie the water but his brother just placed it on the bedside table. Cobie wasn't talking, he wasn't moving, he was just blinking, his teeth gnawing on his bottom lip.

Colson frowned and kneels in front of his brother, Aetos stepping backwards a bit to give them more privacy.

"What's wrong?"

Cobie doesn't reply.

"Cobie, I will slap you if you don't answer me."

Cobie's eyes moved and he let go of his bottom lips. "What if I'm actually pregnant?"

"You are actually pregnant." Aetos said, from where he was leaning against the wall. Cobie winced and tries to calm down.

Colson reaches out and placed his hand on his brother's. "What is going through your mind?"

"What if Erik doesn't want kids at the moment? Sure, we've talked about it but fuck we aren't married yet, we are just mated a couple months ago. We haven't sealed the mating bond. What if he doesn't want children now? What if h-"

"That's crap, Cobie and you know that. That man loves you so much, he'd carve his heart out than see you cry and you've just given him the best news, the best gift." Colson tries to reassure his brother.

"What if I am a horrible father? Colly, we didn't get the best experience or example. I don't know if I'm ready to be a father. What if the child is human? What if I don't raise them right?"

"You keep saying I, like it's just you who will raise the child. You have Erik. I'm going to be here and so will Aetos, Pytor and the pack. You are never going to be like our dead beat and actually dead father. You are so much better, you are so full of love." Cobie's eyes shine pink. "You take care of everyone, you take care of me. You are going to raise that child and he or she will grow up to be great because they had you and Erik as fathers and me as a kickass uncle."

Aetos moves closer and kneels before Cobie who was now crying, his eyes burning gold.

"You have life growing inside you. A beautiful person created by both you and Erik. He's going to love you and the child so fiercely. I have known him since he was a little boy so I can tell you that he's happy and excited and you don't have to worry about that. You will be a great father, mentor and so much more to the little pup. Your brother, the pack and even my coven will be here for anything and everything you need. It takes a village to raise a child after all."

Colson reached forward, sitting on the bed as Cobie cried into his shoulder. A beat later, he starts laughing, his eyes a brilliant blue. His worry was still there but his excitement and joy was shining through. He was carrying Erik's child.

The Alpha burst into the room a few seconds later carrying a large bag. He immediately drops it to the floor and made his way to his crying mate, a bit concerned. Colson gently moved and Erik peppered kisses over Cobie's face.

"Before you ask me. I'm fine. I promise."

"I believe you but I still worry, you know." Erik replied oftly, his hand stroking Cobie's back. "Even if you take the tests and you're not pregnant, it's not going to change how I feel about you. How I feel about us. You are mine. My heart, my soul, my love."

Cobie nods. "I love you."

"I love you."

"And I love you guys too but can we get this show on the road. Aetos saying you're carrying and the tests are just to verify. So chop chop." Colson said, grabbing the bag Erik had dropped and handed it to Cobie.

"Colson..." Aetos said, his hand sliding around Colson's waist as he tried to pull him away so he could give Cobie a bit space to pull himself together. Erik wipes Cobie's tears with his thumb and Colson places a hand on Aetos'. He was so happy.

Cobie took the bag and made his way to the bathroom, the door shut behind him. Erik sat at the bed, his leg jiggling.

Aetos was watching them both with an amused expression on his face. The room was quiet and Colson couldn't stop smiling. Aetos couldn't stop staring at Colson who was smiling like he just won a lottery.

"You are that happy?" Aetos asks Colson.

The man stared at him with bright blue eyes that were so expressive, Aetos breath hitched. "Cobie deserves happiness. He'll be so great. Can you imagine a little Cobie-lookalike running around and playing pranks on pack members? Eyes flashing blue or green or yellow?"

Colson grins to himself. He moved closer to the vampire, his head resting on Aetos' shoulder. The vampire doesn't move away, his body went still for a few seconds until he relaxed.

"Do you want kids?"

"I'm not really a fan of kids. Maybe it's because I don't know how to handle them but yeah I do. Later on though, not right now."

Erik swiftly got up from the bed and moved closer to the bathroom door just as Cobie pulls it open. Fuck those supernatural hearing.

"So...? I asked you but you didn't say."

"Because I wanted to tell you face to face, no telepathy shit." Cobie said, bouncing on his feet, his eyes blue with tiny flecks of gold. Colson was good at reading his brother, even after being separated for many years, he knew the tell signs.


Erik was smiling now, crinkles appearing at the side of his eyes as he moved closer to Cobie who burst into tears and scream. "I am pregnant! I'm carrying your child."

Colson screams, jumping up and down. He was elated. While Erik has practically lifted Cobie off the ground and spun him around before putting him down for a bruising kiss. Colson wraps his arms around Aetos' shirt, pulling the vampire in for a hug. Immediately Aetos wraps him in his arms, there's a burst of feelings within Colson. It made him shiver. Not wanting to think about it, he pulls away and hugged Cobie tight, squeezing him tight.

"I fucking called it! I told you, you were going to carry! What if it's twins? What would you name them? Shit! We need to tell Pa." Colson babbles in excitement.

"I don't know, Colly. One step at a time." Cobie presses a kiss to Colson's cheek. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, brother love."

"Congratulations, Cobie."

"Thank you, Aetos."

"I think celebrations are in order." Erik pressed a swooping kiss to Cobie's lips and his lips stretched in a smile. Erik pulls Cobie closer and Colson felt his heart squeeze.

The Alpha was basically vibrating with excitement and Cobie was the same. Colson subconsciously moved closer to Aetos as he watched his brother and mate. When would he have this? When will he find someone who would make him this happy and so complete?

"You okay?"

Aetos voice washed over him and Colson shuffled closer. He tears his eyes away from his brother to Aetos who was staring at him with an open expression and it made Colson want to move closer and maybe kiss those perfect pink full lips.

His eyes widened at his thoughts and he pulls away from Aetos, putting a distance between them. He watched as Aetos furrowed his brows and was so tempted to step back into the vampire's arms but he couldn't. Aetos doesn't deserve to be used as a rebound. The vampire was good and deserves someone who wasn't a snarky half mer with a bucket load of issues.

So he turns back to Cobie and cheerfully asked.

"So when's the party?"

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