
Chapter 9

The next day

Mia woke up with a sudden thirst for water, she get up not bothering about her appearance but still get a jumper to cover up her marks on her arms (even though she showed her marks to her mate) and went to the kitchen to get some water, she felt so lazy that she didn't have to go downstairs to get herself some water since Blaze bedroom is equipped with an kitchen and two bathroom.

Last night, her mate was so hesitant about letting her sleep in the guest room, he wanted to be close to her, sleeping next to her but Mia declined and stubbornly ordered that she wanted to sleep alone. He reluctantly agreed and slept in his room while she slept in the guest room.

"Buongiorno neonata." Blaze grumbled with a rough voice as if he just woke up, she turned around and gazed at him lustfully. (Good morning, baby girl.)

"Like what you see?" He smiled sheepishly and started to put some bag of expresso in his coffee machine.

"W-what are you talking about?" She stammered.

"Babygirl, don't worry all of this belongs to you." He says waving his hand to his sculpted body with 6 packs.

"W-well..." She trailed her words and shook her head.

"Neonata, I have to go to my office to deal some rogues attacks while you can stay and watch the tv or do whatever you want but you must not get out of the room, understand?" Blaze commanded as he drink his expresso.

"Why you don't want me to get out of your room?" She asked curiously.

"I haven't introduced you to the pack and I don't want any unmarked male staring at you or touching you."

She scoffed, "Why?! You think I'm unfaithful!"

"No babygirl, I just don't want any males around you okay? Now please don't make a scene right now at 9 am, it's too early for me." He groaned and she huffed.

"You think I'm making a scene? Well what about you? You being jealous of males." She spats.

"Men's need to act possessive over their mate, it's called possessiveness and protective." He reasoned.

"Are you saying that I'm dumb?! Because last time I checked your the dumbest one here!" She scowled and ran to her room furiously.

"What's wrong with her? Ah maybe it's her period time? Whatever that means I have to buy her tampons. Wait what does she prefers to wear, tampons or pads?" He asked to himself.

"Maybe you should buy her pads, since you don't anything about periods." Nate said.

"Of course I do, I mean Georgia and mom tortured me with those periods lessons, why do you think am I? I'm a superwoman." Blaze sneered.

"Dude, you're not a woman, stop saying you're a superwoman."

"Well there is the suffixe 'man' on superwoman so that means I'm a woman?"

"Stop bothering me and buy pads for her, that will make her smile." Nate groaned and cut off the connection.

"Maybe I should buy some pads, she will be happy that her mate care for her." He sighed to himself happy.

He go upstairs to put on a random shirt then get out of his room, he ran downstairs and meet with the head maids.

"Hey Caroline, I need you to give some chocolate and hot water for my mate." Blaze asked to Caroline, the head maids in their mansion.

"Of course, but can I ask what's wrong with her? Normally you don't ask those things to me." She said suspiciously.

"My mate has her period thingy, so she might get cramps and also don't let her leave the room unless it's for taking a walk to the garden." He said before slamming the door unintentionally and ran to the pack house.

While Mia, sat on her bed and learned some medical base school work, she asked for her cousin to lend her some medical books.

"Okay so here we go, to treat a patient with Lyme disease we have to-" She groaned forgetting her sentence and lay on the bed with a sigh.

"I can't believe this, it's annoying." She huffed.

Then she heard a knock coming from her door.

"It's open." She yelled and see an old woman smiling at her, holding chocolates and a hot water bag.

"My name is Caroline, the head maids, the alpha told me to get you this." She said giving her the hot water bag and chocolates.

"But what for?"

"Well I don't know how to say to you but he said you have period so he wanted to take care of you by giving a hot water bag to smooth your cramps and chocolates to alleviate the cramps and PMS." She said.

"What?! He said that I have periods?" She yelled at her making her surprise.

"Well he did said that." She yelped while Mia is fuming in anger.

"Well then I have to go, I have jobs to take care off. Have a good day." She said and close the door quickly, leaving an angry girl in her room.

"So apparently you thought that I have periods. Well you're wrong Mr Alpha-who-is-a-jealous-man." She punched her pillow aggressively and screamed in anger.

"Just wait when you come back, I will kill you, I will not let this go away." She threatened to her pillow and pointing the pillow in anger.

"Why am I talking to a pillow?" She groaned and rolled over her bed.

"You know, you can be my friend." She said to her pillow.

"Beside you will get to hear my problems as an exchange of my beautiful skull sleeping on your soft sheet." She said pulling the end of her long brown hair.

"I must be crazy talking to a pillow like this." She sighed and scratched her hair.

She goes to the kitchen and eat her breakfast that she made with bread and jam, she go to her room to brush her teeth and wore Blaze shorts and let her jumper, she get downstairs and opened the back door that leads to the garden, the garden was amazing, they had flowers everywhere, there is both a swimming pool inside and outside, a sauna and a jacuzzi beside the swimming pool.

"I think you are not supposed to be here." A voice said making her jumped out of fear.

"Dude, you scared me." She sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just taking care of my future Luna." He winked at her and she makes a disgust face.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Klay, the third in command of this pack." He said offering his hand.

"I'm Mia, well Blaze mate, nice to meet you." She shook his head nervously.

After a moment of silence, Klay started the conversation.

"Do you like the garden?"

"Yes it's beautiful, there are pretty flowers everywhere." She said looking at one flower especially.

"Yes, they are beautiful. Just like you." He smiled and she blushed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't flirt with my future Luna." He blushed.

"It's okay, you were just making a compliment, that's not even considered as flirting." She smiled happily and picked the flower that interested her.

"Here is a flower for you." She said giving it to him.

"Already falling in love with you?" He said sarcastically and she widened her eyes.

"Oh no, I won't betray my mate even though he's dumb, it's just a token of our new friendship."

"Thanks Mia, I appreciate the flower." He said and put it on the pocket beside his heart, he wore his usual uniform that she noticed on the warriors.

"Why are you wearing an uniform?" She asked.

"This is uniform that represent our forces and abilities, everyone will know that this uniform belongs to the strongest pack in America so that's no one will bother us." He smirked.

"Cocky much?" She grinned.

"My alpha words not mine." He put his hand in surrender.

"Well my mate is really arrogant and cocky." She sighed softly.

"Yeah you better take care of him, it's time for you to leave the garden, the alpha will panic if you are in your room which you are supposed to be there." He said looking at his watch.

"Well I wanted to see the garden." She whined.

"Anyway, I'm going to go, see you next time Klay." She waved at him and left the garden quickly before her mate comes in.

She opened the door of their room and waited patiently on the couch, plotting her plan for revenge and thinking that she got her period so that's why she's moody.

She laughed evilly and noticed Blaze standing beside the door, with a plastic bag in his hand.

"Why are you laughing like a witch?" He sighed and put down the plastic bag on the table.

"That's not your business." She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Babygirl, everything you are doing is going to be my business."

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