
Chapter 8

Mia and Blaze went back to the pack house, he took off his jumper and started on cooking for both of them, Mia sat down on a stool and watched her mate cooked since she can't cook and she was a loser.

"Are you italian?" Mia asked when she saw that Blaze made their pasta in a different way.

"Yes I am, neonata, or else how can I talk in Italian with a perfect accent?" He said with a smirk.

"Oh that's true." She thoughts.

"What about you neonata? Any language you can talk?" He asked her with his sculpted back in front of her.

"I'm half french."

"Are you really french? Ma chérie." He said making her giggles.

"Oui, je sais parler très bien français, ma mère est française et mon père est américain, mais j'ai vécu ici avec mon père et mon frère." She said in a really good french accent making him shocked.

"Neonata, you are really sexy when you talk in French and I didn't understand what you said." He smirked.

"Well I said that my mom was french and my dad is American, but I lived here with my father and brother."

"How come I didn't see your mother?" Blaze asked.

"My mom died in a rogues attacks by protecting Nathan dad, he was the alpha back then. My mom was a true warrior, they didn't met until a pack meeting when my dad and Nathan dad had a secret meeting with the warriors, that's where they met, my mom stopped doing her job but told to the alpha to call if anything wrong happen. After a year, they settled in a little city which was close to the pack, they had my brother and me." She said with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, babygirl." He said walking toward her and hugged her softly.

He knew about the attack, the Sliver Moon asked for more warrior from his pack, his father gave them enough to fight them, they won but lost many souls, the alpha died and the female warrior died too beside her alpha, he was only 8 and didn't knew that the female warrior was her mother. He felt sad because the female warrior met him and his father, she was really kind to them and gave him a bracelet for a thank you, he kept it for years.

"Wait here I have something to show you." He said and ran upstairs.

Mia stood up and waited for him, she didn't know what was he going to show her.

He comes back downstairs with a bracelet that her mother gave him when he was a little kid.

"Your mom told me to give this to my mate." He said giving the bracelet to her.

"You knew my mom?!"

He nodded and looked at her who is staring at the bracelet, the bracelet was beautiful.

"But how?!" She asked him without glancing at him.

He remembered the conversation just like yesterday and grinned softly.

"Soren, this alpha of the Silver Moon pack, Brenden and his trusty female warrior, Laura." His father introduced the two strangers in front of Blaze, Georgia and his mom.

"Hey, my name is Soren and this is my daughter Georgia and my son Blaze." His mother said.

"Hello alpha Brenden and warrior Laura." Georgia yelped while Blaze stayed quiet, he was a cold kid.

"Hey gorgeous and future alpha." Alpha Brenden said and Blaze scoffed.

"I'm sorry about my son attitude, let's talk in my office." Alpha Kyle said to the alpha Brenden who nodded it and followed him.

"My, your kids are really cute." Laura gushed to Soren.

"Yes they are, do you have kids?"

"I do, I have a son who is the age of Blaze and a little girl who is 6." She smiled.

"That's so cute, you could bring them today."

"Unfortunately the pack is in lock down due to the rogues attacks, my husband send them to his parents house which is situated outside of the pack." She said with a sad smile.

"That is so sad, well do you want some tea?" The Luna asked.

"It would be my pleasure, Luna." She bowed and sat on the couch, the kids are sitting in face of Laura who is smiling at them, Georgia went to helped her mother while Blaze stayed there, staring at the female warrior.

"You know Blaze, I can feel that you are going to be my daughter mate." She said with a smile.

"How do you know about that?" He said coldly.

"Mothers intuitions." She smiles and take out a bracelet from her pocket.

"Here is a bracelet that I made, I have made a lot for my pups and other packs pups." She offered him a bracelet.

"No thank you, I don't wear those girly things." He politely declined.

"Dummy that's not for you, it's for your future mate, give it to her." She said taking his arm and put it on his palms.

"Make sure to give it to your mate." She smiled.

And that was the last he saw her smiling, the last time he saw her beautiful face.

"Nathan dad went to seek my dad for more warriors, he took your mother and went to my pack, my mom met your mother and they talked, I was a cold kid back then so I didn't speak to them and that was the first time she spoke with me and gave me a present for my mate, she knew that you were going to be my mate, and she was right." He said hugging her again.

"I miss her." She said upset.

"I miss her too, she was a kind woman."

"Enough of this, let's move on and eat the pasta I've made." He said smiling and rubbed her cheek affectionately.

"You're right, so I was wondering can I study at my school?" She asked.

"Baby, you don't have to do that, don't worry about money or job, beside you have to claim your Luna title." He insisted making her more stubborn about her decision. One of the disadvantages she hates being the alpha mate, is to be a Luna and to not be something else like humans, she wanted to be a doctor, saving lives is her dream.

"But I want to study, I want to be a doctor." She stubbornly said.

"I won't allow that Mia." He said meaning that he won't change his decision.

"Please beside your pack hospital need some werewolves doctors." She reasoned with him.

"How do you know about th—never mind, you know being a doctor means years of study and residency." He said.

"Of course I know about that."

Blaze knew that she wanted to be doctor so badly that his father even mentioned to not ruin her dreams of being a doctor, she has worked for years and got a chance of her dream medical school.

"Fine I won't let your dreams to be ruined, but promise me to be a pack doctor once you finished your studies." He said sternly.

"Okay, I'm starting in September anyway." She said happily.

"That's means you have a lot of work, because you also have training to be a Luna." She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Right I forgot about that."

"You have to be this pack Luna, you're my mate and I won't choose anyone beside you."

"I except you not to choose anyone." She said sternly, she hate the thought of him being with another unmarked female.

"Of course neonata, you can trust me on this." He chuckled.

Blaze wanted to asked a question to Mia, his mate but he didn't if it was the right time to ask or not.

He took a deep breath, "Mia, can I ask you a question?"

Mia tensed, "Sure."

"Why are you always wearing long sleeved shirt?"

Mia knew that it was time to reveal her past, her dark past. She needed to tell him before he can get any assumptions.

"You don't need to say it!" He said, she denied by shaking her head.

"I want to."

"Basically, back in school I was badly bullied for no reason, I never was that bad girl. People bullied me for fun or hate, they said that I was ugly and fat, they said that I used surgery at the age of fourteen to attract older man..." She said with a shaky voice, it took a lot of pressure for her to tell her story.

Blaze clenched his fist in anger and walked toward Mia to give her comfort that need from her mate.

"Bullshit! Completely bullshit!" He growled and hugged her tightly.

"Because of that, I hurt myself, I wanted to die, I thought that I don't belong in here and will probably rot in hell." She continued showing her arms full of old marks by rolling her sleeves.

He gently took her arm and looked at it with anger.

He hated this and wanted to kill everyone who hurt his mate.

"Tell me the names and I will make sure that they will rot in hell." He demanded but Mia shook her head again with teary eyes and hold his hands.

"Don't do that, my dad already took care of it."

"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm sorry that I wasn't here before, so that I could protect you." He said and kissed softly her forehead.

"It's okay, it's in the past beside Lydia and Noah helped me so I'm good." She wiped her tears and took a deep breath to let out all the frustration inside of her.

He grabbed her arms and kissed those ugly bruises on her skin, he rubbed his lips on her mark, healing them with love.

"Those marks don't belong on your soft skin." He said seriously.

She lifted her head up to meet his caring gaze, he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. He was lost in her brown eyes looking at his green eyes, lost with warmth and attachment.

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