
4 - Max.

“Cherry left quite early,” I jumped at the sound of Flynn’s voice in my ear. “Jeez, calm down. It’s just me.” He laughed.


Wagging a finger at him, I huffed in annoyance. “Don’t try that shit again with me, arsehole.”

He nodded, hands raised in surrender. “Noted. I’m sorry.”

I straightened my jacket and turned to stare once more down the pitch-black road that was now deserted. I didn’t know how long I stood there, looking into the darkness, feeling an influx of emotions unfurl in my stomach. She was gone. The reality of that was such a bitch.

“Are you alright?” Flynn asked, following my line of vision towards the road. “You’ve been standing out here for an hour or so. Did something bad happen with Cherry?”

I ran a hand through my hair, too pissed to even reply to him. God, I’d messed everything up with just a sentence. I knew she choose to be vulnerable with me because she felt something for me, and just like the loser I always was, I’d gone and ruined it. I didn’t have her number which I could’ve used to track her down to her flat. Hell, I didn’t even know her real name! her friend had mentioned it during our heart-wrenching exchange but I’d been too apologetic and eager to speak to her that I’d missed it. You’re such a fool.

“It’s nothing,” I lied, forcing a smile. Flynn cringed and I raised a brow. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head, shoulders vibrating with laughter. “It’s nothing,” he mimicked. “Like I’m a toddler or something that can easily be lied to. Bro, you have to work on your fake smile. It’s scary.”

“Is that so?” I shoved him away from me, making him laugh out more.

“Relax, man. It’s going to be fine. Whatever’s bothering you?”

“I messed up, big time,” I exhaled as I started to pace the floors leading to the club entrance. A few ladies in skimpy wear passing by made suggestive moves with their brows and increased sway of their hips but I ignored them. “I told her that she was a one-night stand. Just like all the other girls.”

“Ohkay…” Flynn trailed off, and it irritated me a bit that he wasn’t getting the entire thing. He’d always been the dense one among our inner circle. “But isn’t that what she is, bro? I mean, you don’t even stay in Manhattan. We’re only here for a few days.”

“I know that, man, I know. But I felt something for her. Something stronger than lust and sex. It was powerful. I was so ready to get married to her. She’s unlike any girl I’d ever encountered before.”

Flynn’s neutral expression broke into a full-fledged smile. He crossed his arms over his chest, grinning like a fool. “Well, would you look at that? You’re smitten! And it’s pretty bad.”

“For fuck’s sake, Flynn. Can’t you take something seriously for once? This isn’t funny at all. I need to find her as soon as possible, else I’ll lose my goddamn mind.”

“Sorry,” he patted my back sympathetically, irritating me further. Ugh, why did I even choose to indulge a youngster like him? I was three years older and more mature. Flynn started running his father’s business the minute he turned eighteen, while I’d handled finances from the moment I was born. While his father battled aphasia, Flynn had taken the family business to great heights. He was addicted to office work at this point. He’d never been caught on paper or camera canoodling with any woman because he was often extremely busy. And also, he could never be sexually attracted to a woman.

It was a secret only known to close friends. Even his aged parents thought that their son was pencil-straight, thanks to how responsible he was. How responsible he appeared to be.


“This is useless,” I hissed as I sauntered off, back inside. Why did I ever think that a guy who sucked dicks could be helpful in such a situation as this?

He kept up close behind me. “Jeez, dude. I said I’m sorry. I completely understand what you must be passing through.”

“No, you do not,” I turned abruptly to face him, stepping back as his shoulder brushed against mine. Our faces were so close now. “Not everything is to be taken for granted, Flynn. I’m well aware that you don’t believe in love. You’ve never had a strong emotional connection with anyone. I shouldn’t have mentioned anything about Cherry in the first place if I knew you would be so unhelpful.”

“Wow,” he blinked at me in surprise. Resentment ran through my veins like cool water. “I suppose you know all about me to have come up with such an absurd conclusion. I’m a human, Max. I have feelings too.”

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “For fuck’s sake, this isn’t about you. I’m just stating facts. Last month, when Siegfried broke up with Ashlyn, you were the only one taking it as a joke. You knew how close and so much in love they were, yet you made a mockery of his pain. Hence why I won’t ever blame him for not speaking to you to date.”

“You all just love to misunderstand me because I’m different. I was only trying to lessen the sad mood, just like how I was doing with you a few minutes ago,” My anger simmered off at how calm and collected he was being. Guilt stabbed at my back as he consulted his watch now. “It’s almost morning. I have to go. But before that, I sincerely apologize if my harmless jokes came across as insensitive. I was only helping out as a true mate would.”

I was too bummed to say anything as he slowly turned and walked out of the club, his Audi RS4 waiting out front. Fred and I had never been close, and now that I thought about it, he was the black sheep of the group. He couldn’t relate beyond mergers, business strategies, and lengthy paperwork with us. He hardly followed us about to social events. He wasn’t in our group chat and he seemed like an acquaintance or reserved stranger whenever he was in our midst, preferring to listen to that talk.

I joined the others quietly at the table. They laughed loudly as they chatted away, unable to groove on the dance floor or talk to any of the flirtatious girls around. Each time I recalled the pact their various girlfriends, except Siegfried who hadn’t dated anyone since Ashlyn, made them agree to before our collective trip down to Manhattan, I couldn’t help but chuckle. Women had only ever been bossy, exciting creations. I could feel Cherry floating in my subconscious and it only aided the ache slowly forming in my chest.

She was gone.

“Man, Sara’s called twelve times already,” Manny complained as he scrolled through his phone. “And left off about a dozen messages. It’s baffling, really, seeing this much booty around us but still choosing to not have sex till we get home to them.”

“I agree,” Benji said with a curt nod. He refilled his glass of wine. “Fiona would kill me if she finds out I’m currently in a club and not in the all-night business conference I told her I was attending.”

They burst into raucous laughter, clinking their glasses together. I shook my head, a slight tease in my voice as I warned. “You boys better not celebrate just yet. I’m always going to tell.”

“Damn you, Max. Back already? Thought you were having a blissful wedding night with your sweetheart,” Manny sniggered, wiggling his nonexistent brows. I threw a paper towel at him and huffed.

“She’s gone, mate. I ruined our nuptial night.”

Their goofy smiles vanished instantly. “What? Why?”

I hesitated for a moment, the words stuck in my throat. “I told her that she was nothing but a one-night stand.”

They gasped and ‘booed’ like the little fuckers they were.

“Jeez,” Manny said with a laugh, shaking his head. “That’s harsh. Even for you.”

I groaned. “I know. It wasn’t the best of words. I wasn’t thinking right.”

“Pussy magic.” Ryan winked. “We’ve all been there, mate.”

“Shut up, you dipshit.”

“Now I’m confused,” Kyle chimed, frowning as he leaned back in his seat. “Was the wedding joke real? What girl would be offended by that statement after no-strings-attached sex?”

“You’d be surprised,” Ryan chuckled into his drink. “Ever had sex with a virgin? They get attached very easily. I’ve banged a few and they always keep calling me back for more of my good D. Perhaps the girl was expecting Max to marry her for real, which is…laughable.”

“I agree.”

“I could’ve done that right away and more, guys. The chick was out of this world, the best I’d ever encountered…the way she rode my cock…her boobs bouncing in my palms…a fucking expert. She also holds meaningful conversations and her intelligence was piping hot, to say the least. She’s the real deal, man,” I banged the table angrily with a palm, making the glasses rattle. “I fucking lost her because I’m an idiot.”


“Go easy on yourself, bro. it’s not the end of the world.”

“I know, but I didn’t stay celibate, waiting for the right one to walk into my life for the past three years only to lose her on the very same night.”

“Shit happens,” Manny shrugged flatly. “You didn’t even get her number?”

I shook my head. “No. the stupid words slipped out before I could ask for her number. She was so angry that she wouldn’t listen.”

“Now, that’s bad. Anyways man, she’s gone and there’s nothing you can do about it. That’s how quick an opportunity can slip out of our grasp if we aren’t careful.”

“I’m staying back here for a few days more,” I blurted out impulsively.

“Are you insane?” Manny barked. “We’re done with our various assignments already and we’re supposed to be on the first plane to New York tomorrow morning.”

“I don’t care. I’m going to look for her.”

“Are you even listening to yourself?” Kyle scoffed. “Wasting petrol scoring all over town for a chick who’s still mad at you for labeling her a one-night stand when it was fucking clear you two were more than that? That’s not the best idea I’ve heard from you in a while.”

“You don’t know that. She might have forgotten about our little misunderstanding.”

“Even if I decide to agree with you on that, the mere sight of your face at her front door is enough for her to call the police and report you as a stalker. We’ve got an image to protect, an image to keep. And it’s your fault she’s gone so just accept it and move on.”

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