
3 - Elaine.

A few hours and seven showers later, I still lay sprawled out in bed with my fake husband. He had his arms around me as we nibble at each other’s lips underneath the thick drapes. I ran my hands over his solid abs, squeezing his left nipple and swallowing his moan with a passionate kiss. I’d completely lost track of time at this point, and let me be honest, I didn’t care. Never did I ever imagine a night like this, in bed with a man I was slowly learning not to do without. And to think I didn’t even know his name, or where he came from – all I knew was that he could make any woman go crazy and blow up like dynamite.

It was quite an unbelievable night.

We had sex in multiple positions – on the floor, bent over the bedpost, holding onto the window bars, while showering, and in the bathtub. We’d run out of condoms in the long run but that didn’t stop us. It seemed like each time he plunged deep into me, I couldn’t get enough. And he knew how and where to put that hot tongue of his to good use.

“Do you live here in Manhattan?” he asked me as we pulled apart to catch our breaths, his fingers toying with my curls. I smiled at him and placed my head on his chest.

“Yes. I work at a publishing firm downtown – Ratha – you must’ve heard of it.”

“Yeah. A writer friend of mine had her debut prepared there once. Where are you originally from?”

“New Zealand. My family stays there. I go down to visit every once in a while.” I lifted my head to plant a kiss on his stubbled chin. “Thank you for a beautiful wedding night. I had a blast.”

He tilted my head back to deepen the kiss and we devoured each other’s mouth for a couple of minutes. “Me too, Cherry. You probably won’t go to work tomorrow with how sore your legs must feel.” There was a hint of laughter in his voice. It made me giggle.


We laid in quiet silence for a while longer, savoring the thrill of being in each other’s arms. His hand gripped my butt at intervals as if he can’t get enough of groping it. I reached down to grab his hardening cock that was poking my pussy lips, stroking up the now rigid length and bulbous head.

“Cherry,” he rasped, flipping us over with him on top. I locked my legs around his waist, laughing as he attacked my neck with light, feathery kisses. “I love how you drive me insane with nothing but a touch.” He held my gaze, his forehead against mine.

I was never one for these crappy love-at-first-sight theories, but I just couldn’t get enough of this guy. “Wow. Was just thinking the same damn thing. This has been the best night of my life, hands down.”

“Been with a lot of guys?” he asked, and the tiniest wave of embarrassment made my face burn. How could I explain that in my entire twenty-two years of age I’d only known one man? It was an insult, to say the least, and to think he wasn’t even much of a man at all.

“Uh,” I paused, averting my eyes as I tried to deflect the question. It was helping. Instead, he touched my chin, turning my face to meet his eyes. I knew I looked like an overripe tomato at this point.

His eyes were soft and considerate. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me about it. sorry for asking.”

I felt a sharp stab of guilt. What’s the harm in telling the truth? With the small amount of time I’d spent with him, I felt like I could trust him. We’d come a little way, not far but it was something. “It’s fine. I’ve only been with one man.”

“Really?” His surprise rippled in his voice and something in his expression flickered. Jealousy. He looked away when he noticed that I was gauging his face for a reaction. One I’d already gotten. “Who is he?”

“It’s a pretty long story. I’d rather we don’t talk about it tonight. Brings up bad memories.” I pushed the blankets off my face and got off his body, reaching for my black-laced panties that hung on the nightstand. He didn’t budge me for more, but I felt the appeal lingering in the air. I decided not to honor it, the painful memory of Pablo kissing that girl in the supermarket seeping into my head. I slipped on my panties hastily, shaking my shoulders as though shaking off that depressing day.

In a bid to break the terse silence, I asked him. “What do you do for work?”

He hummed, now sitting with his back against the headboard while using his toes to poke my bum. I swatted them away several times but he kept doing it so I just gave it a rest. It was a turn-on as well. “Uh…I work at a Macdonald's shop downtown.”

I raised a brow and his smirk grew, against his will. “You’re lying.”

“What makes you think so?” He raised his chin defiantly, as though in a challenge. I rolled my eyes, swatting his leg off again. “Because there’s no way in hell you serve tables. You belong in a big, glossy office. Behind a huge desk. That’s the sort of profession your suit speaks.” I gestured at the rumpled coat and trousers sitting miserably on the floor.

He laughed – long, deep, rich, and loud. It made my stomach flutter. I wished I had a bottle to bottle up his laugh and hear it whenever I felt depressed or needed to masturbate. It made me feel happy, while as well sounding sexy enough to turn me on. You don’t hear such laughter these days. “Clever girl.”


“You’re wrong. The suit doesn’t define a job. If that’s the case then an ice-cream vendor can present himself as a businessman.”

“He is a businessman. He sells something.”

“Still, you’re not making much sense. But we’ll leave it at that. Get your ass over here.”

I sighed, shaking my head. “Sorry but I have to go now. The girls must be passed out drunk and I need to make sure we’re all home safely.”

“What? You can’t leave the club at this hour. It’s too dangerous.” He frowned, his eyes on my body as I pulled my dress on. I ran a hand through my hair to steady the curls which had gone haywire from his forceful grasping as he pounded into me.

“I’ll be fine. I’ve got Cora to help me. It’s nothing. We’ll just flag down a cab and be home in no time. We all share the same flat by the way.”

He still didn’t look convinced. “Cora isn’t a man. You girls could get raped.”

I placed a hand on my hips and pursed my lips. “I said we’ll be fine. Quit worrying about me. We only just met!”

His face paled. As though I’d hit him. I exhaled heavily. “Touché. I was only just concerned.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, rubbing my temples frantically. “I get pretty irritable after sex. It’s kind of annoying, but I’m trying to stop.”

“It’s okay,” he nodded in understanding. “I want to see you again.”

I smiled, moving onto his thighs to kiss his gorgeous lips. As I drew back, he chased after me, groaning as I pushed him back lightly. “See you later, big guy.”

He held onto my waist, burying his face in my neck and refusing to let me go. “Please, baby. Stay another night. I don’t mind dropping you off first thing tomorrow before my morning shift.”

“You’re still on that lie? MacDonald waiters don’t have cars.” I scrunched my nose at his glaring dishonesty. It didn’t feel right being vulnerable and frank with him, while he couldn’t even reciprocate it. Hell, I didn’t even know his name and he just lied straight out through his teeth. “You’re not being honest with me, and I can’t stand it.”

I shook off his hands and grabbed my shoes, letting myself out of the room. Tears burned at the back of my eyes as I wandered down the corridor towards the party. There were still many people around, but the music wasn’t swamping the building. Just as I predicted, the girls were passed out drunk and Cora was flirting with a cute blonde guy at a corner, laughing as she stared into his eyes while oblivious to his hands on her thighs. I walked over to them.

“Oh, there you are,” I glared at the blonde guy, causing him to retrieve his hand. “God, Elaine…you’re crying. What happened with the sexy man you went out with hours ago?” her eyes darkened. “Did he…beat you?”

I shook my head, the first attempt at talking coming off as incoherent. I still didn’t know why it hurt me so much. Maybe because I was already envisioning us getting married and having kids. Wasn’t that stupid? I only met him today. And he couldn’t even pretend to be honest for a second. What was he so afraid of? Was he a wanted criminal? Oh my God, I had sex with a wanted criminal!

“Elaine, Shuga, look at me,” Cora held my shoulders gently, her brows creased with worry. “Stop crying, okay? Whatever happened, the bastard isn’t worth your tears. Come on, now. You’re stronger than this.”

I nodded, wiping my eyes. “C-Can we just go home. It’s almost three and I’ve got to get to the office on time. I’ll go get the girls.”

“You do that, I’ll join you in a minute, okay?” She pinched my cheek softly. I moved over to the table I’d sat with them earlier that evening, tapping the girls lightly.

“Girls, wake up, it’s time for us to go.”

Vera raised her head first, easily the light sleeper among us all. Drool streaks lined the sides of her mouth. “Is the party over yet?”

I laughed, rolled my eyes, and assisted her to stand. “For us, yes. Remember you’ve got an audition tomorrow by eight.” Vera was an upcoming model working for The Gloss. It was such a job that required her literally every second of the day. She was on leave, hence why she could afford to come down to a club with us. On normal days we hardly ever saw her at all because she got back after we’d slept and went off in the morning before we woke up.

She rubbed her temples. “Ugh. My throat feels like the Sahara. Remind me never to drink again.”

“Hey,” Someone tapped me before I could reply to her and I turned to see my fake husband staring at me in guilt. I risked a glimpse at Cora who was almost halfway pants down with her guy and crossed my arms over my chest. “Can we…talk?”

“There is nothing left to say, Anslem. Hell, I don’t even know your real name. I don’t know where you’re from, you refuse to tell me what work you do! If that doesn’t scream possible serial killer, I don’t know what else does. And it hurts that I’ve been honest with you the entire time we’ve spent together.”

“Look I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to lie,” he ran a hand quickly through his hair with a sigh. “It’s just…really complicated, okay? My name’s Max by the way.”

I snorted. “Sure. And I’m Eve Swine. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m serious, love. My name’s Max, and I work at a software developing firm in Washington D.C. I’m here on a three-day business trip before I head back.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” It wasn’t an intricate piece of information. Why did he lie about it?

“Because,” he paused, eyes dropping to my lips. “I don’t give out my name to one-night stands.”


“Wait,” he grabbed my wrist when I tried to walk away. “At least listen – “

“To what?” I yelled, whipping his hand away. “To you insulting me? I can’t believe I’m just another one of your conquests…was any of your words back in that room real? God, this is humiliating. I’m leaving.”


“Don’t call me that. I’m not your babe. Get lost.”

“Please hear me out – “

“She told you to back off!” Cora stepped in between us now, serving as a barrier. “ You made her cry, and for that, you’re an arsehole. I mean, it’s not even like you two are dating or anything, and you’ve already broken her heart.”

“It’s all a misunderstanding…”

Cora tsked, shaking her head. “Your time is up, big guy. Please leave. Else I’ll be forced to call security and have them escort you outside.”

“Cora, come on. It’s enough already. Let’s just leave.”

“Tell Mr. Smarty Pants here not to stop us on our way out. He wouldn’t like what I’ll do if he does.

We rounded up the girls into a cab, Max still lingering at the entrance, staring at me longingly. I forced myself to look away, remembering his words. I don’t give out my name to one-night stands. Gosh. I felt like an idiot.

“Elaine?” Cora prodded me on impatiently. “He’s not worth a minute more, let’s get out of this place.”

And with that, she shoved me inside.

Throughout the ride back home, Cora droned on about all men being the same and that I shouldn’t take whatever Max had done to the heart. I couldn’t guarantee that, because it’d be stupid to deny that there wasn’t a connection that went beyond sex between the both of us. Or was that fake as well?

He said it earlier on anyways. I was a lot safer with the other creep.

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