
Chapter 7



It's been five days since Hazel started living in the mansion. I haven't catch a single glimpse of her in those five days. She had kept herself confined in her room. I've always ordered that her food be taken up to her room when she doesn't come down for food. I didn't want to go to her room because I figured she would need some space to adjust, but my patience started thinning out on the sixth day.

“She still hasn't stepped out of her room?” I asked the maid that was standing at a corner, with her head bowed.

“No, your majesty.” She responded, eyes fixed to the ground.

I sighed getting agitated already.

“Leave.” I said and she scrambled off almost immediately.

I sat down on the bed and rubbed my chin thoughtfully. I have to find a way to talk to her. I haven't even gotten to know her yet not to talk of marking her. The only thing I know about her is her name and about her stepfather and step sister. And my wolf has been growing impatient with each passing day. It has been growling in me to claim his mate.

I stood up and grabbed my jacket before storming out of the room and heading towards hers. I placed a knock on the door and impatiently waited a few seconds before she finally opened up.

Her emerald green eyes widened with fear as they met mine. I had no idea why she was so afraid of me and at this moment I didn't care because I was so mesmerized by her beauty. I had ordered the maids take her shopping the day after she arrived. They reported that she spent very little amount of money and only bought some necessities.

She was in a beach short and an oversized T-shirt, her hair was packed into a messy bun. I don't know if it's because it's been long since I last saw her but she looked really beautiful.

“Your majesty.” She said, bowing slightly. She let go of the door knob and that cause the door to widen.

“Why haven't you been coming down to have your food with us?" I questioned, trying to make my voice sound soft, but it came out like a low growl.

She chewed on her bottom lips nervously.

“I'm sorry for causing you trouble by not coming down, your majesty.” She responded slowly.

"Please... don't punish me." I could almost hear her sniff and was instantly taken aback.

“What? No! I didn't mean that.” I said in disbelief. How did she misunderstood my words to thinking I was going to punish her?

She didn't reply and just stared at her feet still chewing her lower lip. I heard the clacking of heels approaching but I didn't tear my gaze away from Hazel.

“Hazel, how nice to see you!” Melissa's squeal mixed with the clacking of her heels filled the hallways as she approached us.

“Did you get the smoothie I sent to you this morning? I made it personally for you.” Melissa said.

Hazel stared at her before forcing a smile.

“Thank you for the smoothie.” She said hesitantly. I didn't need a seer to notice Hazel was uncomfortable, her expression said it all.

They exchanged a few glances that I can't quite decipher before Melissa turned to me.

“Hazel is having a good stay here. She doesn't like that we have too much servants so she prefers eating in her room. I make sure to prepare a healthy fruit smoothie for her everyday. We chat everyday too. We're basically besties now, right Hazel?” Melissa spurted out and giggled.

Hazel nodded reluctantly.

“I wasn't talking to you, Melissa.” I said harshly.

Melissa's lips thinned in embarrassment. With a deep sigh, I turned to Hazel.

“Get ready, we're going out in thirty minutes.” I said. She nodded immediately.

I turned to walk away when Melissa stopped me.

“But we need to go out for wedding outfits today, remember?” She said.

“Reschedule.” I stated simply and start to walk away when she stopped me again.

“I can't. You already cancelled once and the stylist is going to feel really bad if I cancel again. That poor old man.” Melissa pouted her lips and stylishly rubbed her stomach, making it obvious for me to see.

I groaned in anger but immediately calmed down when my gaze met her hands, rubbing her flat stomach. Then I looked up at her with soft eyes.

“Please, reschedule, Melissa. We still have plenty of time as the blood moon is still very much far"

"But---" she began to protest again, whining like a baby which made me instantly lost my temper I've been suppressing for long.

"I said, reschedule!! If the wretched old man can not wait, then we get another stylist that's willing to wait while he would be beheaded!! Understood?!!" I barked, totalling forgetting my mate was standing just right next to us.

My peripheral vision caught as Hazel flinched slightly. My wolf whimpered in me. Melissa merely nodded. She was used to seeing me lose my cool.

I walked away hurriedly before I would do something I'd regret. I hated the fact she had to see me like this. It's what I've been avoiding ever since she came here.


Thirty minutes later, I sat inside my car, waiting patiently for Hazel. She soon stepped out of the house and walked toward me. She opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. She was in a casual t-shirt and jeans, her hair honey coloured hair was packed in a ponytail with a few strands falling on her face. My fingers itched to run my fingers through her hair.

“Seatbelts.” I said.

She used the seatbelt without a word. I wanted to take her out of the mansion and spend some alone time with her without Melissa being on my neck and whining about the baby, but I had no specific place in mind.

I would have loved to take her to a five stars restaurant, but if what Melissa said about her been uncomfortable around strangers is true, then going to a restaurant will be a bad idea.

“How are you enjoying your stay?” I asked in an attempt to break the tensed silence.

“Very well, your majesty.” She said.

“There is no need for the formalities, Hazel. You can just call me Darius, we're mates after all.” I said, a bit irritated. I've fantasized how my name would sound on her soft voice since the first day I saw her.

She nodded. The uncomfortable silence settled again. She stared out of the window while I focused on the road.

“When are you going to claim me?” She asked gently as if she was afraid of the answer.

I was taken aback by her sudden question. But I quickly recomposed myself.

“I'm not going to mark you without your consent.” I said firmly.

“You would have to eventually.” She muttered under her breath.

“Do you really think that low of me?” I asked in utter disbelief.

She didn't say anything, but kept looking outside the window which I suspect was an attempt to avoid meeting my gaze.

“I'm not going to mark you or touch you without your consent. The mating bond is sacred and I'm not that cruel.” I said, my tone harsh.

I know what people say about me would affect my relationship with my mate when I eventually have one, but I didn't fathom she would think this low of me.

“I'm sorry.” She said meekly.

“For God's sake, stop apologizing about everything!” I half yelled. She flinched and I saw her slowly blink away tears.

I guess I can't stop her from being afraid of me. I stopped the car and turn to face her fully.

“I'm sorry I yelled at you.” I said for the first time in my life. I've never had to apologize for anything before, not as a kid and definitely not as an adult. It felt strange to apologize for the first time.

She nodded and blinked her tears away.

“It's okay, your ma–” she paused when I raised an eyebrow “-Darius.” she finished and recoiled herself as if in an attempt to stay away from me.

I instantly felt frustrated staring at her act that way. She's so reserved and always fidgeting at the sight of me and I don't think I can deal with this any longer.

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