I guess I should explain ; three years ago before Tanner was taken away, I had volunteered to help set up the High School dance, and while working on it I met Dylan there. He was messing around with a bunch of his friends when he bumped into the ladder I was standing on. It swung back and forth, and soon I found myself falling off. Dylan saw what he had done, and when I fell he caught me. It’s a bit like they do in the movies when the girl falls for the guy who saved her from a big clumsy fall. In that moment we became instant friends, he was the one who I went to when they took Tanner, and he was the one who helped me get over my anxiety of talking in front of my classes. It took him a whole year before he finally asked me out, and of course I said yes. We’ve been boyfriend and girlfriend for two years, I dreamed when we were done he’d go off to college, I would find a better job, and he would propose maybe two years later after High School. With the current situation at hand though all my dreams of us being together rolled down hill. I felt tears pierce my eyes, quickly I covered my hands with my face, I refuse to let him see me cry, I was afraid he would think less of me if I did.
« Cassy are you okay ? » Dylan asked sitting down next to me and putting his arm around my shoulder.
I blinked away the tears, lifting up my head I said, « Yeah I just have a little headache that’s all. »
« Probably because you hit the floor really hard, » Dylan brought me in giving me a hug.
I took a deep breath he smelled like cinnamon, « Why do you smell like cinnamon ? »
Dylan lifted up his arm sniffing himself, « I came to see you after foods, we where making snicker doodles. »
« I didn’t make you miss class did I ? » I asked worried.
« Yeah, but the nurse excused me when I told her I was your boyfriend plus it helps that my parents donate money to he school, » He said smiling.
« Cool, » I said.
Man, Dylan would do anything even to miss his favorite class which was after foods ; mechanics. There were so many things he did for me and that’s why I loved him.
I got close to his face, « You know I love you. »
« And you know I love you, » Dylan leaned in giving me a kiss.
« No PDA in school, » An unexpected voice interrupted.
I pulled away with red cheek, moving my eyes they landed on the schools nurse Ms. Track.
« Sorry. » I whispered.
Ms. Track walked up, « How you feeling ? »
« Hungry, » I said.
I wasn’t lying this time I really was starting to get hungry.
« No bruises, cuts, scrapes, etcetera ? » Ms. Track asked.
« Nope, in fact if it’s okay with you could I take Cassy home Ms. Track ? » Dylan asked jumping off the bed like table.
Ms. Track hesitated, « Okay I’ll just excuse you from your last class then you can go. » With that she turned on her silver tennis shoes and walked away.
« Dylan I’m feeling fine you can go to mechanics, » I said.
Dylan picked me up by the waist lifted me off the table setting me down, making me face to face with him, « No way I would miss the chance to skip school, and be with you. » He leaned in kissing me again.
I pulled back, « You sure ? »
« Of course I’m sure, » Dylan took my hand and we walked out to his dad’s old truck that he gave to Dylan for his 16th birthday. In ten minutes we soon where at our favorite fast food place, « Big Joe’s. » We both ordered a double stack hamburger, with a large fry, and drink.
« Man I love this place. » Dylan said chomping into his burger.
I laughed, he was so cute, I just wanted to be with him all the time, and the thought of even leaving him was to horrifying to think of. Dylan looked up catching me watching him, « something wrong ? » He asked with his stuffed face.
I laughed, « Of course not, I’m just wondering how I got so lucky. »
He whipped his mouth on his sleeve, « I could ask the same thing. »
I couldn’t help it, I leaned over the table giving him a kiss, « I love you. »
« Yes, and I love you, » Dylan reached across entwining our fingers together, « I even love your blue hair. »
I blushed. The first time we had said the words « I love you » we were in detention. I know not the most romantic place, but when the teacher left Dylan said he couldn’t hold it in any more, and he told me he loved me, and in response I said it back and I meant it. We’ve been in love for at least 4 months. I didn’t want to loose him, but I didn’t want to tell him about last night, and why I really fainted.
After lunch I’d gone to work, having to say good-bye to Dylan. During work Sophie called telling me she was over at a friends and that she’ll be home around eight. Hours later I made my way home. Putting the old rusty key in the lock to the apartment, something was wrong only the door was already unlocked. Huh ? Was mom back already ? It was only six. Opening the door I took in a deep breath, the fresh scent of fettuccine and noodles got to my nose. Since when did mom know how to cook that ? I shut the door, I turned around finding someone leaning down looking in our fridge ; his hairy hands gave him away. « What in the world are you doing here ? Who let you in ? »
Dad closed the fridge pulling out some butter, « Fixing dinner what else ? » He turned to a shiny brand new pan.
« Where did all the food and pans come from ? » I demanded.
« I went shopping, am I not allowed to provide food for my family ? » He asked shutting the fridge and getting back to his pan.
« No you’re not, considering this isn’t your family, » I said harshly.
Dad sighed, « Well I consider all of you family and you’re linked through me by DNA so you’re stuck with me. »
I huffed frustrated, « How’d you even get in here ? »
« Your mom, » He said sprinkling some fancy spice on the noodles.
« Why would she let you in ? » I demanded.
« Let’s just say I convinced her too, » Dad looked up smiling, « So do you want to tell me what happened to your hair ? »
I ignored his question, « I’ll be in mom’s room. » I walked off.
« Cassandra, come back, » Dad, said flatly.
I shut the door behind me locking it, for one hour I stayed in there only to emerge when mom got home. « Cassandra dinner time ! » Mom yelled. I would have protested but I was hungry and the smell was over whelming. Grudgingly I walked over to the door unlocking it. I emerged into our living room/my room/kitchen/place for the table. I walked over to the table not at all wanting to sit or eat with my dad. My parents had sat across the table from each other (which wasn’t fair since it was small and only four seats fit around it.) Annoyed I sat between them staring at the gorgeous food in front of me ; fettuccine noodles, bread sticks, with a side of peas. I picked up my fork stabbing at the food as I ate, when finally I realized they were staring at me.
I raised my head snapping, « What now ? »
« Um, nothing just wondering how it tastes, » Dad lied.
« Okay if your not going to tell me then mom will. » I turned to mom, « Well ? »
« You see-« Mom started.