« I know your mad-«
« Mad, mad is not exactly the word I’d use, » Mom said coming out of her shock.
Dad looked a bit angry but he let it past, « The point is I would like to start over. I found out two years ago that Tanner was in foster care. Realizing that something wasn’t right I fought for him for about a year when finally I got custody. He has been living with me for a year and all he wants is to see the three of you again. And he isn’t the only one, I know this is hard to believe considering I’ve been gone nine years, but you have to believe that I want to start over with all of you. »
Sophie stopped sobbing, « You mean we can be a family again ? »
« Of course sunshine, » Dad smiled. I growled with out meaning to he used to call me cupcake he didn’t deserve to call Sophie sunshine let alone allowed to call her his daughter. « I know your upset Cassandra, but I really do mean well. »
Mom spoke softly, « Your not just going to up and leave again are you ? »
Dad took her hand, « No of course not. I want this to work. My new job has allowed me to get back on my feet again and make me realize what’s important. »
I don’t know if it was the way he said it or if it was because he said it, but when he mentioned his job something turned inside me. Something was out of place, something was up, something was not right. He wanted something, and that’s what rich people do, they try to buy the people they’re with into thinking its for the best. « What do you want ? » I finally choked out.
« I just want my family back, » Dad repeated.
I then saw something in his eyes ; fear. I croaked out, « You’re only here because you want something, and you know that whatever it is you can’t have it. I can see the lies and fear in your face. I might suck in most areas of expertise, but one thing I’m good at is knowing when I’m being lied to especially by my no good dad ! »
« Cassandra Melanie Draper you do not talk to your dad like that ! » Mom shouted.
Okay, now I’m mad, when I’m mad it gets ugly, « The only reason your taking his side is because he’s rich, and you think we’d be better off living with him because he has money ! The thing is I’d rather be poor than go with him and live a rich life ! He is hiding something and you know I’m right, you just don’t want to accept it or be let down again ! » Everything went silent. My face felt like it was on fire, « Unless you want to keep feeding us more garbage, then leave ! Or you can tell the truth on why you’re really here and I’ll be descent enough to not slam the door on you. » I sat down without realizing that I had even gotten up and apparently I had let go of Sophie.
Silence, all eyes on me then back to dad then me again. Finally dad was defeated (hopefully by my glare), « I didn’t want to tell you until things got better, but I can see you all know that I have another reason for being here. First before I tell you, you should know that I really do want this to work, I really do want us to be a family again. I just want things to be like they were before I left and became the most hateful person in your life. » Dad sighed taking it all in, « The truth is I made a grave mistake, and I can’t fix it. See the thing is…. » he trailed off, « The thing is that….Cassandra Melanie Draper you have an arranged marriage, and you must be married to him by the age of nineteen. »
Unexpected ; is not even a word to describe this whole situation. I had so many emotions running through me that I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to hit my own dad. Nothing came out but I so badly wanted to get it out, if I didn’t control myself I really would blow up, and I couldn’t do that in front of Sophie. Instead I didn’t have to mom did it for me, « what did you say ? »
« Cassandra has an arranged marriage with my bosses son, » Dad repeated.
« No she doesn’t, » Mom accused.
« Yes she does, see back around when I left I found myself depressed, and drunk a lot. One night a lady showed up offering to give me the best job of my life and to be rich. I was drunk and vulnerable, I didn’t know what I was doing or signing. The next day I found out what I had did and I was ashamed, there was no way to get out of this contract, some how she got your mother to sign it. » Dad said.
« Wait what ! I did no such thing ! » Mom yelled horror coming across her face.
« But you see you did she showed up asking you to sign our divorce papers when in reality she tricked you into signing into this arranged marriage. I did not find out she had come by until a few years into my new job, » Dad paused, « Look there is no way I can undo this horrible thing, but I would like for us to start over. »
« We aren’t divorced ? » Mom asked only taking that one thing out of what dad had just said.
« Yeah we’re still married, » Dad said slowly, « There is no way to get out of this. But like I said I want us to be a family again. »
Anger boiled inside me, I stood up, « You expect us to come back and live with you as though nothing happened, and in reality something did. You decide to show up just to tell me that I’m being forced to marry someone I don’t even know. This is unaccepted, you’re crazy to think I’ll even cooperate in this ! »
Dad’s facial expression changed, « You will do it because you have no choice, because if you want to all be united again, and live a better life than I suggest you shut up and do as I say ! » Dad growled.
Tears came to my eyes I couldn’t control them any more, « You don’t deserve a family ! You don’t deserve a second chance ! »
« You know what fine ! It doesn’t matter because either way you have to do this or you and your sister will be separated forever ! » Dad threatened.
New fresh tears came down my face, my glasses started to fog up, « You might be able to make me marry this stranger but you can’t make me like you ! In fact I hate you I wish you would just disappear ! » I screamed I couldn’t speak any more with out breaking into more tears. I sat down feeling defeated and small. My head rested on my lap, the tears starting to pour out.
« Cass-« I heard dad say.
« Get out ! Get out ! Get out ! » Mom kept yelling. The door slammed then my vision blurred.
* *
I woke up, in a white room. Why did my head ache ? Slowly I sat up wondering what was going on. Everything far away was blurry unless close up to my face, where were my glasses, and where was I ? »
« Hey, your finally up, » A familiar voice said.
« Dylan is that you ? » I squinted there was someone over on the right sitting on a…chair ?
« Oh yeah sorry, » Dylan walked over placing my glasses on my face. « There much better, right ? »
« Yes, much better, » I mumbled.
Dylan leaned down giving me a kiss, « You were doing so good you went practically a whole year with out throwing up, or fainting what happened ? » Dylan asked after giving me another kiss.
I gulped my dad that’s what happened, but I couldn’t tell Dylan about the events from last night, « I guess I just chocked, with the end of the school year coming. »
Dylan nodded, « That makes sense. How are you feeling ? »
I feel like garbage, I lied, « My stomach is a bit hungry. »
Dylan laughed, « Of course, you pass out and wake up with a hungry stomach. »
Oh wow I loved his laugh, « Dylan where are we ? »
« Its simple, the nurse’s office, you really scared the teacher, a long with Madison Tap she screamed when you fell making everyone next door come rushing in. Its actually funny, Madison totally deserved it after making you do all the work on the presentation. When you crashed your glasses broke, but thanks to your amazing boyfriend they are now fixed, » Dylan said proudly.