
Chapter 1: Alone


I bawled in pain as my bones twisted in awkward angles. Hairs started growing in all parts of my body. I feel my face elongating, teeth lengthening– its edges sharpening. My nails turning to sharp claws digging the surface of the earth. I could feel something growing behind me, moving at the back of my thighs. It felt like a tail. My muscles stretched far beyond what I can imagine.

It hurts.

Everything hurts.

Through my tears, I can see the man standing… watching me transform into that of a nightmare that rooted from his bite.

I don't know what's happening and I fear the unknown. But one thing’s for sure… I'm becoming a monster that everyone will surely fear.

One bite from him– that's all it takes.

Clover watched me pack my clothes into my suitcase with a dejected look on her face. She didn’t want me to go but despite everything, I miss them. I waited for this day ever since I stepped foot on this campus.

“Do you really want to go now?” She asked for the umpteenth time knowing the repeated answer. “Like, are you sure? You can always go tomorrow.” I could hear a whine in her voice.

I was touched that she finds me important in her life enough to get her clingy like this. A year had gone by since she had become my roommate and classmate. It was the first time that I met someone who’s so thoughtful and caring. I’m not going to deny that I doubted her intentions first. I wasn’t used to this kind of treatment.

I halt at the thought. It was enough to make me have second thoughts about going home. But my longing to see my family again overpowered the negative thought.

“I’m sure Gabrielle is more than willing to accompany you to your boyfriend’s party.” I said, smiling.

“I wish he was my boyfriend.” She pouts with a longing look.

Reagan, he’s the hunk that every girl here falls for, my friend here is very much included in his line of admirers. He’s the most popular guy and because of that, Clover finds it hard to approach him without girls throwing a hate glare at her.

I used to be one of those girls but I moved on seeing Clover is so head over heels for him to the point that I already feel pity for her. If you’ve seen the look on her face whenever she sees him, you’d know how I feel.

Clover wanted me to stay for tonight because of Reagan’s party. The guy is not only extremely gorgeous but also extremely rich. He’s a senior so the party was for the last days of his college life with his friends.

I wish I could go with her but coming to a few parties made me realize that I wasn’t cut out for it. I would easily suffocate looking at the crowd. I can’t even drink alcohol or mingle with other people to my heart’s content. My heart itself could not take it. I hyperventilate for no reason; it’s rare but I don’t want to risk it.

Clover knew my condition but sometimes she just wants me to come with the intention of letting me enjoy life. After all, I’m still a young lass. No disease should hinder me. And I agree to that but tonight is an exception. I really wanted to go home. Even my friend’s puppy dog face can’t hinder me.

I flopped down to the bed where she laid on her stomach. Her downcast face made me feel a little bit guilty. “I’m sorry, Clo, but I know you understand me. You’re really just clingy.” I teased.

“Rin!” She suddenly sits up and engulfs me with a very tight hug. “I will miss you!” She fakes cries. “Take care on your flight back home.” She said, rubbing her cheek to mine. “And when you come back, I will be Reagan’s girlfriend!”

I giggle. “I can’t wait to come back and hear you brag about it!”

Gab volunteered to drive us to the airport. The car was filled with chatter on our way and when it’s finally my time to leave, Clo crushed me with her hug, rubbing her cheek to mine like she usually does. Gabrielle, as demure as ever, embraced me with her delicate arms, saying she’ll miss me, too.

I waved my hand to them one last time before disappearing to the crowd.

Turning the lights on, I sighed. I expected this but still wished to be untrue. I dragged my suitcase towards the living room and flopped down to the couch. The flight was only a few hours but I was exhausted. Probably because only darkness greeted me home.

The place was empty, quiet and dark before I arrived. I texted them that I’d come home and though they didn’t reply, there was a sliver of hope that they’re here waiting for me.

Ever since I can remember, I was always left alone. Because of my heart, I couldn’t go with them. They travel a lot because of their work. My sisters, Serene, Sage and Sky, are always with my parents. They help them with their work. They started out young ever since they were able. I was the only one who can’t– always cooped in my room unable to indulge myself even with a simple task.

Among the four, I was the youngest. My three sisters have a close age gap. Sky, who was before me, we are five years apart. The thought only made me feel more alone.

I was hungry but I was too lazy to grab something from the fridge. I lied down on the couch instead, covering my sight with my forearm and closed my eyes. I fell asleep in no time.

My eyes fluttered open as the doorbell woke me up from my slumber. I glanced at my watch, realizing I fell asleep for over an hour.

I dragged myself towards the door to open it and see who was behind it. I didn’t hide my shock when I saw an unfamiliar figure lingering on our doorstep. Very unfamiliar. I grew up in this town and I’m sure as hell I’ve never seen this huge man before ever.

He was huge– massive. He towered over me to the point his shadow blanketed my form. His bulging muscles only added to his already humongous form. His dark hair reached to his shoulders, brown with a hint of gold. I tilted my head up, studying his face. I’ve never seen someone so handsome on a godly level. He could put Reagan into one of his servants.

But I know handsome men like him are difficult and dangerous. He looks and feels like it too.

“Can I help you?” My neck was already starting to hurt, straining from looking up.

Without answering, he stepped forward. I gasped in surprise while instinctively stepping back. My heart was beating a mile per minute as he welcomed himself in. I could finally see his face clearly when hit with the light from the living room.

I would have admired his gorgeous features if it weren’t for the eminent fear I was feeling. He was giving off a terrifying aura. His face was void of emotions but his hazel eyes watched me in coldness and distaste.

Who is this man?

“Wh-who- who are you?” I stuttered. “A-are you looking for someone?” I almost told him that my parents aren’t here if he’s looking for them but I don’t think it’s a good idea to reveal that I’m alone. He looks like he’s going to murder me.

His hand suddenly reached for me. I instinctively closed my eyes, thinking he’s going to hit me or strangle me. It didn’t happen.

Instead, I feel a warm callus palm pressed against my cheek. My eyes opened in shock. My fear was temporarily replaced with surprise and awe. He steps closer to me, our front almost touching.

I frowned and watched him in curiosity. My heartbeat didn’t stop beating loudly. It didn’t slow down knowing my fear was coming back as it had only been absent for a mere second. Fear of the unknown.

He remained silent. His intimate gesture made me nervous. It didn’t sit well with me. I don’t know what he’s gonna do. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. As much as I want to deny it, as much as I want to run for my life, my feet couldn’t move. It stayed rooted to the ground. My mouth couldn’t even make a sound. I was completely frozen in place.

This realization only made my fear grow ten folds. He started to lean down to me. I closed my eyes tightly then, opened again when I felt his lips brushed my cheek.

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