

I set my half filled coffee on the table and stood up. Aria looked confused, her brow creasing. « Where are you going ? » she asked me getting up as well. I sighed, I’ve been doing that a lot, and moved towards the door. « Alpha Mike wants to see me », I replied tiredly, opening the door and stepping out onto the porch. I glanced at the sky, and noticed the sun had set over the hill, setting off an afternoon glow. I heard the door shut and felt Aria’s present next to me.

I shifted my gaze from the sky to Aria. Aria was looking at the direction where the Alpha lives. Sighing, she averted her green eyes back to me. « I’ll walk with you if you want, I’m going to see Jake anyway ». Jake was our other best friend, although Aria and I were much closer. I smiled softly at her, « Yeah, that’ll be great ».

I stepped down the stairs, and began walking to the Alpha’s house, with Aria walking beside me.

« You smell nice ».

I whipped my head to the side and narrowed my eyes at her strangely. « What ? », I asked utterly confused. Aria pouted and frowned, before turning back to me.

« What I mean is that, you have this smell, almost like someone else’s on you that’s really…I don’t know…interesting, alluring. When I hugged you before going into your house, I smelt it on you ». I slowed my pace slightly and stared at Aria in interest.

I grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted it up to my nose, inhaling it. The only scent I came across was my jasmine and honey scent and Tristan’s woodsy, sweet earthy scent. I sniffed again and came across a faint scent of musk and pine.

I felt my face scrunch up in confusion as I tried recalling who’s scent this belonged to. Once again I brought the soft material of my shirt to my nose and breathed, only focusing on the pine, wood scent.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Aria looking at me weirdly, eyebrow raised.

« What the hell are you doing ? » Aria questioned. I hadn’t noticed we had stopped walking, until I dropped my shirt and gazed at Aria.

« Does it smell like a…musky, pine smell ? » I wondered. Aria’s face lite up with recognisation. « Yes ! That’s it. It smell’s so enthralling, my wolf has been stirring and restless ever since we smelt it. I’ve tried asking her what is wrong, but she has been really quiet. » I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

Aria shrugged, and sighed « I don’t know, it doesn’t matter. I was just curious. » she chuckled lightly. Aria turned to the Alpha’s house and jabbed her finger towards it, while looking at me. « You. Go. The Alpha is expecting you », Aria laughed, grabbing my arm and pulling me with her.

As I look at Alpha Mikes house, I can’t help but wonder why Alpha Mike didn’t even acknowledge Tristan as being my mate. Mates aren’t something you ignore, even my father didn’t say anything on the way home.

I don’t know what would’ve happened if Tristan didn’t tell me to go home. I mean, Tristan is bad news but I can’t help but feel as if Tristan has put up a mental barrier around himself, like he won’t open up or let anyone in. Even for me.

I exhaled deeply and stumbled up the steps to the Alpha’s house. Turning back to Aria who was waiting at the foot of the porch.

« Well, I hope you’re not in too much trouble » Aria grinned cheekily at me, making me roll my eyes and match her teasing grin.

« And I hope you and Jake behave yourselves », I laughed as horror consumed her angelic features. « Ew, Luce, seriously he’s like my brother » she gasped her face now scrunching up into mock disgust. I chuckled loudly as Ari began to walk away towards Jake’s, being third in commands son, large house.

She glanced over her shoulder, « Come on Luce, you know I’m only waiting for my Mate » Ari smirked and threw a wink at me before turning, her back to me.

« See ya round Mrs. Ryker. »

I gaped at me best friend as she sauntered off in the opposite direction, shoulders shaking with laughter. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself, when it comes to Aria, you can’t help but laugh.

As I walked to the front door, I quickly combed my fingers through my hair and straightened out my clothes, before knocking on the door. As I waited for someone to open the door, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if Tristan and I were together, and we were married. Lucia Ryker. Luna Lucia. My wolf yipped in appreciation as we thought about this.

Focusing my attention on more important things, I registered the light thud of footsteps making their way towards the door. Straightening my back and tilting my chin in respect, Luna Whitney appeared and opened the door widely and smiled politely at me.

« Lucia, darling. So nice to see you again. Mike’s waiting for you. »

I drummed my fingers idly on the wooden arm rest of the leather chair I was currently sitting on, in front of the Alpha’s desk.

I kept my face neutral as Alpha Mike inspected and stared at me with a blank expression. I’ve been sitting here for what felt like a long time, when really it has only been about two minutes. Two minutes I have been sitting here quietly, as Alpha Mike looked me over.

« How are you ? » The Alpha asked after the long silence.

« I’m fine, thank you », I replied, while looking at Alpha’s left eyebrow. It’s disrespectful to look into a Alpha’s eyes when you are talking to them. Mike nodded his head and move in closer to the desk, resting his forearms on the smooth deep brown wood, while clasping his hands together. I squirmed in my chair, as Mikes penetrating gaze was still locked on me.

« So you’re Alpha Tristan’s Mate ? »

I snapped my head up surprised and looked at Mike. So he did realize we were Mates. My wolf started growling lowly at the Alpha, I could feel her anger towards the Alpha in front of us, angry that he took us away from our Mate.

‘We had to go anyway’, I soothed my wolf.

‘No, if it wasn’t for him we could be with our Mate. His wolf wanted us’. She whined, longing for her Mate. Looking back to Mike, whose eyes were trained on me, I realized I hadn’t answered his question.

« Yeah », I answered, unsure of what else to say. I fiddled with my hands in my lap, as I waited for the Alpha to speak.

« He’s a dangerous man, Lucia », Mike said looking at me with somewhat sympathy. I blew out a big sigh and fell back into the chair exhausted. I closed my eyes frustrated. That’s all everyone has said to me. That Tristan is cruel and dangerous. I know he is, I’ve been taught to hate that pack since I was pup. Opening my eyes, I found Mike already looking at me with worry.

« Alpha, I…I don’t know what to do. » I murmured to him. Mike ran a hand threw his brown, short sandy hair. He averted his grey stormy eyes over to the window then back to me.

« I know what you mean. Tristan is the man you have become to hate, but I think rejecting him would only make things worse-«  he didn’t finish as I cut him off.

« Alpha, I know Tristan’s a bad person, but he’s my Mate and I have no intentions of rejecting him ». I stated firmly, my stubborn, protective side come out. Finding my eyes, Mike spoke again.

« Lucia, let me finish. I was saying that if you rejected him-«  he looked seriously at me, as I glared at the idea, Mike continued.

« -it would only make him angrier, and as you and I both heard, Tristan says he wants you. In six more days, Alpha Tristan and some of his pack will be coming here, to investigate our pack about the murder of the child from the Dark Moon pack. »

My eyes softened as I remembered the reason why Tristan was coming to our pack. Although everyone hates the Dark Moon Pack, it still is a shock and is upsetting a child has been killed. Probably for no reason.

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