

I was walking towards my house when I heard someone yelling.

« LUCIA MILLER ! » I turned my head in direction of the person shouting my name. I cringed when I saw my best friend, Aria, marching furiously towards me.

« LUCIA, you are dead ! » I guess she found out the news of me and the enemy Alpha being mates. I sighed as I thought back to the looks and comments I had gotten, when myself and the rest returned back to the pack this morning.

I stood nervously as Aria stormed over to me, with her wild raven hair blowing around and green eyes burning with anger, she did not look happy.

« What the HELL Luce ? Why didn’t you tell me about you and Mr. Alpha Almighty, being freaking mates ?! » I flinched as she spoke.

« Ari, I-« , I started to say but Aria cut me off. «  No Luce, when were you going to tell me ? I’m your best friend ! ».

I sighed, and ran a frustrated hand through my hair. Aria did have a point ; we are best friends, but she was overreacting a little bit. « Aria, of course I was going to tell you, but there’s no point as everybody is talking about it », I was planning on going to Ari’s house later on and tell her, but all I wanted to do was go home, curl up and go to sleep.

« I’m sorry Ari ». I looked at Aria, as I said my simply apology. I couldn’t muster up anything else better to say. I was tired and frustrated, the mating pull is already nagging at me.

Aria sighed and pulled me to her, wrapping me in a hug. « I’m sorry Luce. I guess I was overreacting a bit. I mean, it’s not everyday I find out my best friend found her mate, especially the enemy Alpha. » I chuckled lightly and pulled away from her.

« Tell me about it, I’m still finding it hard to believe myself ». I stated, running my hand through my hair again, it defiantly needs a wash. Aria frowned and looked at me. She leaned a bit closer, smelling me. Before I could say anything, Aria grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards my house.

My house was quite old, it was two stories high, but it was beautiful, my mother loved it. I noticed, no one was home, dad was having a meeting with the Alpha, as Aria jerked me through the front door and shoved me down on the couch.

« You, sit. You’ve had a long day. I’m going to go make us some coffee, and when I get back, you are going to tell me everything. » Ari grinned mischievously at me and disappeared into the kitchen. Being the pervert Aria is, she is no doubt going to ask me questions on how Tristan looks, or whether he is hot or not.

I slumped back into the plush cushions of the sofa, as I mindlessly drifted back to when I first saw Tristan. He was beautiful, so handsome. I shivered, as I thought back to the way he spoke and said my name. It sounded perfect coming from his soft erotic lips, his voice is so deep and husky. I could all ready feel desire pooling in me as I thought back to Tristan.

‘He’s perfect », my wolf purred adoringly.

I couldn’t help but agree. Tristan was perfect, although he seems rough and cruel, I can’t help but feel there is more to him than some cold hearted, ruthless man. I mean, he obviously has a dark past, something’s mad him this way, made him the cruel cold Alpha he is today. I frowned as I remembered the shock that he elicited, when he found out I was his mate.

It seemed as if he couldn’t believe I was there. Any other wolf would have ran straight to their mate and into their arms after finding out they were mates. But I couldn’t shake the feeling off, that Tristan was holding back from me, that accepting me would be dangerous. Like he knew something important and he didn’t want me to find out.

I rubbed my temples, feeling tired as Ari finally made her way into the living room carrying two large cups of steaming coffee.

« Here you are », Aria said, as she plonked herself on the couch in front of me, careful not to spill her drink. I held the warm coffee between my hands and breathed the heavenly smell in deeply. Another thing I love ; coffee.

« Okay, spill » Aria demanded as we both finished getting comfy. I looked over to Ari to see her sitting eagerly on the sofa waiting for me to speak. I raised my eyebrows.

« Luce, come on, please ! What did he he look like ? Was he hot ? » Aria gushed impatiently. I knew Ari wanted to find her mate, poor guy, he’s going to have to look like a model to fulfill Ari’s standards.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I relished the sweet taste as the warm liquid flowed down my throat.

« He’s beautiful », I finally spoke as I glanced back to Aria. She had a goofy grin on her face and gestured for me to keep going. « Come on, what else did he look like ? »

I matched Ari’s goofy grin and told Aria everything. From his black hair, and very intense dark brown eyes, to how perfectly sculptured and tanned his muscular tall body is. Aria sighed dreamily.

« I can’t wait to meet my mate. I just know he is going to be perfect. » The hope and affection she already had towards her unmet mate had me smiling. All my dreamy thoughts disappeared as I thought about just who Trsitan really is.

Tristan is the ruthless Alpha, that even other Alpha’s fear him. He has the strongest pack in the country, and lives up to the name of being cruel, cold and vicious. Tristan and his pack are the ones that my pack have hated for years, we have been taught and learnt to hate. And of course Tristan is the son of the man that had killed my mother.

I closed my eyes as I thought to what could happen if Tristan and I were to accept each other. I would then become Luna and Alpha Female of The Dark Moon pack, I would have to leave my father and loved ones behind. What would my dad say ? Will he hate me for mating with the son of the wolf that had killed his mate, my mother ?

Surely my pack would hate me for accepting the Alpha, that we have shown nothing but hatred to, for years. I mean, does Tristan even like me ? Is he attracted to me, just as much I am to him ?

I shook my head and opened my eyes. Why would Tristan accept me ? I’m nothing special. I’m not even that attractive. My wolf growled loudly at me.

‘Of course our Mate will accept us. We are very special, there is always reasons as to why fate and the Moon Goddess put Tristan and us together.’ I inwardly agreed with my wolf. The Moon Goddess always had reasons.

I shifted my gaze over to Aria to see she was already staring at me intently. « Luce, are you going to accept him ? I mean would you be able to live with yourself if you became to love the man, who was the son of the Alpha that killed your mother ? »

I stared at Aria as she asked me this question. « I don’t know Ari », I murmured sadly. « I mean I could never reject Tristan, it would be impossible. Even though I barely know him, I’m already so attracted to him. »

Aria nodded her head and smiled at me. « Luce, none of us expect you to reject him, and yeah it’s understandable how it would be impossible, and how you are already attracted to him. You’re Mates. » I smiled gratefully at her, I was glad she understands.

‘Lucia, the Alpha would like to see to you’. My fathers voice suddenly filtered in my mind. I frowned, what did he need to see me for ? Has he finally realized Tristan and I are mates ? I’m pretty sure he knew all along, just avoided it for some reason.

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