

« Welcome ».

I almost moaned. His voice was a deep timbre and sounded incredibly husky. My knees started to shake and were threatening to give way from underneath me. My wolf was started purring at his unusual powerful authoritative voice. I haven’t even looked at the guy and here I am almost moaning over him saying one word !

As he began to continue to speak, I still kept my head down, still admiring his alluring voice. It sent shivers down my spine, leaving a tingling feeling raking over my body.

After a few minutes or so of Tristan speaking, I didn’t realize that he was observing each of us individually and had stopped speaking. The clearing was still deathly quiet.

I slightly bent my head so I could actually look at him, as he observed Alpha Mike. As I looked at him for the first time, my breath caught in my throat.

He was absolutely breathtaking. Even from a distance where he stood, I could define each and every one of his very tanned sculptured muscles, even though he wore a plain tight black shirt. And he has a lot of muscle. Solid muscle that is.

Removing my eyes from his broad muscled shoulders and strong arms, I studied his face. His face was even more breathtaking. It looked as if the angels had personally visited him and sculptured him to perfection. He had hair as black as the midnight sky, that was tousled as if he had run his hands through it. He had a very strong defined jaw that was slightly clenched, with a bit of stubble. His lips were red and full, but were pulled into a thin line.

Weird things were happening to me as I inspected him. I felt a wave of desire and want fill me as gawked at this perfect monster a few meters in front of me. My wolf was jumping with joy inside me and purring in appreciation. In this very moment, all I wanted to do was climb up that boulder and jump on him.

He was perfect in every way, he looked like a god and that the angels from above have sculptured him from every hard pure muscle to his perfect chiseled face.

I shook my head, ridding the thoughts I was having. I then noticed that Tristan had finished inspecting the rest of my few pack members and was now turning to me.

I quickly looked down at my now trembling hands, hoping the Alpha didn’t catch me drooling over him.

I felt his burning gaze land on me.

« Look at me », he growled threateningly.

I knew he was talking to me, but I still kept my eyes plastered to my shaking hands. When he noticed I wasn’t going to look at him, he growled lowly in his chest.

« Look at me now ! » he demanded viciously.

I cringed in fear. I couldn’t look at him, he was the son of the man that had murdered my mother. If my father found out who he was to me, he might disown me for being mates with the son of the wolf who killed his mate. I would be a disgrace, but I could never bring myself to reject my other half. I wouldn’t. Even if he was the enemy.

When I didn’t look at Alpha Tristan for the second time, I heard him snarl a vicious snarl that had my wolf purring with lust.

I then registered the soft thud of him landing on the ground and making his way towards me. My breathing picked up and my heart pounded against my chest with panic and nervousness.

What is he doing ?

I heard him stop a few feet away from me. Obvious anger radiating off him, from being disrespected.

He growled loudly this time, which had me flinching back in fear.

« Look at me », he repeated slowly and menacingly, making sure I heard each word clearly.

‘Lucia ! What are you doing ? Look at him !’ my dad shouted through mind link. I sighed. I have no choose, either which way I have to face him sometime.

Slowly, I lift my head. As soon as my eyes met the cold, dark brown ones of Tristan’s, I’m lost. I’m literally sucked into my own world, where only Tristan and myself exists. Everything around me vanishes, and I can’t seem to pull my eyes from the dark ones of Tristan’s. They are so alluring. I guess you could say my suspicions of Tristan being my mate are confirmed.

I barely register my name being called as I still continue to stare into Tristan’s intense eyes. My wolf is going crazy and is howling loudly in triumph, that we have such a physically perfect mate. I think she is already in love with Tristan.

Again, I hear my name being called. I slowly come back to my senses and it takes every bit of strength of my will power to wrench my eyes away from the dark brown ones, that hold so many emotions right now, that already hold me captive.

I suddenly feel cold and empty as I break eye contact from Tristan. I look over to my dad to see him staring at me in shock and disbelief, but thankfully I don’t detect any disgust in his stunned green eyes. But what I do see, is realization as my father finally puts the pieces together and works out what is happening, works out that Tristan is my mate.

I look back to my shocked mate, who is still staring at me in open awe. I stare back at him, mirroring his own expression.

This man in front of me is my mate. The cruel most powerful and feared Alpha, is my mate. The son of the man who killed my mother ten years ago is my mate. Alpha Tristan is my soulmate, my second half, the person I’m supposed to love and cherish for the rest of my life.

Tristan Ryker is my mate.

I gulped and looked around. I wasn’t surprised as I scanned around to see many emotions and comments coming from the Dark Moon pack, about what they have just witnessed. I looked back to my pack, still aware that Tristan is gawking at me like a trophy.

I glanced at Alpha Mike. He is staring between Tristan and I like he can’t believe what is happening, surprise evident on his shocked face. Hell, I can’t even believe what is happening either ! Turning my head, my gaze locks with Tristan’s deep brown depths, I’m suddenly lost again. Its as if Tristan and only Tristan is keeping me planted to this planet. I see so many emotions whirling around in his alluring eyes, but the emotions the stand out most are awe…. And shock ? The shock was so strong on his features it was astounding. It slightly confused me.

My thoughts are a jumbled mess as I continued to stare into Tristan’s intense dark eyes. I can feel my wolf trying to claw her way out and surface ; so she can take control and mark what’s ours. Slowly, Tristan rips his lingering eyes away from mine and very slowly takes in everything about me, from head to toe. I shivered as his eyes darkened as they trail down my body.

I thought I could detect a low growl come deep within the Alphas chest in front of me. It didn’t go unnoticed as Tristan’s dark orbs lingered on my chest longer than usual. I flushed hotly and looked to the ground. « Mate », Tristan whispered so softly, so quietly, I barely heard him. My breath hitched as I heard him say that one word. He was actually admitting it ? I was still aware of the awfully quiet crowd surrounding us, watching for what will happen next. What was I going to do ?

Not removing his eyes from mine, Tristan hesitantly took a step closer to me ; now only standing a meter away. My heart started to speed up even more as he continued to take another step towards me. The electricity that was crackling between us only intensified. What is he doing ? My wolf was going crazy as Tristan now stood directly over me.

I suddenly felt small and weak next to Tristan’s big imitating frame. I barely reached his shoulders. I now can see why everyone fears this ruthless Alpha. My eyes widened even more, as Tristan slowly lowers his head to the crook of my neck. My heart was pounding in my chest so hard, I’m sure Tristan and everyone else could hear it.

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