

« Sorry dad, I went further into the forest than I usually would have, » I replied. It’s then I realize that the room is still deathly quiet.

I turn around, and sure enough everyone is watching my father and I. I blush and quickly avert my eyes back to my father.

I don’t really like attention. Dad shook his head and turned towards an empty seat, pulling me with him and placing me in it.

My dad stepped back and went up the stage steps to sit with Joe, the third in command, Alpha Mike and Luna Whitney.

Alpha Mike stood up and went to the front go the stage. He cleared his throat, and then spoke with powerful authority.

« Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I know it was only just this morning that we had a meeting but this one is necessary. » He paused and looked across the room. « As you all have heard just last night, one of the members, a child, from the Dark Moon pack had been brutally murdered ». Mike paused once again and eyed the crowd.

This wasn’t exactly news to us but still a few people gasped. Most of our whole pack hated the Dark Moon pack, from what they had done to my mother, their Betas mate.

But I guess we’re most shocked about was that someone had gotten on the Dark Moons territory and plucked off one of their members. No one dares to go onto Alpha Tristan’s land unwelcome, let alone kill one of his pack members.

He is said to be cruel, dark and that he keeps to himself. He must be furious and will probably stop at nothing to get his hands on the person who did this, and when he does… I don’t want to imagine what Tristan would do.

I stopped my train of thoughts and turn my attention to my Alpha as he began speaking again.

« Today I unexpectedly got a call from Alpha Tristan, him saying that he is investigating all packs across the country to see if any of us hold the killer. Although instead of him coming to us, we must go to him, the reason being for that is because Tristan explained himself that he cannot leave his pack at such a vulnerable time as they are all still grieving over their loss and that it is too dangerous ».

I silently shook my head in astonishment. That pack was inseparable.

After Alpha Mike had finished his little speech, murmurs and talking cut out across the room. So many people began shooting questions at Mike, that even my werewolf hearing couldn’t keep up.

Mike growled lowly in his throat, catching everyone’s attention and silencing the room instantly.

« If you have any inquiries or questions, please raise your hand and wait to be answered ». His command was laced with Alpha authority.

Slowly, Renee, one of the packs cook ,with short blonde hair, raised her hand. « Yes Renee ? » Alpha Mike asked.

« Alpha, I was just wondering when would you be leaving ? » Renee questioned quietly.

« Tomorrow morning, so we get there by late afternoon, » he replied calmly. Renee shook her head in understanding and sunk back into her chair.

I sat a bit straighter and turned my head back to see if anyone was going to ask anything else. All I wanted to do was go home and go to sleep. I was so glad I wasn’t going to Alpha Tristan’s tomorrow, because I’ll still be buried underneath my duvet covers, head moulded to my comfy pillow.

Ugh, just the thought of my heavenly bed, brought a yawn to my lips and a wave of sleepiness to wash over me.

As I was lost in thought someone from across the room had asked a question. I’m not sure what it was but it sounded like ‘Who will be going ?’ I glanced at the Alpha and waited for his reply.

I expected my dad would be going as he is Alpha Mike’s second in command, but what I didn’t expect was the last person he listed of who was going.

« The people who will be accompanying myself, is Beta Will, Joe, Tim and-« ,

My eyes bugged out of their sockets and my breathing stopped as he said the last name I would never expected.

« Lucia Miller ».

At any other time, I would love this. Running through the woods in wolf form, with four others of my pack. But not this time.

I listened to my paws as they thudded across the dry leaves, sending them flicking up from behind me.

My muscles and legs ache. My breathing is slow and raggered from running for so long. I look to my left to see my dads powerful brown wolf, running in time beside me. I can feel his fur rub against me sometimes at his closeness.

I swiftly turn my head to the right and see another two big wolves running a few meters from me. Knowing they are just Joe and Tim, I focus my attention on my Alpha running a few paces ahead of me.

He’s massive. Almost the size of a horse. I consider myself bigger than the average she-wolf, but I’m nothing compared to Alpha Mike. Alpha Mike’s wolf is a deep mahogany color. Watching him from behind, I notice the way his movements are so graceful but powerful at the same time.

« Are you okay Luce ? »

I turn my attention to my father as he mind linked me.

« Yeah dad, just a bit nervous ».

If I’m being honest here, nervous is an understatement. I’m freaking out, my heart is pounding in dread and anxiety as we move closer and closer to the Boundary Line. We can’t be more than ten minutes away.

Never in my life did I think that I would have to cross this line. It may just sound like an ordinary line, but this is no ordinary line. It holds so much power that when your are a few feet away from it, you get this feeling inside you saying, ‘don’t cross’, ‘don’t cross’.

I’ve heard from past stories that when you cross the Boundary Line it is somewhat physically painful. Like some invisible force is trying to pull you back.

How my mother got across without noticing ? Well, I guess I’ll never know.

Suddenly, I got a sickly feeling in my stomach as Alpha Mike started to slow. Mike turned his head towards us.

« We’re here », he stated, slightly out of breath. I’ve never been this close or even seen the Boundary Line before, but now looking over to the line engraved into the dirt a few feet away, it looks harmless.

« Shall we go ? » Joe, the third in command asked.

Alpha Mike shook his head and moved towards the line. The rest of us followed suit. Mike cautiously crossed first, then my dad, Joe and Tim. I was the last.

Once again, I asked myself, why did I have to come ? What business do I have here at the Dark Moon pack ? When I asked my father this he just told me ‘As a Betas daughter, you need to face and meet other packs.’

I snorted. I’m completely fine without knowing other packs. I looked to my dad, he nodded in encouragement for me to cross.

Hesitantly, I put my front paw over the line.

As soon as my foot touched the Dark Moons territory, my mind was screaming at me to retreat. The stories were right. It did feel as though a invisible force was pulling you back.

‘Keep going’ my wolf encouraged.

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