
Chapter 6 Lana is family

Rachel's POV.

I groaned awake shifting on the huge really comfortable bed.

My eyes finally flipped opened after turning around for a while.

All what happened yesterday to this morning flashed before my eyes and I remembered everything.

I got down from the bed to inspect the room properly, I didn't have the time to do that when I first arrived.

It was huge, and beautiful and blue and... My phone went off with a ding.

I picked up my broken screen cellphone to check who it was.

"Why!" I suddenly screamed surprising even myself.

The door opened with a bang and Ethan burst.

"What's wrong? Did anything happen?" Ethan worriedly asked coming to stand next to me.

My chest went up and down as I heaved for breath.

I shook my head to answer his question.

"It's nothing".

From Ethan's expression, I could tell that he didn't believe me. He reached for my hand which held the phone and took it from me.

He read the stupid message which was just sent to me aloud.

" Come to the house right now! " He snorted after reading it.

Turning back to me

" You're not going are you?" He asked.

Can I not go?

The message was sent by my grandfather. If I didn't go, he would just find a way to drag me there.

Taking a shaking breath, I came to a resolution.

" I'm going".

Ethan asked no further questions. He only nodded his head at me, before leaving the room.

God, why was this guy so nice to me!

Well, I'll have to think about that later. I had to prep myself for the long lecture I was going to receive from my family about divorcing David.

With that, I went into the bathroom, which was on the other side of the room to get ready.

After I came, I saw a big pink box on the bed. Beside it was another little box.

Curiosity took over me, so I walked over there to check it out.

There was a note on top of the big one.

' Wear this '

It read.

A smile unconsciously came to my lips as I held the paper in one hand, the other holding the loose towel I used to wrap myself.

Putting the paper down, I carefully opened the box. I gasped in shock as I saw the beautiful dress in the box.

I had a feeling the label of the box were familiar, but I wasn't sure.

It was the latest Jermini silk gown.

The gown newly came out and there was already a long line for it online, rare the renowned fashion designer Arthur normally designs new ones.

Getting this right now at this time was really impossible. How did Ethan manage to get his hands on this?

The arrival of the gown really baffled me, but nevertheless I took it from the box, extremely carefully and wore it.

Looking at myself in the mirror I smiled.

The dress fits me perfectly like a second skin. Totally hiding the fact that I almost killed myself yesterday. I didn't even look like a person that could opt for suicide rather than face the consequences of her actions.

Ethan gave me another chance by saving me from myself, I wasn't going to waste it.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes tightly. Opening it again, I saw different woman in the mirror. Not the heartbroken, Rachel who just got divorced, but the stone-hearted bitch who's going to make everyone that wronged her pay!

I smirked. That's what I'm going to do.

There were shoes in the little box beside the big one, and unlike before, I wasn't too fazed when I saw the brand name.

I was just curious.

Just how rich is goggle glasses Ethan?

Not like I can call him that anymore.

I walked out of the room and down to the living room.

" Good morning Ms Rachel. I'm Victoria, the house manager". An older looking lady greeted me with a smile.

"Er..." How did she know my name?

"Good morning to you too". I said with a awkward smile.

I had no idea what was going on.

The older lady didn't take offense, but if she did, she sure as well didn't show it.

" Breakfast is already made".


I sat on the huge dining table looking at the full scrumptious looking treats on the table. The huge dining was full to the brim and it didn't look like anyone was going me.

" Where's Ethan... I mean, Mr Wright?"

Saying 'Mr Wright' sounded really weird in my mouth so it the statement ended it really awkward.

But then again, the nice old lady smiled.

" Sir Wright left few minutes ago. But he wanted to tell you that John is by the car and would take you to wherever you want to go". She finished with a nod.


I wanted to ask who was this John but I kept my mouth shut, mostly because I was hungry and the scent of all this food were making me swallow saliva.

I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning, so it's expected.

I waited for a few seconds after Victoria finished speaking out of curtsy before digging into the food.

Half and hour later, I was done, full and ready to go.

"Thank you " I muttered to Victoria who was standing at the side waiting for me to finish eating.

Normally, I don't say thank you. For anything, that's how much of a bitch I was, but the old lady was just too nice for me not to thank her.

I stood up from the table and headed outside.

"Good morning Ma'am". A man walked up to me and bowed.

Guess this must be the John.

" Are you the one driving me?" I asked just to be sure.

He nodded.

"Yes, My name is John and I'll be driving you today".

" Good ".

About half an hour later we arrived at the gate of my family house. My parents were outside already waiting for me.

Time to meet the monsters.

I took a deep shaky breath and clenched my hands to a fist. John came down from the driver's seat ad opened the door for me.

"Thank you". I whispered unconsciously to him.

With bold steps, I walked towards my parents who were just outside the door.

" Rachel!" My father's deep voice thundered.

" Dad, mum" I greeted giving each of them a small bow.

" Rachel, honey, what's going on?" My mother walked towards me, cupping my face in her hands.

They didn't tell her. I could see it in her eyes that she was left in the dark about all that was happening, well not for too long.

Maybe they didn't tell her so her already deteriorating health, would just completely die.

I didn't want to be the one to break the news to her, so I forced a smile on my lips.

" Nothing mum".

I can tell that she didn't believe my lies from the way she looked at me.

But seriously, nothing Rachel?

Grandmother won't call you back home so urgently if there was no problem. I scolded myself.

" Let's go in. Grandfather is waiting for you inside". My dad spoke from the side opening the door for me so I could go in.

As soon as I walked into the house, every pair of eyes in that house turned to look at me. Their gaze were already criticizing me before any one could say anything.

All of my cousins were there with their wives. Including my aunt's and uncles, everyone was there watching me.

I heard gasps around.

One of my aunties recognized my clothes design and began whispering to the others.

" How did she afford Arthur's latest design, could she moved on to a richer man so quickly?" I heard one of them whisper, but I ignored it and looked at the giant in the room.

My grandfather sat the center of the room, glaring at me. From the corner of my eyes, I saw someone sitting beside my grandfather, a person I didn't expect to see.

" What is she doing here!" I glared at the intruder, my once best friend, Lana.

" Oh, she... " My grandfather pointed at Lana, more like pet her lovingly.

" Yes, what is this imposter doing here!" I shouted getting even more attention from the other members of my family.

" What are you saying Rachel, " My mother's gentle but worried voice came to my ears.

" Lana is family".

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