
Chapter 5 How can life be so unfair

Rachel's POV

My eyes widened in surprise.

Ethan's words kept ringing in my eyes.

Be with me

I want you to be with me

Why would he want to be with me?

Hello... I was his nightmare!

We should be enemies, seriously if I were him I would gloat at me in a situation like this, but instead he wants to help?

I was about to say something when I felt a slight discomfort in my throat, and I...

" Archeeeew". A huge sneeze escaped from my lips.

Breaking the weird silence between us.

" Are you okay? How long were you standing on the bridge before I found you? You must have caught a cold".

I stared at Ethan confused by his questions.

Few seconds ago, he was so close to me that I thought he would do something, but now he's so concerned about me that it was scary.

As if to answer his long lost of questions, my knees gave away and I lost my balance. I braced myself for the fall, but Instead of my face harshly hitting, I felt a warm embrace.

My heart beat increased as I looked up at him.

" I only said you should be with me, but you're throwing yourself at me". Ethan teased.

Ethan's teasing killed the butterflies that began flying around my stomach when he caught me so ... So movie like.

Throwing myself at him? Never! I'll rather die!

I quickly comforted myself.

" I think I've developed a cold". I said curtly shaking his hands off me.

Ethan gave me a dumb stare.

" Rest now, I'll have a doctor check you in the morning".

Morning? What it was still late?

"What's the time?" I asked frantically searching for my phone.


I threw it angrily to the wall when my grandfather kept insisting that I apologize to David. He even said that a man having two wives wasn't bad as far I was the first one I would have more respect, all I had to do was to get pregnant first.

Me, Rachel Estrella Andrew, a gen-z fucking baddie, my family wants me to fight for a man to the point of forcing myself on him.

Thinking back about it, maybe it would be nice if Ethan could help me get revenge on David, Lana and my dumb family members who only cares about money, and what he asked for was pretty simple, to be with him.

It's not like I'm going to fall in love with him or anything, I just freeload in his house until I'm done with my vengeance.

"It's around midnight". Ethan answered when he noticed I stopped searching for my phone.

" Ok".

I expected him to leave but he didn't, why was he not leaving?

"Is there anything else you need?" I asked hinting for him to leave.

Whether he got the hint or not, Ethan didn't show it. He still stood in the same place as if waiting for something.

" Ethan? " I called after few minutes when he was still not leaving.

His lips hook up in a breathtaking smile. His smile made me want to smile.

What the hell, snap out of it Rachel

" What's funny?" I asked raising a brow, trying my best to act like I wasn't affected by his smile.

" This is the first time you've called my name without any stupid honorific before or after it. "

That's the reason he was smiling?

This guy...

"I'll be leaving now".

Ethan left the room after, leaving me with my thoughts.

I sat down on the queen sized bed. Thinking about what had just happened.

I met Ethan, well more like he saved me when I had completely lost my sanity and wanted to kill myself. Still, the nerdy guy with goggle glasses is really hot now.

How did he get so rich?

I looked around in wonder. The room I was in was beautifully colored in gold. The walls, the furniture, everything screamed rich.

What could he possibly be doing?

Back when we were in school, Ethan was smartest one in the class with me always coming in as a close second. It annoyed me so much that a nobody always took my first spot in class, that was the reason I began bullying him in the first place.

Then all of a sudden, the last year of junior high, Ethan just flunked all his exams. I got the first spot I always dreamed of but instead on it making me happy, I was even more mad that goggle glasses Ethan had to fail classes for me to pass. That was the main reason I gave him the nickname google glasses Ethan, just to piss him off.

I continued the name-calling until the last school session of the year when suddenly Ethan disappeared.

The teacher said that he dropped out due to financial issues, and I was named valedictorian.

It didn't make me happy but it sure made my parents proud.

Now that Ethan, owned a house this big.

But wait a second, how am I sure this is his house?

He could have rented it, or his friend lent it to him so he can just pose for me, right?

I knew all the excuses I gave myself didn't justify how I was in this huge house and Ethan looking like the boss, but I just can't believe it.

How can life be so unfair?

I fell dramatically on the bed, my back hitting the soft bed. As I watched the ceiling it became clear to me how fucked up my life was now.

I planned today to be so special. I was going to give myself the honeymoon that I never got even after 3 years of marriage.

When David was still my boyfriend, he was the one always asking for sex but I never gave myself fully to him. I told him I was saving myself for my husband and he respected it. But still we would make out everywhere and anywhere.

When I found out my parents wanted to expand their empire, I was the one who suggested the marriage between us, I thought it was cool with David because he didn't say anything.

On our wedding night, I waited for him but he didn't show up, I refused to call him at the beginning because of my pride but when I've waited the while night, I gave him all call. I still remember what his explanation was

' I had an urgent business trip, I'm sorry but I can't come '

I should have known he was playing me since then.

Maybe he was Lana then. Laughing at my stupidity as they played me behind my back.

I sighed softly.

Bringing the blankets closer to my chest.

Then I remembered something.

Who texted me?

An unknown number texted me to come to the hotel, even as much as giving me the room number, who could it be?

I knew it couldn't be Lana since she was visibly shocked when she saw me in the room, if it was her she would happily mock me for being so naive and stupid. And it couldn't be David, he was also surprised and he called me to tell me he wasn't coming.

So who was it? And why did the person give me that information anonymously?

What could the person stand to gain in me and David breaking up? ?

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