

0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart


How dare you!!"His stare and cold voice made me step back with fear scared of what he will do"You clumsy woman!! Keep those disgusting hands of yours steady or go die somewhere!! How dare you hurt her!! Do you even know who she is!!""'s alright.."Andrea pleaded from behind but he continued"Lowlives like you don't even deserve to step into a place like this bit we were generous to offer you this job....but You being an ungrateful brat couldn't do one thing right.......Hell you can't even walk properly how come you were hired for this job!!"Endless tears were flowing down my cheeks as he continued to reprimand me"Alessandro..please...stop""No Andrea I will not stop..can't you see what she did.....You are too innocent and generous... you don't know girls like her.....they envy you and when they can't compete against you they engage in these dirty tactics .....bloody disgusting people...."I looked up into his eyes eyes asking him if this is what he thought of me...I was never this low...How could he even think I did this deliberately!"Oh my god...your hand..."Andrea said looking at my handI looked down to see my entire hand turned red with blisters everywhere.I felt numb earlier but now as I saw my wound I started feeling the suppressed pain I was controlling.My tears betrayed me not just because of his words but also from the pain of my burn.Andrea rushed towards me with a worried look on her face"Maria..bring ..the coolant hurry..we need to call the doctor.."She was something elseSo pure and caringMy eyes lifted to see AndoHe had a expression I couldn't decipherHis eyes were fixed on my burn but I couldn't tell if he was worried or not.But soon that expression was gone as he turned around and left.I looked at his retreating back wondering since when did he become so heartless.Everything is fair in love and warAnd this my friends is a war of broken hearts.


Thunder wolf (Book1)


No one has seen his face, but everyone has heard about him..Everyone fears his name because wherever his name is called the result is absolute and complete destruction..He is known to wipe out an entire pack within a few minutes and never ever there has been a survivor.They say he attacks Alphas, others say he hates rogues but no one knows who will be his next target.They say the sky gets covered by black clouds and thunders stuck the ground at the place where he attacks.The werewolf council declared him the most wanted wolf in the world, with the order of kill at sightIf only they could get him insightWith the sight of eagle, speed. of lightning and roar of thunder he was the most powerful wolf ever known to exist. He was the THUNDER WOLF.Or should I say she?


Thunder wolf (Resurrection)


The head which was expected to be held high to bear the crown of a princesswas bowed down in fear The eyes which always witnessed love and carewere forced to see blood and tearsThe lips which were always smiling Were quivering with horror and nightmares.The hands which were always held by her parents for safety and careWere now alone to shudder rapidly in fear.With time all the wounds disapperaredBut their marks continued to boil her blood in vengenance from those who brought her hereThe Royal blood running through her veins will not let her stopunless she has punished all those who played unfairThis Girl was called Ezra Gray AllistaireAnd she turned out to be everyone's worst nightmare.With those blue eyes as blue as thunderand black hair as dark as nightShe was the resurrection of the strongest wolf ever known to wolfkind.She was the thunder wolf.___________________________________________________________________Sequel to Book. 1 The thunder wolf could be read stand aloneHer kingdom was overthrown in front of her eyes but being a 6 year old she she couldn't do much.She was seperated from everyone she ever loved forced to live as a rogue all alone.They thought she died but little did they knew that they failed to kill the true successor of the throne.She was undercovered as a weak wolf, as an omegaWaiting for the right time to get back her crownBut on her journey of revenge she never thought she would have to fight him ,who was meant to be her everythingHe was the only obstracle on her path of revengeBut how could she cross it when his death would bring her only hope to an end.Ezra was on a journey to avenge her family's deathTo get back what was rightfully hersBut to get back her crown she must kill her kingLet's see her choose between love and revenge Join Ezra on this beautifull path of love,hate and revenge which could end as a beautifull view or a deadly dead end


His Not So Beautiful Wife


The youngest billionaire in town with looks of Adonis and everything at his feet desired just one thing more in life.His perfect match.He wished for a wife whose beauty would turn heads, a smile which would lighten up his world and figure which would curve perfectly under his fingers. A beauty who spoke with etiquette and made him proud.But he got herA mediocre girl with average looks, fierce personality and no curves.Outspoken and downright rude.She was everything he didn't want his wife to be like.But who could defy when their souls were bound by threads of fate.She was insecure And he fueled it furtherShe considered herself inferior to him And he used every chance to make it a belief.She had a beautiful delicate golden heartAnd he made sure to taint it black and crush it under his Gucci shoes.She was his not so beautiful wife And he made sure that nothing left of her could be ever considered beautiful."I will taint every damn fibre of your body my dear Elle...every bit of it till you beg me to divorce you"-Ashton "I will love every flaw of you my dear husband ...each and everyone till this heart beats for you"-Elle
