Although I had left the room early, it took me forever to get to my locker. Sure, being tiny had it’s benefits, but when you’re fighting through giant masses of human beings, it’s pretty much an epic fail.
I was force to wait by the door until the hallway cleared up a bit, and I was able to make it to my locker, unharmed. As I reached my locker, I noticed the group of girls standing a few feet away, whispering and looking at me. Oh ow, you guys are so subtle, I thought sarcastically.
« Look at her face… » One of the girls said, and immediately, all the girls turned and stared. Before I could think up a smart ass reply, their eyes all widened and they seemed frozen.
« Why don’t you all f*ck off ? » A voice asked from behind me. On command, all th girls scattered.
Which left me alone once more in the hallway, with Connor. Oh joy. I decided to not acknowledge him, and instead, grabbed some of my homework from my locker, and made my way to Study Hall, which was in the library, and thankfully in the opposite direction as Connor.
« Wait, Bella. »
Ha. You’re funny. I picked up pace and been nearly speed walking to the door, quickening when I heard the footsteps behind me. Almost there, I encouraged myself. Just as I opened the door, it was slammed shut, a body close behind me.
« I told you to wait. »
I took a deep breath, and gathered my remaining confidence before turning around to face him. As soon as I turned around, I tried to back away, which didn’t exactly work due to the door behind me. I held my breath as Connor studied my face.
« Are- um, » he paused, looking at the ground, « are you okay ? »
Yes, I admit, I was beyond shocked by his question, but it was soon replaced with anger as I shoved him away and entered the library. I went to the back, and seated myself at the lone table, isolated from everyone else. Halfway through my English homework, someone sat next to me, pulling out thief stuff. I ignored them and continued to work, until he started tapping his pencil.
Okay, calm down Bella, I thought to myself. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap-
« Could you please-«
I started to stand, only to be pushed back down.
« Listen, I’ll stop tapping my pencil, but please, don’t go. »
I narrowed my eyes at him, analyzing the situation. Connor didn’t seem like he was going to attack me and possibly rape me then kill me, so I decided to stay and continue working.
Which didn’t exactly work out since he was staring at me the whole time,
« What ?! » I asked, irratated.
« I.. Uh, er… » He spluttered, looking embarrassed. I smirked at him during his rare time of humiliation, which caused him to narrow his eyes at me.
Something then lit up in his eyes, and he lifted up his hand and gently brushed away the hair in my face, causing a slight amount of fear to leak into me.
« I know what I did was wrong, hell- it was downright awful, but I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. » He said, sincerity clear in his voice.
My heart stopped beating, and my eyes widened completely.
« I… Uh, well…. I-«
« Just got played. » Connor announced, a smirk etched across his features.
Oh no he didn’t.
My mouth was hanging open in surprise as Connor gathered his stuff. He leaned a little closer in, still with his signature smirk.
« Really Bella, if you keep up with this, I’m going to have to take you up on your offer. » He said with a wink, shutting my mouth close with his hand.
He laughed as he fully stood up.
« Oh and Bella, you may want to pull up your top, unless you want me to take your virginity right here. »
I blushed and pulled up my romper, my face burning with embarrassment.
« What ? You’re not going to deny you’re a virgin ? » He asked, surprised.
Oh shit.
I looked back up at him as he looked me over, shamelessly.
« Just you wait, soon enough I will have you screaming my name in pleasure and begging for more. » He whispered huskily in my ear before exiting the library.
Oh my god.
Suddenly the door opened again, and Connor’s head pooped in.
« Wait Bella, my house or yours ? » The door closed quickly behind him, leaving me stuck in a library full of people giving me all these looks.
I gritted my teeth and packed up my bag, hurriedly leaving the room. As much as I hate to admit it-
Bella : 0 Connor : 2