I look at my clock: I'll be at his house around 5:00 am, the perfect time. It's the time when everyone sleeps, it's late enough for the insomniacs to be exhausted and it's not early enough for the early risers to be awake. But anyway it doesn't matter, I know his schedule and in addition to taking a train at 12:30 p.m., I know that he wakes up and goes to bed at 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. respectively. I have nothing to worry about. It's borderline too easy.
Serene, I quietly leave my home to finally accomplish this mission which has lasted far too long for my taste. I turn back to my house hidden in the hollow of the forest, to admire my life far from civilization.
Some are afraid of forests, and these are clearly stupid morons. They have remained unaware of how much they are missing out on an incredible place. (below)
But well, I forgive them because even if I arrived here about fifty years ago and that the inhabitants of this place accepted me, you never know what you can find in these places... The worst that could happen to them would be to fall on me.
Even if the animals of this place are the only living beings to have accepted me, I would never tolerate anyone in this forest, otherwise I would be the idiot in the story.
One of the most amazing things here is the loneliness and people are too stupid not to understand, but I'd be more so if I let someone move in because I'd give it up along the way.
Regardless, I turn my back on my paradise to head for my black motorbike (media).
Towards the end of the trip, I park my motorcycle in a quiet place so as not to be noticed. I continue my way by running discreetly. I know the area by heart, my locations are finally useful to me after so long waiting for the right moment. I arrive even more furtively towards the house of the future dead.
The beginning of my mission starts with climbing the wall. Then, I follow the path that I mentally traced to arrive in front of the facade where, unfortunately for him, a tree is attached to it. I climb to the foliage like a clouded leopard and slip onto the roof. I walk up to the skylight and pull out a circular glass cutter from my suit. Before the piece of window crashes down, I quickly grab my cutout.
I then open it, sneaking discreetly into the doorway. I place the piece of skylight on the ground so as not to be embarrassed. Thereafter, knowing by heart the rooms of the house, I go to his room.
Unsurprisingly, I notice in his room several suitcases in addition to my victim sleeping peacefully in a large bed. It's his last night and all his relatives do not suspect for a single second that he will never join them again.
Three words to say: don't give a shit.
Earlier, I was in the mood to hurt him, but not anymore. So I'm hesitant to kill him in his sleep, but I'm not generous enough for that either. And anyway this mission is much too easy, it's boring.
I love seeing the fear on my victims' faces as their lives slowly fade away. Am I sadistic? Yes, totally, I am far from beings of lights of the tales. I'm just a monster who adores above all hearing the last breath of a being.
Impatient, I begin to whisper to her in the most sensual way possible:
"Wake up my little wolf, tonight I'm going to kill you..."
The latter wakes up quickly and tries to grab me by the throat instantly. Except he doesn't know I'm like a shadow: elusive. I counterattack without thinking by grabbing his arm and pressing his body against the wall. Before he can even change into a wolf, I prick him with a poison that forces him to keep his human form for two minutes. I hold him firmly to the ground, preventing him from making a single movement. I whisper in his ear to sound like a snake:
"So we thought we were betraying the supreme pack?" »
He grunts, but probably doesn't answer because he's having trouble breathing from the force I'm putting on his neck. I lean down to look him straight in the eye. His face is contorted with pain or fear. I would bet on both. I resume slowly:
" Do you know who I am ?
"You... you... are... Ténébris," he replies with difficulty.
– That's good my dear, I see that you know your classics. No need to give you a history lesson, on the other hand I'm going to give you a little lesson in politeness: when you don't know someone, you address the person as you, especially if the latter is still hesitating between killing you in pain or nope.
– Spe...ce...of...his...
- It will be painful so...
He doesn't have time to finish his useless sentence, he closes his eyes for lack of air. He passed out weakly. I let him go and his body falls to the ground. It doesn't look like anything. Oh yes ! Has a crushed quiche.
I think of a plan to make him suffer and I quickly have an idea. Sadism is innate in me.
I confiscate his mobile and place the landline in his room a good two meters away. First I prick him with a syringe containing a product that will immobilize his legs, then I inject him with a slow poison whose working time I know perfectly well.
So to recap, he's going to wake up and seeing the phone, he's going to want to make a call for someone to come and help him. But not being able to move his legs anymore, he won't have enough time to reach the object, if my calculations are correct. When he wakes up, he will have the hope of being able to get out of it, but he will quickly feel the effects of the poison, which are painful, and he will understand that he is finished. He will die in pain. A pain that is both physical and psychological. Perfect !
As a precaution, all the same, I disconnect the fixed telephone, to be sure that he cannot get out of it. I also put his cell phone in his field of vision, taking great care to make it unusable.
Mission accomplished.
Once at home, I stand in front of my mirror then take out a pen and my notebook. I read my victim's name aloud and slowly bar it in black ink. I then close my eyes and see his panicked face again. The latter will always remain etched in my memory just like the 267 other victims.
I go to bed and my eyes close. Then, I wait for the sandman to bring me my sleep and his favorite gifts: my nightmares.