
Chapter 15 The Surgery Went Very Well

"Dad, let's not waste time here. Call the Commander and ask him to fire these guys," Patrick suggested to his father.

In their eyes, Tiger was nothing more than a soldier.

"Alright, I'll call him right away," Felix agreed, taking out his phone and dialing the Commander of the East Coast.

Chris and Tiger stood by, anticipating the outcome.

The call was quickly answered.

A stern voice came from the other end, "Hello? Who is this?"

Felix put on a flattering smile, "Commander, it's Felix Jefferson. I brought my son to East Coast Hospital for a doctor's visit, but the hospital is on lockdown. Some soldiers are preventing us from entering. Could you please order them to let us through?"

"Jefferson? Felix Jefferson?"

"I'm sorry, but I have no knowledge of your identity," the man on the phone responded dismissively before abruptly hanging up.


The sound of the dial tone left Felix dumbfounded.

What just happened?

Chris couldn't help but laugh. "So, what did the Commander say?"

Chris's question only added to Felix's embarrassment.

"Chris, how dare you laugh at me? Take him down! Teach him a lesson!" Felix shouted, seething with embarrassment.

Several bodyguards stepped forward, ready to carry out Felix's orders.

Patrick arrogantly commanded them, "Break that loser's legs and bring him to his knees."

Chris shook his head and sighed. The son was just as foolish as the father.

Didn't they realize that these soldiers were under his command?

Did they not understand that it was unwise to engage in a fight here?

Addressing Tiger, Chris instructed, "Handle them. Break their legs and throw them out."

Having given his order, Chris left the scene.

He had no intention of wasting any more time dealing with the foolish father and son.

"Yes, Master!" Tiger nodded, grinning as he stared at Felix and Patrick.

"They've angered Master!"

"Break their legs and throw them out!"

"Yes, General!"

Upon receiving Tiger's command, dozens of armed soldiers swiftly approached Felix and Patrick.

The sudden turn of events shocked both Felix and Patrick.

They had assumed there were only a couple of soldiers present, but now they realized there were many more.


"Master, I've taken care of them," Tiger reported to Chris after a while.

Chris nodded approvingly. "Good. Lock down the entire hospital. I don't want anyone disturbing my daughter's surgery."

"Yes!" Tiger nodded and went to give his men the necessary instructions.

Soon, the entire hospital was on lockdown, with no entry permitted.

"Chris, what happened?" Esther asked curiously as Chris returned.

Chris smiled and replied, "Nothing to worry about. Some bothersome troublemakers wanted to cause a scene, but I've dealt with them."

Esther furrowed her brow. "I think I heard my uncle's voice."

"Let it go. Let's focus on the surgery," Chris reassured her, and Esther chose not to delve further into the matter.

Two hours later, the doors of the operating room swung open.

Hope, lying on a bed, was gently wheeled out by nurses.

"Hope, how are you feeling?" Chris approached his daughter, concern evident in his voice. The little girl appeared pale and weak.

With a faint smile, Hope replied, "Dad, I'm fine. I'm strong, and I didn't cry."

Chris held her hand and reassured her, "I know you're a brave girl."

"My daughter, it's all my fault. I'm sorry for the suffering," Esther couldn't hold back her tears upon seeing Hope's pale face.

"Mom, please don't cry. I didn't cry, so you shouldn't either," Hope said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay," Esther nodded, wiping away her tears and regaining her composure.

Hope was then wheeled into the VIP ward, and Esther followed her inside.

"Dr. McKinney, how is my daughter?" Chris approached Dr. McKinney, wiping the sweat from his forehead. The surgeon smiled and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Shelby. The surgery went smoothly. Your daughter will recover soon. She just needs some rest."

Chris felt a wave of relief wash over him upon hearing those words.

He expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Dr. McKinney. Thank you so much."

Dr. McKinney was pleased to hear Chris's words of appreciation.

Chris turned to Tiger and instructed him, "No one is allowed near the ward. I'll stay with my daughter until she recovers."

"Yes!" Tiger nodded and left to carry out his orders.

Seven days flew by quickly.

It was time for James's banquet, and it marked the last day of the Jefferson family's presence.

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