"Never regret anything because there was a time when that's exactly what you wanted."
POV Serena Alvarez
July 16, 2016, 1 p.m., Rafael's House, Santa Clara, Cuba.
I had difficulty opening my eyes, I had pain everywhere, especially in my head, I slept on the lawn and frankly it's not at all comfortable. I straightened up and saw Andrew next to me, he was lighting his cigarette.
- Finally awake, I almost thought it would never happen. He says laughing.
- Why is that? What time is it ? I said not getting up panicked.
You must have noticed, I sleep a lot in the morning, but that's something else entirely, I had to come home early enough for no one to notice my absence, but things got off to a bad start.
So he looked on his cell phone.
- 1:05 p.m. precisely.
- Oh my God, I have to find Rosa, I have to go home!
- Know that if you can't find her, my proposal to take you home still stands. He said smiling at me. But I didn't see her come out so I think she must still be inside, so del hey too before it's too late delinquent!
I laughed.
- It was a pleasure to meet you André. I say kissing her cheek. Don't see anything ambiguous about it, I won't bother to put myself in a relationship when I knew I would end up with another
- Same for me, I hope to be able to see you again Serena soon.
I waved goodbye and left for the house, I pushed open the door and walked into the house there was hardly anyone left, three people were passed out, half-haired girls on the sofa and I'm going on... It was hopeless.
I asked a certain person if he had not seen Rosa while describing her.
I was shown the floor, so I went up opening the doors at random.
Toilet...bathroom...empty room, only to open the right door and find Rosa lying in bed, alone?
I approached her and started to wake her up.
- Rose, get up! I shook her shoulder Rosa, get up!
She growled in displeasure
- Go Rosa!
- Give me five minutes, I'll meet you downstairs. She said as she buried her head in the pillow.
She must have had a rough night.
I left the room and went downstairs, waiting for him.
~~~ Path Ellipse ~~~
Rosa had just dropped me off at home, I just wanted to take some aspirin, I had a terrible headache. I was hoping not to be spotted but given the time it seems impossible to me.
Luckily the window was still open, I easily climbed the wall thanks to the pipe and found myself in a few minutes in my room.
I closed the window directly behind me, but when I turned around I saw a person, earlier a man sitting on my bed and it wasn't John. I let out a cry of amazement and the man turned his face towards me.
He got up and approached me, but I didn't have time to make the slightest gesture when he spoke.
- Serena... You're finally coming home, I learned that once again you were disobeying my orders, didn't you understand what I told you the other day? He said staring me in the eye. He had a strong accent. Instead of worrying about the situation I admired her beautiful face.
But I quickly snapped out of my wits when the man sighed in exasperation.
I quickly made the connection, him, Aiden Costello. I didn't understand what he was doing there, I disobeyed it's one thing but to do, wouldn't the trip here be a bit far-fetched?
- Have you lost your tongue? I asked you a question, answer me. he ordered.
His look hypnotized me it was so intense that it prevented me from leaving the slightest song of my mouth. I kept admiring his fucking face. He was really handsome. Maybe it's the traces of alcohol and drugs that still made me delirious.
He grabbed my wrist and pressed hard on it, which helped bring me to my senses.
- Ouch, fuck off me him. I got angry.
- Lower your voice when you talk to me. He paused. Looks like I asked you something.
He had absolutely not taken into account what I had just told him. And I could feel in the tone of his voice that he was holding it back, but I didn't care.
- What? What do you want me to tell you, I went out despite your ban? Well, I told you what you wanted to hear.
I quickly regretted my words when I felt the pressure on my wrist stronger and stronger, he was going to break me if he continued, I tried to get rid of his grip but it was just lost.
- You don't realize who you're dealing with, but given your behavior you'll soon find out. He stopped for a few seconds and approached me a little more, and looked at me with a look of disgust. Where were you yesterday? You smell like weed, it's disgusting. He said annoyed.
- I was just at my friend's..
- Don't fucking lie to me. He said continuing to squeeze my wrist. I repeat where were you?
- At a party. I finally answered.
- I hope you enjoyed it, because I'm not here for nothing. I looked at him in disbelief. The tone of his voice was much calmer. He finally released my sore wrist, I'm going to have a wonderful super bruise. You are going to leave with me today.
- What? But I was supposed to leave just a few days before the wedding!
-nIt was also planned that you follow what I tell you. You preferred to disobey me so you assume the consequences of your actions. he replied. Aiden 1; Serena 0. Your governess has already put away most of your stuff, take the last things you need and join me downstairs, don't make you wait too long. he threatened.
He didn't give me time to leave when he left. I was exhausted, I couldn't say goodbye to Rosa or anyone, and I could only blame myself.
I gathered my last belongings, in a backpack, I took a quick shower, his reflection on my smell was quite hurtful, and changed quickly, my dressing room was practically empty, there were only a few clothes left, so I took black jeans, as well as a top of the same color,and changed me quickly. I kept my bombers as well as my superstars.
Before leaving my room, I went to the bedside table where there was a photo of my father and I, I was on his shoulders, I still remember those days like it was yesterday, we were at the zoo. I watched the photo for a few more seconds with nostalgia, and put it away in my bag.
I left my room and joined Aiden downstairs, he was on the phone, I was discreetly listening to the conversation but I didn't understand much, I had already taken Italian lessons but it wasn't my forte.
- Un po' ribelle, my mi accontento suo.
- Andiamo a casa.
- si mamma.
He turned his head in my direction, so I quickly escaped from his field of vision, hoping not to put an end to it.
The only thing I managed to conclude from what I heard was that he was talking to his mother.
Someone pulled me out of my thoughts, I turned around to see who it was and I had the pleasant surprise to see Maria, I hadn't seen her much it's time, so I instinctively took her in my arms.
- Maria, I'm glad to see you, how are you?
- Very well and you my beautiful? She answered.
- It could have been better...
- Serena, I tried to cover for you but John noticed you weren't there, and I couldn't do anything, sorry honey.
- You don't have to apologize Maria, it's entirely my fault, but that's not the important thing, I'm going to miss you a lot Maria. I paused. I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me, you have always been like a mother and I promise you this is just a goodbye and not a goodbye.
- My darling, of course it's not a goodbye, and even if we don't see each other again, know that you will always be present in my heart.
I took her in my arms and hugged her hard, I ended this embrace when I heard a clearing of the throat. I turned around and unsurprisingly saw Aiden with his arms crossed, leaning against the door. Sexy.
- It's time to go, finish saying goodbye and join me in the car.
I didn't bother to answer her and turned back to Maria. Asshole go.
- Come on my darling, it's time for you to go, don't be sad, he may not be that bad, it's up to you to sort things out, don't forget that you'll be bring to live with him.
What's more, a man who is a control freak and wants everything to go his way, isn't nice, I call him mentally ill. I don't like to be judged by appearance but from what I've seen it doesn't inspire me with anything good.
I smiled at her, and took her one last time in my arms before leaving the house. I looked at her from afar for a while longer and walked towards the car my whole life was here I had grown up in this house, and today I was leaving it.
~~~~ Path Ellipse ~~~~
We had just boarded his jet, it was magnificent inside, I was amazed, my father had one too, but not as beautiful and luxurious.
Aiden sat down on that big sofa when he saw that I wasn't moving he spoke up.
- You can come and sit you know I'm not going to eat you, unless you want to spend the trip standing? Haha very funny, the humor is there I see.
I shook the place negatively and sat down on an armchair that was placed to his left.
Shortly after a hostess came to see us, she was beautiful, the really beautiful type she had long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes.
This one he must not have chosen for her skills, my conscience whispered to me.
- Buon lap Signore Costello desiderate qualcosa? Hello Mr. Costello, do you want something?
- A bicchiere di whiskey. A glass of whiskey.
- Well are you? she said looking at me. Well and you ?
Ok I really need to learn Italian, it's becoming borderline embarrassing.
- She asks you if you want something?
Thanks to my favorite Spanish/Italian translator.
- Just a glass of water please.
- A bicchiere d'acqua. he conveyed.
- Beh io ti porta indietro il suo subtilo. I'll bring it to you right away.
Still not understood, but well too bad.
- It would be nice for you to learn to speak Italian, not everyone is fluent in Spanish there.
- Exactly, I had thought about it, but hey, it's not as if they had come to pick me up earlier than expected. I answered insolently.
- I'm not going to play with you for long, Serena, I'm telling you again, don't talk to me like that, I swear you might regret it bitterly. He said quite annoyed.
I didn't answer her, cowardly. I know that if I keep playing with fire I'll end up getting burned, I might as well stop, even my decision might just be temporary.
Our altercation had left a rather awkward silence even if he seemed to give a damn. He was typing on his laptop. Which made me think that I had to send a message to Rosa to announce my "premature" departure before leaving the country. So I looked for the laptop in my pockets but I found nothing.
- That's what you're looking for, he said taking my cell phone out of one of his pockets.
But how he got my cell phone, it was in my pocket, I don't understand.
- When did you take it from me? Give it to me!
- While you were sleeping in the car, he said shrugging.
As earlier he was still ignoring my request, he was really starting to annoy me.
- Well, can you give it back to me now?
- No.
- And I can know why you don't want to give it back to me?
- I just don't want to.
Oh just that, I almost thought he had a valid reason.
- Please I just need to message my best friend.
- Beg me I love it. He said with a crooked smile.
Alert ! I'm in the company of a fucking lunatic pervert!
We were cut off in our conversation by the hostess returning with our drinks. She put them on the coffee table that was across from Aiden.
- Grazie. THANKS.
- Bisogno di qualche qualcosa mi fece segno she said, giving him a wink. Let me know if you want anything else.
No need to be bilingual to understand where she was coming from with her seductive smile and her wink. She left for her compartment and left us alone.
A few moments later a voice was heard coming out of I don't know where making me jump, which of course amused the other asshole.
- He prepares aereo to take off, if prega di allacciare le cinture di sicurezza momento dello decollo. The plane will soon take off, fasten your seatbelt for takeoff.
I looked at Aiden waiting for a translation
- The plane is about to take off, fasten your seatbelt.
So I fastened my seat belt. A few seconds later Aiden came to sit next to me.
I had already flown so I wasn't really apprehensive about taking off. On the other hand I really wanted to sleep, I had not recovered from my night on the lawn. Yes my life consists of sleeping and eating.
July 17, 2016, 3:30 p.m., Aiden Costello's private jet, Somewhere in the air.
The plane had taken off for a good twenty minutes and Serena had just fallen asleep. She really pissed me off, but I don't regret coming here, at least she must have understood what I'm capable of. I watched her for a few moments, this girl was not ugly, I even found her attractive, she had beautiful eyes and luscious lips that made you want a lot of things. She exuded a certain innocence that made her even more attractive. At least it will be useless, it promises to be fun.
July 17, 2016, 8 a.m., Aiden Costello's private jet, Trapani, Sicily, Italy.
Someone was shaking my shoulder, when I opened my eyes I saw Aiden's face inches from mine, I jumped.
- Finally awake, you're only sleeping my word. he laughed. Ok I literally drool over his smile. Get up, we've arrived, the car is waiting for us. He said as he left.
I came to my senses and unbuckled my seatbelt to join him. I got out of the jet, here I am in Italy, to face my destiny.
At no time in my thoughts did I imagine a quarter of what awaited me.