Chapter 1
Chapter One
Hiding had become the only way I could survive. It didn't lessen the daily abuse I got, but it kept me alive, and that was my main goal. I could barely breathe as I lay curled up in my bedroom closet. My ribs were aching fiercely, and I knew that they had to be fractured. I clutched the piece of bread in my hands like it was my lifeline, waiting and listening. I could hear my parents talking to each other softly down below and I sighed in relief. Neither missed the piece of bread I'd taken. With that in mind, I proceeded to devour it. I tried to eat slowly and savor it, but I was too ravenous. Going a week without food would make anyone this way. I licked the crumbs off of my hands, already wishing that I had more. Standing up, I dusted the crumbs out of my clothes in an attempt to get rid of the evidence. After wiping my mouth, I cautiously stepped out of the closet, being mindful of my steps as to not make any noise. My heart dropped as I heard my parents coming up the stairs. I slinked away into a corner in my room, desperate to make myself as small as possible. I couldn't stop the whimper from escaping me as my bedroom door flew open and my dad stepped inside.
The sickly sweet smile immediately set me on edge.
"Missy, I have some really good news!"
I remained quiet, hardly even breathing as to not antagonize my father. I had learned the hard way that talking without being asked to say anything was a very bad idea. I could sometimes still feel the pain from the broken arm I'd received from him that one day I stepped out of line. Thankfully I was allowed medical treatment, where I had to tell a lie.
I gulped nervously as he came and squatted down in front of me.
"You see, I've gotten myself in some financial problems. I need money, and you're going to help me with that."
My mind spun as I tried to figure out what he was going to have me do, but I soon figured it out. Four very large men walked into my room, one of them holding a very large briefcase. I pushed myself further into the corner as the five pair of eyes rested on me. My father stood up, rubbing his hands together as he moved in front of the man with the briefcase. Without a word, the man shoved the briefcase into my father's hands and he greedily opened it, smiling gleefully at the stacks of hundred dollar bills.
"Honey!" my father laughed, "Come look at this!"
The sound of light footsteps came quickly up the stairs and into my room. My mother appeared, cackling loudly as she eyed the money in the briefcase with an evil glint in her eyes. My mother turned to the four men.
"She's all yours!"
As if it were rehearsed, they moved towards me with coordinated steps and grabbed me. I yelped as my rib shifted painfully. Fear filled me as they dragged me out of my room, one man sticking a syringe into my arm. I became disoriented as one man hefted me up into his arms and carried me out of the door and into a very dark van. I couldn't even struggle as I started feeling sluggish. The fear I felt earlier was washed away as my vision swam. I was gently placed into the back of the van. I attempted a futile escape, but ended up falling back down as black dots started to danced around me. Whatever they had injected me with was working swiftly.
I gave up, opting to accept my fate. My life had never been a good one, and now my father had sold me to these people who I had no idea what their intentions were. I could feel my eyes tearing up and leaking down the sides of my face. What had I done to deserve this? Why was I given such a shitty life, only for it to end so early? I was only sixteen years old. I had barely lived and now I was being sent to what felt like my death. I closed my eyes, no longer able to keep the open. Darkness descended soon after.