
Chapter Four- Surprise

Hazel West

“How did you find me?” I said in shock and anger

“Hazel, you’re really here” he says, looking surprised as well.

“Oh, please would you stop feigning surprise and get the hell out my house” I said, my anger getting the better of me.

“But I was directed here to pick my son up from a playdate” he says, confusion written all over his face.

And just then it clicks. I realized what he was doing here. When did he have a son?

“Hazel, who is at the door”, Jacob says, coming towards the door.

“Act cool” I said to Dunlop right before Jacob got to us.

“It’s just William’s dad” I said as soon as Jacob got to the door.

“Oh, hi there, I’m Jacob, Jacob Warner, Hazel’s boyfriend”. Jacob introduced himself and extended his hand for a handshake

Dunlop looks at me with a look of slight sadness, or maybe I read his expression wrong.

“I’m West, Dunlop West” Dunlop said, taking Jacob’s hand.

“Dunlop West, what a coincidence, those are my girlfriend’s exact surnames”. Jacob said, laughing

I quickly spoke up to defuse the situation. “I’ll just call William”

“Hazel, what’s the rush?” Jacob said to me. “Join us for dinner” he said to Dunlop

I signaled to Dunlop to reject the offer, but he accepted to join us for dinner anyways. He hasn’t changed, always wanting his way.

Jacob led him to the dining room and William got up to welcome his dad and introduced him to Zion. I stand by the door and watch everything. I finally submerge my anger and gather enough calmness to return to the dining

“Hazel love, can you please serve Mr. Dunlop, here some food”, Jacob said.

‘Why can’t he just do it himself’ I muttered to myself.

“What was that” Jacob asks

“Nothing” I said, standing up to serve Dunlop, anger welling up in me waiting to explode.

“So, how was school today, William? Tell me all about your new friend”, Dunlop said, trying to engage the kids.

I just sat there and watched him talk to my son. He doesn’t deserve that right. I didn’t realize I was pressing my fingers so deep into the flesh of my legs so much that I started bleeding. I realize it soon enough and excused myself and headed to the kitchen to clean up.

“Hey, are you okay?” Jacob said, standing at the kitchen door. “You seemed distant at the table, what’s bothering you” he said, sounding very concerned.

“Nothing, everything is fine” I said, still trying to clean up

“Are you bleeding”, Jacob asks and rushes over to examine my legs.

“I mistakenly injured myself” I say nonchalantly.

“Hazel, this looks self-injured. Did you jab your nails into your skin”?

“I said it was a mistake, okay?” I said, almost shouting at him.

He comes closer to me and looks me in the eye and pulls me into a hug and I don’t fight it. I just relaxed on his chest.

“You know that whatever is bothering you, you can tell me. I promise we’ll find a solution together” he says comfortingly.

“Nothing is wrong, just having mood swings” I lied. “Let's go back to the dining, we left Zion alone with the visitors” I said, pulling out of the hug and heading to the dining room, and Jacob followed me.

I reached the dining room to see Dunlop and Zion laughing over some joke and appear to be having a lot of fun. After he abandoned me years ago, he can’t just come back into I and my son’s life

“Zion is past your bedtime, finish up your food and go upstairs” I said.

“but mommm”

“No buts, I said what I said. You can see William tomorrow at school.”

Dunlop senses my anger and stands up “Mr. Jacob, thank you very much for dinner, but it's late now. I had better hit the road”

“Thank you very much for staying. Have a safe drive back home” he said, extending his hands.

“I will. Thank you again”, Dunlop said, taking his hands.

“Hazel, why don’t you see Mr. West off while I put Zion to bed.

I walked Dunlop out of the front door and to his car.

“Goodnight, miss Hazel”. William said, opening his little arms for a hug.

As pissed as I am, I couldn’t refuse his cute face. After all, the little boy didn’t do anything wrong to me. I squat and wrap my arms around him. I have to admit that was actually comforting.

“Have goodnight too. Don’t forget to wake up early for school tomorrow”, I said, releasing him from the hug and helping him into the car while Dunlop watched.

After making sure he was in the car and couldn’t hear us, I turned to Dunlop.

“I don’t want to ever see you in my house ever again” I said sternly.

“How is that possible, Hazel? I doubt this is the last playdate our sons are going to have together, so I’ll always be around, even if I don’t want to” he says, making a strong point.

I stood there dumfounded and clouded in anger.

“When did you even move all the way to Germany” I asked.

“I had some business trips to handle and it kind of extended, so I had to stay and enroll William in school” he answered so calmly.

“So, new boyfriend uhh”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Try to avoid me in every way possible” I said, leaving him and walking inside.

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