
chapter 3

It’s almost quitting time and I'm becoming really excited, I can’t wait to get home and satisfy my cravings. I called Jake and informed him I was heading home, and I should be there in about 30 minutes. He tells me he will see me in a little, that he’s still working, but he should be off soon.

As I walk into my apartment building, I see him with another young woman, I become jealous. I wonder who she is, she is very beautiful. I instantly feel that I’m not his type. She is so much prettier than I ever could be.

As I am walking into the building, he turns around and says, “Hello Jess how was your day at work?” I respond to him, “So hectic there was so much paperwork, but I got it all done in time to get home early.”

I would never say how work really went all day. How I’ve been thinking of him satisfying my cravings, and wishing for an orgasm times ten by just being around him.

I started getting nervous thinking about it all again. I’m fidgeting trying to keep my cool. He smirks at me like he knows what I’m thinking. I go into such a daze, I didn’t realize Jake walks in behind me, until he grabs my side making me jump.

Jake asks, “Who is this?”

I glance at Matt, “This is my new neighbor Matt.”

Jake looks over to Matt and says, “Hey Matt I am Jake, Jessica’s boyfriend. Matt is staring at me with a sexy smirk then acknowledges Jake. It’s nice to meet you Jake.

I wrap this awkward meeting up to get in my apartment fast. “Well have a satisfying night, he answers you too.

As soon as Jake and I walk into my apartment, I kiss him passionately wanting him.

 “What are you doing? I brought us food he stops me.” I answer, “We can eat later!”

“Jess the food will be cold, lets eat now while it’s hot we can do that after.”

I’m staring at him so unsatisfied never getting what I crave, he knows how to kill a mood, that’s for sure. I brush it off, whatever, “What did you get for dinner?”

He responds, I brought us spaghetti. Well thank you, Jake it looks so delicious. As we sit and eat, neither one of us is speaking it’s so quiet.

I wonder what Matt and his girlfriend are doing....

I bet he is giving her all the pleasure I am seeking. Jake is speaking, I see his lips moving, but not caring about anything he is saying at all. As I am in a daze, he suddenly says, “Jessica hello are you there?”

I give him my attention now, “Oh I’m sorry what are you asking?” He repeats himself again, “I thought that we should start considering moving in together.”

 I look at him, I’m a little caught off guard. I don’t think that’s such a good idea, you know how much I like my space. He then adds, well you can have your own room. There you have your space! I answer that is not the same that’s not what I’m mean. I don’t choose to move in together yet.

Jake argues, I don’t understand we’ve been together for 5 years and you still don’t choose to live together?

You are 23 years old your not getting any younger. When are we going to settle down? I look up at him surprised at what he’s saying. Yes we are only 23 years old, why rush everything we are young.

Jessica, I am going to give you time to think about this. We can either move in together and take the next step in our relationship, or we will break up. I try to compose myself before looking at him.

“Jake your choosing to break up with me?”

 “No Jessica, I don’t choose to break up with you but our relationship is at a stand still. I choose to move forward. If your not willing to go forward with me, then what is the point of our relationship.”

You have a week to think about it. He then gets up and says, “I’m going to take off.”

“What? Wait. I thought you were going to stay?” He nodded, I realize it would be better if I just go. As he gets up and walks out the door, I’m immediately pissed, like what the fuck?

There is a knock on the door, maybe Jake came to his senses. I go to the door and open it.

 “Hey Jess, how are you?” I look it’s Matt my body wants him so bad. Hi Matt, I say. He then says, “I was wondering if you were okay?” I saw Jake leave he didn’t look too happy.

I glance at him unable to speak he gets close up to me. I start to stutter, I’m fine, thank you for checking on me.

 He then places his hand on my waist, my body wants his touch. I let him get closer to me. He leans in and whispers in my ear. If you need anything just let me know, he says.

 I suddenly ask him, “Where is your girlfriend?”

He leans back and puts his hand through his hair. He answers "she’s not my girlfriend."

I don’t believe in relationships, I just enjoy the pleasure of them. I then stare into his eyes wanting him to kiss me, but I step backward instead.

He then utters, I was thinking…

 I could get your number just in case of a emergency with the apartment building. I then add of course you can have my number just in case of any emergency. He smiles at me, I let him know if you ever want to talk you could call or text if you want too.

If not that’s okay too. I mean don’t feel obligated that you have to. He then looks at me and says why are you so nervous?

“I’m not I say!” he then tells me good night and walks away.

As he walks away I shut the door. I put my back up against the door, I am in awe. I’m wondering did this just happen? How can he be so addicting?

I walk over to the table and start clearing off the dirty plates from dinner. I placed them in the sink, and decide I’ll just wash them up now. I think I’ve washed the same dish over and over again.

All I can think about is Matt. When he touched me it was sensational. I’m still not believing that he came to check on me, and even asked for my number.

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