
8 | Set him up!


“I don’t understand. How hard could it be to find one man?” I heard myself shout.

“Calm down, Jeremiah. “We’re trying our best.”

“You call this your best?” I scoffed out. What the fuck was wrong with her? And how the hell could she be so calm? “I want some fucking results, Jade. I don’t know what you and your men are doing, but you’re getting me nowhere.”

It’d been nearly two years and we hadn’t been able to get anything on Richard Milton. How could he just disappear? It’s impossible. Unless someone much more powerful pulled him in their wings. And that’s the mystery I couldn’t solve for the life of me. Who would want to make an enemy out of me? Who could be that stupid?

But Jade was right. I needed to calm the fuck down because getting worked up was going to get me nowhere. It fucking got me into more shit if I’d be honest. Like that one time, I dealt with that demented girl who dared to slap me in my office. I still hadn’t been able to forget that insult. It’s impossible to. And whenever I thought about it, I felt myself growing angrier and angrier. Even after turning her life miserable, forcing her to beg people for help, I wasn’t satisfied. In fact, I had wanted to ruin her even more. For her to beg me for forgiveness. But Jade convinced me that I had done enough and should better leave that girl fuck alone. There were more important things to focus upon other than that idiotic girl with the prettiest eyes.

“I think we should widen the area of the search,” Jade suggested, bringing me back into my home office, where we sat across from each other, a damn office desk between us. “If our suspicion is right. And someone is helping him out. He might have left the country for all we know. And that’d mean we've been wasting our money and resources in a wild goose chase."

“You’re right,” I sighed, leaning back into the chair, and twirling the pen between my fingers.

“Great,” she finally said and picked herself off the chair. “I’ll get back to you if I find something.”

I gave her a dismissive nod.

However, before she left, she turned back one more at the door. “Jer?”

“Hmm?” I looked up from the files sprawled on my table.

“We’ll find Milton. Sooner or later. But when that happens, I hope you’ll make him suffer.”

I met her gaze. Found the same hatred she held back for two years in her dark eyes. A sick grin curled at the corner of my lips. “Death would seem easier in front of what I've in store for that bastard."


“Mr Jeremiah Richmond, I’m talking to you. Pay attention when I’m saying something for your benefit.”

With an audible groan, I ran a hand down my face. God, not again.

Five months back, mom had a mild heart attack. She was visiting my brother during that time, helping him prepare for the wedding with his long-time girlfriend, Nadine. But the night before the rehearsal dinner, mom complained about a sharp pain in her shoulder and chest.

My brother, Nathan, called me to inform me while I was attending one of the video conferences with the North Asia clients. I took a flight instantly. By the time I reached the hospital, she was stable.

It was for the first time something scared me to death. I was afraid of losing mom so much that I couldn't sleep for weeks. Not until she was discharged and was back home. Despite mom's reluctance, Dennis postponed the wedding date.

For a few days, mom was upset with what she called a rash decision. But then, suddenly, she started to pester me to take advantage of the time before my brother finally got married. She always wanted me to get married first. As I was older, and not growing any younger in the eyes of the world.

I was Jeremiah Richmond. Well-versed in over seven languages. But no matter how many times, in what language I tried to tell her I wasn't ready to settle down just yet, she wouldn't understand a thing. Even now, she refused to acknowledge my reasons. She called them excuses if that said anything about her stubbornness.

“Mom, you shouldn’t be talking so loudly, " I tried to tell her as calmly as possible, but she only rolled her eyes. Looking out of the window of her room rather than meeting my eyes. "It’s not good for your health.”

“Oh no no no. Don’t dare worry about me. You have no right," she snapped, frowning. "Not until you do what I say. Exactly what I say.”

“Mom, I’m not going to marry your friend’s precious daughter," I groaned.

“You don’t know what you’re saying,” she grumbled.

“I don’t know what I’m saying? Are you serious—ugh—I swear, you drive me crazy," I was so done with this conversation? Every time I came to see her in the last few days, she would persistently pressure me on taking a bride. I tolerated her rant, not wanting to anger her more, which could eventually affect her health. But not today. I didn't think I had the energy to deal with her rants. I had a long day. And what I really needed right now was a long, warm shower. So, in order to evade this conversation, I shot up to my feet and headed for the door.

“Now, where are you heading to? You just came. Get your tardy ass back here. Sit and talk to mamma!” She chided, finally turning her head around to watch my retreating figure.

I stopped. Turned around before leaning against the door of her room.

“Talk about what, Mom? You trying to set me up with any random girl?”

“Alice is barely random. Her father is one of your biggest investors and her mother is a lovely lady who makes those delicious pies. Not just that. The girl is beautiful. You’ll have lovely kids.”

“How about I’m not ready?”

“You’re about to turn thirty next year, Jerry. It’s time you forced yourself to be.”

“Looks like I’m interrupting something important.” A fresh voice skipped in, and I couldn't explain the relief that shouldered down my spine.

“Great, the doc is here," I announced, taking a step to the side and allowing her enough space to walk in. "Please talk some sense into her." As I watched her heading to mom's bed, I quipped.

“Well, your mother has every right to worry about you, son!” she said instead, making me grow nuts.


“You too?” I couldn’t believe she was taking her side, too. Then again, what was I really expecting? “What’s wrong with being thirty and not married? What’s the big fuss about it?”

“Well, I need to spoil my grandchildren before heaven called my name," mom reasoned, as if that was all that mattered, while Doc asked her to take deep breaths with a stethoscope pressed behind her back.

“Do I have to get married? Why can’t I give you grandchildren without having a woman on my toes?” I teased, aware that would set her off. But at least she would drop the conversation. That's exactly what seems to be my goal right now.

Doc chuckled.

Mom slapped her hand to her ears, shaking her head in pure horror. “You dirty, ungrateful child,” she yelled, while I couldn’t hold a grin back. “I’d never approve of such travesty. Shame on you. Get the hell out of my room!"

And out I went.

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