“Thank you for saying that. I lost my temper and said some cruel things in response, so I’m sorry too.”
“You are?” Miguel tried to hold back a groan, but failed. Could he be any more pathetic?
Ward chuckled. “Yes. I am. I have a bit of a hero complex and I don’t fully know your circumstances. I expected you to simply accept my offer and that wasn’t fair of me. You have three little boys, and three puppies, and that’s a huge responsibility. One you’re facing alone. I respect that. A lot.”
Warmth filled Miguel and he leaned back on the sofa, smiling as he rubbed the back of his neck. He’d expected talking to Ward after all that had happened to be awkward, but he was more at ease with every minute that passed. Even Ward’s breaths were strangely soothing. The man might have lost his cool a bit when he’d been faced with Miguel at his worst, but he had a level of control that was comforting.
“You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“I really do. I have friends who remind me I’m doing all right all the time. We all need to hear it now and then.” Ward went quiet, then his voice seemed closer, as though he’d shifted positions and was speaking right against the microphone. “Why did it take you so long to call?”
“I…” Miguel wasn’t sure Ward needed to hear this, but he couldn’t hold back anything with how understanding the man was being. “I wanted to prove I could do this alone. Could find someone to help with the puppies. Could take care of the boys while the nanny is on their honeymoon. And I owed you an apology, but I didn’t want you to think I was making it because I’d failed.”
“You didn’t want to admit you might need me.”
“I didn’t want the apology to seem like it was coming because I do.”
Silence. And then that same tone that went right through him, only so soft he stopped breathing to hear it better.
“I get it, Miguel. So let’s move on. What are you looking for? I know a few people who are excellent trainers and are good with kids.”
Miguel nodded slowly. Swallowed hard. Cleared his throat again. “You got Theo to talk. The boys like you.”
Damn it, he was going to have to say it, wasn’t he? He bit back a sigh. “Nothing personal, but I’ll still need references. A background check. And I need to know when you’re available. It will be another two weeks until the nanny is back and I have to hire someone who can be here a lot. I’ve actually been leaning towards…towards someone full-time. But if that’s not viable—”
“Wait. Give me a minute, because I’m not sure I understand.” Ward’s voice had sharpened slightly. Not as though he was angry, but as though he wanted every word perfectly clear. “You want someone on staff to look after the puppies and your nephews?”
“Yes…?” He wasn’t entirely sure that was possible. He’d hoped so, but maybe it was too much? The point was, he couldn’t finish mid-terms and care for three kids and three puppies. Trying to hadn’t gone well. “I’m going to be perfectly honest. Between being at the company in a leadership position even part-time, doing schoolwork, and managing this household, I’m failing at everything. And I can’t fail the boys. They need me. But…maybe, for now, I can find someone who can be there for them when I can’t. And if it’s not you, I’m hoping you know someone who can be. Which might not even be a reasonable thing to expect from anyone, I just…I don’t know. Maybe I need to hire a trainer and a temporary nanny. That’s how this works, isn’t it? Fuck, I shouldn’t be asking you that, but—”