
Chapter 6

It is night already which means a few minutes before the office dinner party. If it wasn’t for Rebecca and her dumb little influencing mouth, I wouldn’t have been getting ready. Goddamn! Richie didn’t even ask me to be his date, it was like a saying because he didn’t bother to hear my opinion on that.

Rebecca has spent almost an hour painting my face all in the name of makeup and I’m fucking exhausted from that.

"Goddamn! Becca, how long is it gonna take?" I say, groaning in annoyance

"Just a few touches and we will be done." She responds

I swear she has been saying that for the past thirty minutes. She applied a red lipstick on my lip and closed the tub before handing me a small mirror to look at myself. As I gaze at my reflection, the thoughts of my horrible sixteenth birthday party flashed through my eyes. That was the last time I had makeup done. I instantly dropped the mirror on the table trying so hard not to react.

"You don’t like the makeup?" Rebecca asks

I gulped the lump in my throat as I took a deep breath. I stood up to walk over to the bed as I wipe the drop of tear that rolled down my cheek.

"It’s good, I like it," I say not wanting to sound vain.

I’m not gonna lie but the makeup looks great, I look very good but It just made me recall— those horrific incidents. I looked at the gown Rebecca helped me lay on the bed. This is not the gown I am planning on wearing. I raise a questioning brow and turned to look at her. Without saying a word she understood the glare I threw at her.

"Okay, I know that’s not the outfit you wanted but-"

"No" I cut her off

"Yes, you gotta wear something sexy, you know."

"What’s the hell is wrong with the gown I was going to wear? It is sexy enough." I say

"Yeah sure, sexy." She chortles "This is much better. You’re going as Richie Moranzino’s date and you know what that means, right?"

I roll my eyes ignorantly. Apparently, being Richie Moranzino’s date is a big deal more like a dream come true for ladies. Most could pay thousands of dollars just so they can have a chance to be Richie’s date in a fantasy event- I know what you are thinking about right now, the way ladies think is dumb and stupid.

"Just wear the gown." She says

"Whatever," I muttered

I put on the sleeveless nude tulle gown with black flowers, sequins, appliqué, and a deep V-neck. The back is also open in the same style as the front, with a slit exposing my leg. A thrill of anticipation run through me as I put it on. I slip on my back black heels and then walk to the full-length mirror to take a look at the full ensemble before walking to the door. A smile curves my lips. It’s actually not that bad, I’m impressed by Rebecca’s outfit choice.

I hear a horn sounding from outside and Rebecca peaked her head through the window and then looked at me.

"He is here?" I voice the words I’m guessing Rebecca will say. She nods her head, confirming my suspicion.

"Here goes nothing," I muttered bidding Rebecca goodbye after listening to her annoying giggles and irritating lectures on how to have fun and not come back home without spicy gossip- as I said, she is crazy.

I walk outside and the first thing I saw was a black Rolls Royce parked in the driveway. The back door opens while I’m taking in the beauty of the car, Richie steps out and I try hard to deny how good he looks. His black hair is gelled back, making his face more visible than usual. Even in the dark, I can see how sharp his jawline is from where I stand. The suit he was wearing hugs his body and does little to hide how ripped he is underneath it. And those beautiful eyes of his- Goddamn! They shine under the moonlight. I bite my lips as I take in the gorgeousness of the man standing before me.

He stared at me for a moment without saying a word. He walks towards me and wraps an arm around my waist.

"You’re looking beautiful." He says steering me toward the car.

"Thank you." I say to Richie. The driver holds the car door open for me. I got into the car and Richie slides in after me. Once he settled, the driver pulls the car out of the driveway and Richie leans over and whispers huskily into my ear.

"Nice outfit choice."

I smile in response as he teases my ear with his fingers while playing with my earring.

"I planned something special for you." He whispers in my ear


He smirks and husky says "It’s a surprise and if you want to know, you’ll have to wait till later tonight." With that, he kisses my earlobe.

Right now I don’t know what to say. A sinking feeling takes over as I begin to think this isn’t a good idea. Turning to stare at him, I notice the smirk on his face has looked bigger. I moved away from him, feeling a little scared. I may sound crazy but I can’t help it, he is a Moranzino, and only God knows what he planned to do with me. Maybe he knows that I’m planning on ruining his life and he wants to kill me tonight. That is the only explanation for him asking me to be his date. Richie never goes to an office party with a staff. I know that because I’m always on the internet to check the negative things about his life. I’m sure he is planning something but what?


After a few minutes of driving, the car arrives at the venue. I grab Richie’s outstretched hand and stepped out. The thought to refuse his help occurred to me but I changed my mind. Richie puts his hand on my exposed back and walks us to the hotel entrance.

"Nice. You have smooth skin." He whispers

I rolled my eyes at him "You do know that your hand is supposed to be on my waist, not my upper back."

"I know, but I want to feel your skin under my fingertips." He caresses my spine. A shiver passes through my body as my gaze locks with his. Those beautiful eyes of his light up and I try my best to ignore the feeling of his hand on my skin. I should be hating this but no, I feel comfortable and warm and I somehow feel safe with his hand on me. I hate myself for this.

Once we got inside, Richie and I walked around and thank people for coming. This is not how I expected the office dinner party to be. It was more of investors and other people I don’t think are workers. I excused myself and walk to an empty table. I take a glass of champagne from a tray of one of the waiters before I sat down. I was scrolling through Instagram while taking a sip of champagne. I can’t believe the photos of this party are already posted on Instagram. I sighed at a photo of Richie and me which was captioned 'Richie’s new taste.'

"Bloody bastard!" I muttered gazing at the beautiful face of Richie. I don’t know if I am angry about the comment or the fucking fact that, I still found nothing to use against Richie. That son of a bitch will have a taste of Rachel Green, soon enough.

I tapped on the comment section and what caught my attention pissed me off. Some people should be banned from Instagram.

"You shouldn’t be looking at that." I hear Richie’s voice behind me.

I turn to look at him and say "Why not?"

"Because, paparazzi are pigs, they talk nonsense, and idiots like them comment on the shits the paparazzi write or post." He says

"Sure," I say not wanting to add up to the conversation. Being here with Richie is enough torture for me and can’t exceed that torture with a conversation.

Before the dinner commence, Richie and other investors gave a speech. When Richie told me about the dinner party I didn’t know it was to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the company. After Richie finished speaking he walked back to his assigned table consisting of me, a man that looks at me like he wants to rip my eyes off, and a lady who seems to be very nice.

The dinner started well and I was enjoying the slow music that was playing in the room. It’s slow and smooth; I loved it. Taking a sip of soup, I nearly choke when I feel something on my thigh. I use my hand to move it away but my hand got caught in with something— or by someone. I turn to my left where Richie is sitting, I shoot him a questioning look. The kind I hope no one else will notice.

Richie got the message but ignores it. He smirks devilishly and continues to hold my hand, interlacing our fingers as he leans over to whisper in my ear.

"Don’t they look great together?" He huskily asks, his hot breath fanning across my neck.

What does he mean by that?

I swallow a lump as it forms in my throat. I ignore the warmth slipping into my hand from his and try to gently tug my hand out of his without drawing any attention to myself, but Richie only holds on tighter, he smiles at me, showing off his dimples. I just simply ignore him and Richie instantly releases my hand and I can’t believe that’s what gets him to let go. He must have gotten bored of holding my hand since I stopped trying to get free, but I was wrong. I turned to Richie with my eyes widened open.

Is he insane right now?

Richie’s fingers brush lightly on my thigh. My skin burns with pleasure in his wake, and ragged breath leaves my lips as his fingers slowly move to my knee. With my lips parted and eyes fixed on Richie, he slowly moves his hand up my knee and goes up to my waist. My breathing sizes once his hand reaches the center of my waist. His hands flatten on my thighs and rest a fragment away from my core. I look down and stare at him.

What the hell is he doing?

With my gaze locked on his, I slowly crossed my leg. I was about to snarl at him but my words caught in my throat when I feel Richie’s muscular hand go under my gown caressing my scorching skin.

I stare at him as what he was doing registered in my head. He is really putting his hand under my gown. As Riche’s hands start to leave hot trails across my skin, I clench my legs tighter as a sensation builds in my lower region. But I think I have made things worse because now Richie’s hands are locked between my thighs. I throw my head back as I realize what I’ve done. Oh lord, how could I have made things worse? Richie chuckles at my discomfort. His hand was so close to my core that I can feel the heat radiating from his skin. It also makes me feel the warmth between my thighs.

After Richie seems to have gotten his own share of enjoyment from watching me make things hard for myself, he forces my thighs apart, and just before his hand moves away, he makes sure his knuckles brush my core. A grasp escapes my lips and everyone sitting at the table looks at me. Oh my God, this is what I was trying to prevent.

"Nice outfit you got there." I say clearing my throat. I sip my champagne to avoid other looks and thankfully, their attention went back to their plate of food.

I shoot Richie a glare. This is all his fault. His hand is above his mouth, probably to muffle his laughs. From his eyes, I can see how my body’s reaction to his hand amuses him. I wish I could just slap the smug look off his face right now. Asshole.

"Did you like that?" He whispers

"No." I say trying to hide the burn I was feeling. Yes, I did like it and I hate that I like it.

"Well, either way, here comes your surprise." Richie says after taking a sip of champagne. He stood up.

"I, Richie Maranzano, as many of you know." He begins. I seriously did not see a need for him to introduce himself again. Everyone knows him here.

"I have an announcement to make, actually I have a proposal to make and I hope we all celebrate it tonight." He smiles and looks at me passionately as if he was trying to seize me away.

"Rachel, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and I wish I can have a chance to keep you for the rest of my life." He says

He brought out a ring from his pocket and went on one knee.

"Rachel Green, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

My eyes went wide and I froze. What the hell is going on?

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