
Chapter 4

Once I got home, I threw my bag on the couch and gaze at Rebecca.

"You didn’t get the job, did you?" She asks noticing the frown line on my forehead

"I got the job, but-"

"Really!" She rushes to me pulling me into a hug "I can’t believe this, you got the job, oh my gosh we have to celebrate." She says with excitement, she pulls away and looks at me "You said ‘but’ at the end of the sentence. What happened?"

I kept to where I stood and nodded my head

"Why, did they reduce your salary?" She ask and I shook my head in disagreement "Did they tell you to take a night shift?" I shook my head again and walked over to the couch, I buried my head on the couch and screamed into it.

"What’s wrong babe." She asked sounding very concerned

"It’s my boss," I say

"Is he hot? Did he ask you to have sex with him?"

"No, but-" I exhale wondering what to tell her

"But what?"

I gulped the lump in my throat and blurted out "My boss is Richie Maranzano"

She gasped as her eyes widened in shock "What!"

"Yeah but I won’t take the job, I can’t be his secretary, I can’t do it," I tell her.

"Absolutely not, you have been looking for a job and now that you’ve got it, there is nowhere you will quit because of him."

"But-" I sigh

She’s right, I need this job and I can’t just quit because Richie Maranzano is my boss. I just have to endure the torture of looking at his face every single day.

"So, we are still going out for a celebration, right?" She asked

I raise my hand and nodded "Yay I got the job." I say sarcastically

"Oh my gosh, you are so weird, you’re being sarcastic to yourself"

I roll my eyes and headed to my room, as I was about to close the door I said: "Get ready, we are heading out in an hour." And with that, I slam the door shut and stepped into the bathroom

I have to wash off the disgust and pain that I will be receiving after I start working with Richie Maranzano. Why did life choose this for me, I can’t stand him, I have been living my life with the awful memories of his family’s legacy. They tarnished my life and everything I had. I can’t possibly just work with him and act like those dark days were nothing. The hot water from the shower splash on my body and loosen my strained muscle, and I hurriedly wash my hair and body. After I was done taking a shower. I wore a blue strappy-back dress with matching heels. I apply a touch of makeup, black eyeliner, eyeshadow, red lipstick, and concealer. As I grabbed my purse I hear my phone buzz, looked at the number calling it was an unknown number.

"Hello," I say, answering the call

"Hi Rachel, this is Richie speaking"

Damn! I love the way he calls my name.

"Yes, Mr. Maranzano."

"I need you to come to meet me at my house, we have to discuss some things concerning tomorrow’s meeting."

"But, sir I-"

"Hello, hello Mr. Maranzano." I say but he had already hung up the call.

What the hell was that? He didn’t even let me finish talking. I walked out of the room in annoyance. "Rebecca." I call out so she could hear me

"I’m almost done dressing." I hear her say.

I’m very sure that she’s going to hate Richie Maranzano for this. I walked to her room and peek my head in "I got bad news"

"Oh no, you are on your period," She says

"What! No, not at all, my period is till the end of the month."

"Then what’s the bad news?" She asks

"Duty calls" I sigh "Richie just called I have to go discuss some office work with him," I tell her

"At his house?"

"Yeah, but does it matter? He ruined our plans."

"Yeah, but you know what, if something smoky happens, go for it."

"Nothing is gonna happen."

"You can’t tell. But I tell you if something will happen and-"

"Bye" I cut her off slamming the door shut

Rebecca is a crazy bitch, she says the worse thing. Nothing can happen between Richie and me.

Once I arrived at his house, my jaw dropped, not because the house looked lavish but because it is the same house I found myself in last night. I entered the room I’m assuming Richie would be because I heard voices sounding from there. As I got there all eyes were on me, they looked shocked and Richie in particular looked like he didn’t expect to see me there.

"Hi" I awkwardly say

Richie’s eyes raked down my body as his gaze landed on my exposed thigh a small husky smirk appeared on his face.

"Take her to the workroom, I will meet her there," Richie says to the man standing next to him. He nodded and lead me out of the room.

We got to the workroom and I sat on one of the chairs. Shortly, Richie walked into the room and sat on the chair across from mine.

"Thanks for coming on a short note Rachel." He says

Control yourself, Rachel, don’t kill him already. I gulped the lump in my throat and nodded.

"Before we begin the discussion. I have to tell you that I haven’t been clear to you on our first meeting but I, Richard Maranzano don’t take no for an answer, and secondly, when I call you I want you to answer the call on the second ring. When I called you, you answer the call on the third ring but I will let that slide since it’s your first day and a third of all" He takes a moment before he continued

"When I’m talking I like it when you say some words so I know you are following up with me."

"Okay. Mr. Maranzano." I say

"Now, never call me Mr. Maranzano or Sir, I find them boring, as my personal assistant you can call me Richie. You get that?"

"Yes, Mr. Mar- I mean Richie"

"Good." He exhales as he stood up and brought out a file, he walks over to me and places the file on the desk. "This is everything you need to know about tomorrow’s meeting and my schedule, make sure I get busy days all week except Wednesdays"

I nodded "Okay."

Working with him can’t be that bad, I mean if I know how his schedule works I won’t have to depend too much on the internet and I won’t be crazy looking for ways to ruin him, I could simply follow his tracks and ruin him at his own game.

I was about to stand up when Richie lean in, placing his hand on the table and the other hand on the back of my chair. I raise my head to look at him, as much as I hate to say this; Richie is hot. Very hot.

He lean so close to me that I could feel his breath grazing against my face.

"You know how to make black coffee?"

I slowly nodded still staring at him

"Then make sure my coffee is ready and perfect for me to sip at 9 pm"

I nodded and watched him incline his face toward me and lay his lips on mine. His lips were warm and soft. My lips parted slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside. I was filled with deep astonishment, wondering what was going on. Wondering why he kissed me and most importantly wondering why I didn’t pull away and slap him like I do to other guys.

Do I like the kiss?

Breathing deeply, I remained sitting and at this moment I was astonished.

"I will see you tomorrow, Rachel," He says and then walks out of the room.


Earlier today, after the interview, I met Brad and got the job done, and afterward, I headed back home to meet Papa. As I got home, I met Papa sitting on the couch

"Buona sera papà (Good evening Papa)" I say walking toward him

"Benvenuto mio figlio. Hai fatto il lavoro? (Welcome my son, have you done the Job.)"

"Sì, l'ho fatto ma continuo a non capire tutto questo (Yes, I did but I still don't understand all this)" I say

"non sta a te capire, fai come ti dico (it's not for you to understand, just do as I say.)"

"Ok, papà (Okay, papa)" I say. I’ve been doing whatever he says for the past ten years and things have been going great so I guess whatever he’s planning, is best for everyone.

"Mio figlio, voglio che tu faccia subito la prossima mossa (My son, I want you to make the next move instantly)" Papa says

"Lo farò papà, ma ci vorrà del tempo (I will papa, but it will take some time)"

"Non c'è tempo, fallo in fretta prima di perdere Ezra (There is no time, do it quick before we lose Ezra)" He says

I was about to speak when I heard footsteps sounding toward the room and before I knew it Rachel was standing in front of the room.

Oh shit! I forgot about our meeting with her. I looked at her and couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she is.

Damn, it!! Screw my rules but does legs of hers are fascinating. I told Brad to take her to the workroom and as he left with her, I turn to look at Papa and said: "Parleremo più tardi papà (We will talk later papa)"

He nods and then I head out of the room.

While discussing with Rachel, I tried so hard to control myself but couldn’t, I just had to go for it. I kissed her lips slightly parting my tongue into hers. And just as I thought, her lips tasted great.

"I will see you tomorrow, Rachel," I say and then head out of the room.

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