
#####CHAPTER 3

As I stepped into the Haven Cafe with Will, the room fell silent, and the crowd parted like a red carpet, their eyes fixed on me. I reveled in the attention, my ego basking in the admiration. As the youngest billionaire and most eligible bachelor in New York, I was no stranger to the spotlight, with my face gracing the covers of magazines and newspapers almost every week.

As we settled into our seats, a stunning brunette approached us, her hazel eyes sparkling like diamonds, and her dark hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Her petite frame and curves left me enchanted, and I couldn't help but be drawn to her full pink lips and luminous eyes. Her angelic voice broke the spell, "Good evening, I'm Dovey, and I'll be your waitress for tonight. What can I get you?"

I sensed a hint of fear in her voice as she tried to maintain a professional tone, but her eyes betrayed her nervousness. Will intervened, ordering a sandwich and Coke, while I remained captivated by Dovey's beauty, my response barely above a whisper, "Nothing yet." My gaze remained fixed on her, my mind racing with the possibilities.

As Dovey turned to leave, her dress caught on the table's edge, and she stumbled, her eyes widening in alarm. I reacted instinctively, grasping her waist to steady her. Our bodies touched, and I felt a jolt of electricity. I gazed into her eyes, now closed, and spoke in a soft, gentle tone I didn't know I possessed, "Amica mea, open your eyes."

Her eyelids fluttered open, and she quickly disentangled herself, her words tumbling out in a nervous stammer ”I...I'" I raised my hand, and she flinched, closing her eyes as if bracing for impact. But instead, I gently lifted her chin, my fingers grazing her skin. "Look at me, amica mea," I whispered, my eyes locking onto hers.

Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and she quickly averted her gaze, trying to hide the effect I had on her. But I had already seen it, the spark of attraction, the flicker of vulnerability. She hastily retreated, her movements awkward, as if desperate to escape the charged atmosphere we'd created.

As we left the cafe, my mind still lingered on Dovey, I couldn't shake off the feeling she had left on me. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I was uncertain how to process my emotions. Will and I got into my car, and I shared what my father had said. Will's eyes widened in surprise, "Dude, how are you gonna get a girlfriend by Friday? Today is Wednesday!"

I shook my head, "I don't know, man." Will suddenly exclaimed, "Dude, what about Dovey?" I was taken aback, "Dovey? The waitress? What does she have to do with this?"

Will's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Can't you see it? I saw how you looked at her like she's a million bucks! You're into her, dude!" I dismissed his suggestion, "You're talking nonsense."

But Will persisted, "Why don't you ask her to be your fake girlfriend?" I hesitated, unsure if it was a good idea. Will cut me off, "Just think about it, you don't have to give me an answer now." We shared a brotherly hug and Will left me to ponder his suggestion.


As I entered my penthouse, I shed my suit and accessories, and my loyal dog Trap greeted me with enthusiastic barks and a wagging tail, bringing a fleeting smile to my face. I began preparing a simple spaghetti dish, a recipe that held sentimental value as it was the first meal my mother taught me to cook. My thoughts turned to my mother, whom I loved dearly, but her marriage to Richard, a man I despised for his infidelities and lack of loyalty, still stirred up emotions.

"I'm not one to talk," I thought to myself, acknowledging my past indiscretions, but he has a beautiful wife at home, yet he's always chasing after other women. As I cooked and ate, my mind wandered, and I found myself zoning out, staring blankly at the wall as if it held some hidden truth.

This was a habit of mine when anxiety and worry crept in. But then, I recalled Will's suggestion, and with newfound determination, I made a decision. The walls of my penthouse, once a blur, now seemed to fade away, as a new path forward came into focus.

After savoring a delightful dinner, I retreated to my room to unwind and rejuvenate. A refreshing cold shower helped wash away the day's stress, and I emerged feeling invigorated. I wrapped a towel around my waist, the fabric hugging my physique and accentuating my chiseled V-line. As I gazed in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice the definition in my abs, a testament to my dedication to fitness.

Slipping into my comfortable grey sweats and pants, I felt at ease, ready to relax and unwind. I reclined on my plush bed, surrounded by the soft glow of lamp lighting, and let my mind wander. Thoughts of Dovey lingered, her captivating hazel eyes and endearing innocence leaving a lasting impression. I pondered the possibility of us together, wondering if someone as pure and kind as her would even consider someone with my complicated past. Yet, the allure of our differences tantalized me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that our contrasting worlds might just collide beautifully.

The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed and energized, eager to start the day. I threw off the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed, planting my feet firmly on the ground. After a quick stretch, I made my way to the bathroom, the cold marble floor beneath my feet a gentle wake-up call.

As I entered the bathroom, I flipped on the light switch, and the bright illumination highlighted the sleek, modern fixtures and my chiseled features in the mirror. I approached the shower, adjusting the temperature to my liking, and stepped under the refreshing stream. The cold water invigorated me, and I stood there for a moment, letting it wash away any lingering fatigue.

Grasping the wall for support, I let the water cascade down my back, feeling the tension melt away. My mind began to wander, thoughts of Dovey and our potential fake relationship drifting through my brain like the steam rising from the shower. I couldn't help but wonder what she'd say if she knew the full extent of my playboy reputation.

After a few minutes, I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist, the terrycloth clinging to my chiseled physique. I gazed at my reflection, my eyes tracing the defined lines of my abs, my chest, and my arms. I flexed my muscles, the towel accentuating my broad shoulders and chiseled biceps.

With a satisfied nod, I began my morning routine, my movements swift and efficient as I brushed my teeth, styled my hair, and applied a hint of cologne. I was ready to face the day, and hopefully, convince Dovey to join me in my fake relationship charade.

I dressed in my sleek black pants and shirt, added a spritz of cologne, and fed my dog, Trap. Feeling energized and prepared, I headed out to my garage and opted for my luxurious black Lamborghini. As I drove, I mentally rehearsed my approach, thinking through the words I would use to ask Dovey to be my fake girlfriend when I arrived at the cafe. My confidence grew with each passing moment, and I felt ready to persuade her to accept my proposal.

As I drove away from the cafe, I dialed Will's number and filled him in on my conversation with Dovey. He was even more enthusiastic than before, urging me to convince her to agree to my plan. But as I hung up the phone, my mind began to wander. Could I blame Dovey if she refused my proposal? I mean, I'm a playboy, always chasing the next thrill, and she's...innocent. Too innocent for someone like me. My world is a far cry from her quaint, small-town life. I couldn't help but wonder if I was just leading her into trouble. But, I pushed the thought aside and focused on my determination to make this fake relationship work.

As I approached the cafe, my heart raced and my palms grew sweaty. I had never felt such nervousness before. I parked my car across the street, took a deep breath, and entered the cafe. The atmosphere seemed to shift, and the room fell silent as I scanned the space for the familiar hazel eyes. My gaze landed on Dovey, and I strode towards her, my eyes fixed on hers.

She was engaged with a customer, who was blatantly flirting with her. My instincts flared, and I clenched my fists, clearing my throat to announce my presence. The customer quickly retreated, and Dovey's eyes met mine, her expression a mix of fear and apprehension. I approached her, my hands in my pockets, and spoke in a measured tone, "Dovey, may I have a word with you?"

She stepped back, her voice trembling, "S-sir...I-I hope there's no issue?" I moved closer, my jaw set, and grasped her hand, my grip firm but gentle. "Are you afraid of me?" I asked, my eyes searching hers.

Dovey's eyes widened, and her mouth opened and closed like a fish as if words failed her. " sir?" she stammered, her voice barely audible.

I sighed and created some space between us, gazing down at her. She seemed fixated on her shoe, as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "Dovey, can we sit?" I asked, unsure if she'd even want to talk to me. She nodded subtly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Sure."

As we sat, the whispers from the surrounding crowd grew louder, but a single glare from me silenced them. I cleared my throat, my eyes locked on Dovey's. "Dovey, I know you must be wondering why I'm here. Well, I need your help." My gaze drifted to her lips, and I licked my own, noticing how she seemed to react to my presence. ", how?" she stuttered, her eyes darting up to meet mine.

I hesitated, unsure of how she'd react to my proposal. "This might sound crazy," I began, my voice low and cautious. "Will you be my fake girlfriend, Dovey?”

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