
#####CHAPTER 1

The doorbell above the entrance rang out, signaling the arrival of a new patron. As soon as he stepped inside, the tinkling of the bell seemed to fade into an unsettling silence.

I glanced up to behold the most captivating gentleman I had ever laid eyes on. He stood at an impressive 6'5" with piercing blue ocean eyes and jet-black hair slicked back, revealing a chiseled face that exuded an aura of authority.

His tailored Armani suit, black as coal, accentuated his muscular physique, making him appear even more formidable. Every aspect of this enigmatic figure screamed affluence and influence, and I would be dishonest if I denied feeling daunted by his presence.

As he strode through the diner, patrons parted like a sea, clearing a path for him and his imposing bodyguard. Once seated, I averted my gaze, not wanting to be caught staring. I noticed that every woman in the diner was vying for his attention, but he seemed utterly impervious to their advances. His eyes scanned the surroundings with a calculating intensity, his expression unyielding and stoic.

Emily, my coworker, sidled up beside me and whispered, "Go take their orders," causing me to choke on air. I quickly recovered and shook my head vehemently. "Dovey, why not?" she questioned, her eyes wide with disbelief. I knew there was no way I would venture near them, aware of my propensity for clumsiness and the potential for embarrassment. "Girls would kill to be in your position," she said, her tone laced with disdain. I retorted playfully, "Well, I'm not just any girl, and I'm nervous, can you blame me?" Emily exhorted, "Just go take their orders!" with a hint of exasperation.

I sighed reluctantly and made my way to their table, my palms sweating and trembling in unison. My legs felt like jelly, and I wobbled slightly as I approached them. "Good evening, I'm Dovey, and I'll be your waitress for tonight. What can I get you?" I attempted to sound professional, trying hard not to stammer. I raised my head to meet their gaze and found him staring at me intently. I felt my body begin to shake, and my heart raced like a runaway train. His gaze was so piercing, that it could make anyone shudder.

"I'll have the sandwich and a Coke," the bodyguard said, I assumed he was a friend or associate. "Is that all?" I asked, trying to maintain my composure. "Yeah, that's it," he replied, turning to the enigmatic figure beside him. "Luca, don't you want anything?" The Greek God, Luca, responded in a thick, baritone voice that could make any woman weak in the knees, "Nothing yet."

As I turned to leave, my dress caught on the table edge, causing me to slip and almost land on the floor. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact, but it never came. “ amica mea, open your eyes”, I heard the softest voice ever and I found myself face-to-face with the last person I expected to catch me, Luca. I quickly regained my balance and extricated myself from his massive, veiny hands. "I...I'," I stammered, my voice shaking like a leaf. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst, when I felt a soft, gentle hand on my chin. "Look at me, amica mea," he said in the softest voice I had ever heard. I raised my head to meet the blue-eyed Greek god, Luca.

I felt a sudden surge of heat rush to my cheeks, prompting me to avert my gaze hastily, lest he discern the profound impact he had on me. I swiftly retreated with their orders, eager to escape the unsettling intensity of his presence.

Upon arriving in the kitchen, I delegated the task of delivering their food to Emily, deliberately avoiding any further encounters with the enigmatic blue-eyed man who had so disconcertingly stirred my emotions.

Little did I realize, however, that this would not be the last time our paths would cross, and that his subsequent visits to the diner would only serve to further unsettle my already fragile composure.


As soon as the blue-eyed Greek god and his entourage departed, I exhaled a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. I could finally breathe more peacefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. And yet, paradoxically, a part of me wished he had lingered a bit longer. It's true that he's an extremely powerful and influential figure, possibly even dangerous, but there's something about him that draws me in, simultaneously captivating and intimidating me.

After they left, it seemed I wasn't the only one who felt a sense of liberation; the entire diner reverted to its usual bustling routine as if the weight on everyone's shoulders had been lifted. Emily, however, appeared disheartened by their departure. "The ambiance was lovely while they were here," she remarked, gazing longingly at the empty table where they had sat.

Time flew by swiftly, and before I knew it, it was time to close the diner. I headed to the locker room to gather my belongings and called out to Emily, "It's time to go home, hurry up! We've got an early shift tomorrow, and I don't want to be late," I added, reminding my roommate of our shared schedule.

Emily and I are not only coworkers but also roommates, living together in a cozy little apartment just a block away from the diner.

Just as I turned to leave, I sensed a presence behind me, and my heart skipped a beat. I spun around, expecting to see someone, but there was no one there. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt a chill. "Dovey, I'm here, let's get going," Emily said, her voice breaking the silence. I nodded reluctantly, still feeling a bit uneasy.

As I closed the door to the diner, Emily and I embarked on our journey home, recalling the wise and thoughtful words of our boss, Mrs. Peter, a kind and considerate elderly lady who always put our well-being first.

She had often reminded us to prioritize our safety, especially at night, "You girls should always lock up the shop before sunset to ensure you get home before dark." While I understood her concern, I would often point out that we lived just a block away, making it a short and seemingly harmless walk.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Peter remained adamant, emphasizing the importance of locking up before nightfall, even though the shop experienced its highest sales during this time. She would say, "Better safe than sorry, my dears. I want you both to get home safely, every day."

As Emily and I walked home, I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching me, but a quick scan of our surroundings revealed no one. We finally arrived at our cozy apartment, a warm and welcoming haven that always felt like a comforting embrace. I looked forward to unwinding in my comfortable bed, cuddling with my affectionate cat, Daisy, and letting go of the stresses of the day.

I decided to take a soothing bath to calm my tired muscles, preparing a relaxing bubble bath with lavender essential oils and soft music playing in the background. As I sank into the warm water, I closed my eyes, letting out a sigh of relief.

The warmth and tranquillity of the bath began to work their magic, and I started to feel my tense muscles relax. Just as I began to unwind, I was startled by a sudden bang, which made me jump and my heart raced.

I quickly rinsed off the soothing bathwater and stepped out of the tub, wrapping a towel around my petite yet curvy figure. My heart racing, I grabbed an umbrella from across the room, aware that it wasn't the ideal weapon to defend myself against an intruder.

My cat, Daisy, sensing my fear, darted under the bed for cover. I tightened the towel around my chest, holding it in place like my life depended on it. With caution, I slowly opened the door and made my way to the kitchen, prepared to confront the intruder.

But instead of a menacing figure, I found Emily, covered in flour, looking utterly lost and confused, with a burnt noodle lying beside her like a failed science experiment. "EMILY!" I screamed, my terror, giving way to relief and amusement at the sight of my roommate and her culinary disaster.

Emily gazed down at me with an innocent expression, her eyes welling up with tears that refused to fall. "I just wanted to make noodles and some dumplings, but I don't know what happened," she stammered between hiccups.

I felt a pang of guilt for screaming at her, knowing full well that cooking wasn't her forte. "Oh, Emily, you should have told me; I would have helped you," I said, trying to console her. "Okay, you know what? We'll clean up this mess, and then we'll order takeout. How about that?" I asked enthusiastically, trying to lift her spirits. Emily's face lit up with a beaming smile. "Thank you, Dovey; that will be great," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. I simply sighed and shook my head playfully, chuckling at the situation.

I decided to order a variety of dishes, including dumplings, mango sticky rice, and soup, to satisfy our cravings. After placing the order, Emily and I decided to watch the new Spiderman movie to pass the time. Just as we were engrossed in the film, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of our food.

I got up to answer the door, and the delivery boy handed me the steaming hot meal. I paid him and brought the food to the table, where Emily had already set out the utensils and napkins.

As we settled in to eat, Emily got up to grab a refreshing glass of water from the fridge. We dug in, savoring the flavorful taste of our dinner, enjoying the combination of sweet, sour, and savory notes.

After our delightful meal, Emily and I bid each other goodnight, retreating to our respective rooms. I slipped into my incredibly plush and cozy pajamas, feeling the soft fabric envelop me in warmth and comfort. I then gathered my hair into a messy bun, securing it with a few stray pins. As I settled into bed, my feline companion, Daisy, jumped up beside me, nuzzling her head against my chest. I felt a deep sense of contentment wash over me as I closed my eyes, ready to surrender to a peaceful slumber.

But just as I began to drift off, a familiar figure materialized before me. The blue-eyed monster from the diner stood in my bedroom, his piercing gaze fixed intently on me.

Instead of fear, a strange sense of tranquillity settled over me. I smiled, and he reciprocated, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he did so. "You're quite the inquisitive one, aren't you?" he remarked, his deep voice low and husky, sending a shiver down my spine.

I nodded, my heart racing with excitement. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my curiosity getting the better of me. He chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "All in good time, little one. All in good time."

And with that, he vanished, leaving me feeling both perplexed and intrigued. I lay there, my mind racing with questions, as Daisy purred contentedly beside me. Who was this enigmatic stranger? And what did he want from me? I couldn't shake off the feeling that my life was about to take a dramatic turn, one that would change everything I thought I knew…

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