« Let’s serve dinner, shall we. Would you help set the table for me ? » She requested as she pulled back from the hug, giving me a smile before ushering me into the dining room.
After setting up the table both Dylan and Julian appeared, Julian giving me a huge smile and questioning me about my day at school.
We all sat there talking and eating, discussing our days and what our plans were for the weekend. Dylan, Reed, Chase, Chloe, and I were going to the mall tomorrow since it was Saturday.
« You both have training on Sunday, don’t forget especially since you both have next weekend off as Reed mentioned you were both going to Gabriel’s birthday celebrations. » Julian’s tone was serious when he mentioned training, he was a very serious man when it came to pack business and our combat training.
Dylan and I both nodded, I hadn’t confirmed whether I was going to go to the party, but I didn’t fancy doing combat training either.
« It’s only for five hours, so hopefully it’s not too painful. » Julian laughed, pleasantly entertained as we all knew we were having training with Alpha Jaxon.
The thought of training with our Alpha had my muscles tightening and seizing up. Already able to feel the immense ache and pains that would be occupying my entire body the following week.
His training sessions were tough and brutal. He would push you past your limit, to test your full potential.
« You both look tired, why don’t you both go up to bed and I’ll clear away tonight. » Grace said, staring at Dylan and me.
After thanking Grace for the meal, I headed up stairs to my bedroom, it was opposite Dylan’s.
He decided to go back to the office with Julian, he had paperwork he needed to fill out to do with the pack house and wanted to complete it before going to bed.
I threw myself on my bed, I laid there for a few moments before deciding to have a quick shower before bed, knowing I would feel better once I was curled up and comfortable.
Moving into my bathroom, I stripped off my dirty clothes before jumping into the shower. Washing my blonde hair in the process before getting out and drying myself down with a towel.
I brushed my teeth, then walked into my bedroom, grabbing a pair of shorts and a top before crawling into bed and under my comforter. The warmth immediately making me yawn, my exhaustion catching up to me as I fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up to my alarm blaring loudly in my ear, my arm flinging in the direction of the noise, my hands smacking the snooze button before I turned around, tucking my head back into the warmth that surrounded me. Drifting straight back into my deep sleep.
Within what felt like twenty minutes, Dylan was banging on my bedroom door before he entered, jumping on top of my bed as I tried to push him off.
I scowled at him, unamused and still tired, wanting to get another hour or two sleep.
« You’ve slept for about 14 hours. Surely you don’t need more sleep ? » I nodded my head at his question, rolling onto my side facing away from him as I pulled my comforter up, tucking it beneath my chin as I attempted to get more sleep.
Dylan’s loud laugh entered my hearing as he yanked the comforter back, his aggravating smile bothering me at this time in the morning. « It’s 11 o’clock, they can wait an hour. » I whined.
« Lara, it’s 2 o’clock. »
« Oh no. » His comment had me darting up, I didn’t want to be responsible for ruining everyone’s day or plans. I immediately stood up, rushing towards my wardrobe and grabbing a pair of jeans, a pink casual top and my underwear.
Dylan laid casually on top of my bed, turning on my television as I hurried to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, showering, and throwing on the clothes I had picked.
« I’m ready, » I stated as I walked out only to find Dylan smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes on him, my brain acknowledging exactly what he had done, the reason why he was smirking at me. « It’s not 2 o’clock, is it ? »
Dylan’s smirk seemed to grow, his eyes shining as an amused glint appeared in his eyes. His dimples becoming more prominent as I glared angrily at him. « No, we have loads of time. It’s only half 9. »
« Dylan, » I screamed making him chuckle more, while agitating me more. « You’re such a jerk ! » I shouted before grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it.
Dylan and I drove towards the mall, it was around a half hour drive from home. The others were meeting us there, Reed was still with his dad and Chase and Chloe had gone to breakfast with Chase’s parents.
The whole ride consisted of Dylan complaining and freaking out over a human girl who seemed to be infatuated with him, I couldn’t help but laugh as he described how disturbed he was at her behaviour.
To be fair to him, she did seem to be lovesick and slightly obsessive but that’s what happens when you hook up with someone who wasn’t your mate.
The problem was that the boys seemed to believe that if they hooked up with a human, they didn’t have to be concerned about the consequences when their mates show up. Or must deal with the clingy emotions of teenage girls.
« You hooked up with her three times, what do you expect ? »
He groaned at my reply, not appreciating my unhelpful answer. « I told her I didn’t want anything serious. I’m going to have to meet up with her, she keeps texting me wanting to talk about things. » He said, quoting the last four words.
« Don’t make it a fourth time when you do. » I laughed causing him to shake his head, a playful smile stretching across his face.
We soon approached the Mall, pulling into the car park and heading towards the main doors. Chase had already mind-linked Dylan to let us know they were already here ; they were waiting for us at the ice cream parlour.
I had ordered for both Dylan and I ; I had asked for two chocolate chip sundaes. Within a few minutes, our server, Katy had brought out our order.
We sat with Chase and Chloe for around twenty minutes before Reed showed up.
« So, what’s happening next Saturday ? Are we all going to the party together or meeting each other there ? » Chloe questioned, the boys all shrugging their shoulders.
« Everyone is getting a ride over there ; we should make our way over there around half eight. » Reed suggested, he was laid back when it came to minor decisions.