
Chapter Five

“Stop!” I cried once more.

It all went away at once. I could no longer feel it inside me. My eyes searched around for a clue.

I lifted my tired body into a sitting position, shielding my breasts with sweaty hands. The mirror before me showed how red and sweaty my body was. Besides the physical evidence, it all felt unreal. Did I really have sex with an Incubus?

I took the scroll into my hands, looking for a signature. There was nothing new there. The Incubus took advantage of me without signing it! What should I do? My thoughts landed on Elaine.

I got up in a rush. “Ouch, Ouch!” My legs were aching so badly. I limped all the way to my phone to call Elaine. It was smart of me to ask for her number before leaving her house. Everything didn’t have to go through Becky first. I didn’t want to worry my best friend.

Upon unlocking the phone, my eyes couldn’t believe the time. It was 8:00 am already! I looked at the window and saw the natural light peeking through the closed curtains. The sexual encounter felt long, but four hours without a break and little to no foreplay was insane! No wonder my legs were cramping from being wide open in the air for so long.

My hands dialed Elaine’s number without another thought.

“Hello, Cassidy! I have been expecting your call,” Elaine began upon answering the phone on the second ring.

“Elaine. I_ he_ I_ he came,” I stuttered. My mouth was jumbling the words in my head.

“Cassidy, relax. I know you called me straight after your first sexual encounter with your incubus. I can hear it in your voice,” said Elaine. “ You must be exhausted by guilt, horror, and confusion. I know your body hurts. So, please, take a few deep breaths and sit down before telling me how it went.”

My body relaxed a bit. Knowing she was aware of what I was going through provided some comfort to me.

I exhaled and inhaled loudly a few times before sitting on the ground. It would be disgusting to sit anywhere else before cleaning myself first.

“Okay, I feel better now,” I spoke into the phone.

“This is why I was reluctant to give such a strong spell to you. Contacting a sex spirit, let alone partaking in a sexual act with them, is challenging enough,” said Elaine. There was regret in her tone.

“Nevertheless, what’s done is done. Let’s move forward and talk about the contract. Did he sign it before or after the sex? What is his condition?”

“He never signed it, Elaine. His space on the contract is still blank,” I answered.

“What!” Elaine exclaimed. Though I knew it was bad, her shock shocked me to my core.

“This is bad. It's bad,” Elaine began again, “The entity is already displaying rebelliousness and disrespect towards the contract and the spell. If not in the beginning, the contract must be signed by the end of the first sexual encounter.”

“I told him to stop during it, and he did,” I said. “Is that against the rules?”

“Oh,” said Elaine.

“What? What Elaine?” I asked.

“The sex spirits usually test your potential as their new partner before signing the contract. I forgot to tell you that. Chances are that you told him to stop before he could finish. He is unsure of the contract now.”

“What! How could he have not finished? It all went on for more than four hours, Elaine,” I said.

“Cassidy, you keep forgetting that Incubi are not human men,” Elaine reminded me.

“How long does it take them to finish then?” I asked.

“It varies from spirit to spirit. Let’s not delve into that.” Elaine coughed. “It might not be the reason at all. We need to hold a seance and ask him directly about it."

“He is gone, Elaine. How would we do that?” I asked.

“Even without a signature, a connection has been made. Your incubus would not leave until we end it. He’ll keep visiting the place of his summoner each night, either silently or by making his presence known. We must hold a seance as soon as possible to make things clear,” said Elaine.

“Okay,” I said, wiping the sweat off my forehead. “Can I get one day’s rest? I can barely walk without limping. It’s a good thing I performed the spell on a Friday night. Perhaps we can hold the seance on Sunday if you’re free?”

“Um, I can squeeze a seance into my schedule that day. I will let you know when to come,” said Elaine.

I agreed to that.

“Uh, Elaine,” I said before she could end the call. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Yes, of course,” she replied.

“Did you enjoy your first time with an Incubus?” I asked. “I am just asking out of curiosity.”

Elaine let out a chuckle. “Don’t feel guilty for giving in to its pleasures. We are all guilty of enjoying it for as long as our human bodies can keep up with it. Goodbye, Cassidy.”

The call ended.

My cheeks flushed, thinking about my makeout session with the incubus. My body would never react this way to any unknown human man, regardless of his attractiveness.

I brushed the thought away and went straight for a shower.

“It’s my duty and not something for me to enjoy,” I kept chanting as I rinsed my body with water.

As I cleaned down there, I could feel a vibration. My lady parts had never been stimulated this much, not even orally.

In addition to my ladyparts, I could feel a vibration in my tongue and mouth.

It was hard not to think about it when he had left his mark all over my body in the form of both pleasure and pain.

After a long bath, I went straight to bed. Forcing a sleeping pill down my system helped me get a few hours of sleep.

Buzz Buzz

The noisy vibration of my phone sitting on my nightstand woke me up. I sat on the bed with my feet touching the cold floor. My crotch was okay, but my legs were still sore and heavy from the previous night’s activity.

I groaned and buried my head in my lap. For some reason, I woke up feeling like a zombie most days. I envied those who woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

I took some time to let my lazy mind wake up and arrange my thoughts before going through my phone.

There were a dozen text messages from my family. A few long ones were from my mom, and the rest were shorter from my siblings, informing me that mom wanted to talk and meet me.

Mom’s texts:

1. Hey love! I hope everything’s well and you’re killing it at your new job in the city. Cassidy, I know you’re scared because of everything happening to your sister Mia and me. Your aunt must be constantly on your mind.

2. Oftentimes, I regret telling you all that at your father’s funeral. His death took a toll on all of us. He was so sure that we could handle all of that on our own…..!

3. We don't have to sit in fear anymore. I take back my responsibility as your mother to protect my children. I know where your aunt is. We can confront her and put her and her Satanist husband in jail. You should come to see me. As soon as you finish reading my messages, pack up your stuff and head home. As a family, it's time to fend off those who are against us.

For the first time in months, Mom had given me some good news. If she knew what she was doing, we would be out of trouble in no time. My contract with my incubus could end within days.

It put a smile on my face. My face fell when my eyes landed on the sigil on the ground. The ritual items were still on my bedroom floor. I needed to clean that up before heading out the door.

A mop and warm water did a fine job removing the sigil from my floor. And I gathered the rest of the items in a corner of the room. I could return it to Elaine on Sunday.

After cleaning, I slipped on some comfortable clothes and exited my apartment with my keys and phone. My hungry stomach could have breakfast on the way.

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