
6. What Was That

Alina's Pov

The next day, I was surprised to see Millie in my room, shaking me brutally out of my sleep.

"Wake up Alina! It's 2pm!" I heard her piercing voice as I rolled on my bed.

"What the heck?" I groaned quietly, before clamping a pillow on top of my ears to cover them and block her shrilling voice.

"Come on, Alina! It's the first time I came to meet you after your wedding, and this is how you welcome me?"

"Well you should have called and given me a warning then," I mumbled to myself in my groggy voice, before sitting up on the bed.

"What did you say?" She asked, holding her waist.

"Nothing," I moved the comforter to get out of my bed before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. After quickly brushing my teeth and washing my face, I headed out to see her sprawled on the couch in my room, like she owned it.

"I've got to say, this is one freaking comfortable couch. I could spend the rest of my life lying on it." I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"But Alina?" God, when will she shut up?

"Hm?" I headed to my dresser to brush my hair.

"Why do you not share a room with him?" I abruptly turned around to give her an 'are you serious?' look.

"Do you really have to act clueless? Or do you have short-term memory loss?"

"No, it's just that.. It's been a week since you guys are married. I understand that it's arranged, but a man still has his needs. Have you guys not done the dee-"

"Millie!" I scolded her like a five-year-old kid. Was she seriously asking me this? God, she really has her paternal genes in her. Sounding just like my father. "What is even wrong with you?" She can be really immature sometimes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or anything. It's just that, I know it's hard to ignore a woman like you. I mean look at you. You are so beautiful, Alina! How did he not fall for your looks?"

"Maybe because he's not blind like some of you." I returned to combing my hair.

"Please, girl! You need to give yourself more credit. You know what? You aren't even trying to make this work."

"Why? Am I obligated to make this work? What is wrong with us just living in the same house as acquaintances?"

"Everything! You guys are married, for God's sake!" She exclaimed.

"So what? It's just a deal! Why do you always forget that? And if it really does matter, then why doesn't he make an effort?" That made her shut her mouth. "Because he is not interested, Millie! Don't you understand? He's already made it clear." I joined her on the couch.

"I just..want you to be happy. You deserve so much more than what uncle has trapped you in. You are an angel, Alina. And I just want the best for you. That's all." She said with her gloomy voice, her eyes casted down at her hands. "But think about it, Alina. Maybe you are just one move away from having your happy ending. What if you give him a reason to open up to you, to like you, who knows he would? It's worth a shot, right?" I stayed quiet, not knowing how to answer. But thinking about it, she wasn't entirely wrong. How would we work out when we don't even talk to each other? We could be civil and still get to know each other better. And who knows, it might actually end up as a good decision?

"Fine. I'll think about it."


Once again, I got so drowned in writing, I lost track of time. This was my second book that I was working on. I was still an emerging writer, so not a very famous one, but given that my first book got a lot of appreciation and love which, I to be honest, didn't expect, I thought it wouldn't be bad to make my passion my career. It was 12 at midnight. Millie had spent most of the day with me and left just a little before Theodore returned home. I sighed, pondering over Millie's words. I didn't mind giving it a try. I just didn't know what to expect. I haven't even had a proper conversation with him, for the love of God. How do I even start one with him? I mean it's so awkward. I shook my head coming out of my thoughts, or else it'll drive me crazy.

It was twelve, and yes, I'm a night owl. I don't sleep that long either. I mean 5 to 6 hours of sleep per day is more than enough for me. I usually go to bed pretty late and wake up at the usual time. But there is an exception in the cases where I'm extremely tired, then I'll sleep like a dead body. Deciding I needed some orange juice, I made my way to the kitchen. Yes I know, orange juice at this time? Crazy, right? But I never promised I was sane either. And the heart wants what it wants, anyway. Plus, I love juices, especially if it's orange or apple. Yes, I live a healthy life. Well, at least of the times that I remember.

I stepped into the kitchen, looking for some oranges in the fruit basket. Turning to look for the juicer, I got startled when I felt a presence at the door of the kitchen.

“What the fuck!” I shrieked, my heart thudding against the ribcage, only to calm down when I finally registered who it was.

“Theodore?” I didn't even realize this was the first time I was actually calling him by his name in his presence. He quirked up an eyebrow, asking me what I was doing there. My eyes traveled to his figure and observed him. Like actually took my time to properly observe and assess him. He was wearing a full-sleeved black turtle-neck that stuck to his body like second skin, giving a nice display of what was underneath it. All muscles of course, and oh! Did I forget the abs? He was wearing casual trouser pants as bottoms and had his arms folded on his chest. This was the first time I had seen him without his formals.

I couldn't help but acknowledge in my mind, that man was definitely hot.

“I was just… making myself some juice,” I said, feeling the need to explain myself. He didn't say anything and kept me standing under his scrutinizing gaze. “Did you need anything?” I asked, with more confidence this time.

“Where's Martha?” Came his velvety, deep voice.

“Um, she had to leave due to some family emergency. Her mother, I believe.” He didn't say anything, but I knew he was paying attention to each word that came out of my mouth. I even saw his eyes trail down to my lips just for a brief moment before they came back up to meet my eyes.

“Do you need anything?” I finally asked the reason for his presence here.

“Coffee,” he stated bluntly, without any emotion.

“Oh, sit. I'll make you one,” I pointed at the table in the kitchen before turning to make him his coffee.

He gave me a scary look which had me thinking that he would just walk out of here. But I was actually surprised to see him oblige to my words. He stepped forth until he finally took the place where I had pointed earlier.

Turning my back to him, I got busy making his coffee instantly. After getting done, I carefully placed the mug before him and observed his next actions. He looked at the mug before picking it up and taking a sip. He didn't even wait for it to cool down a little. He just went for it. I observed carefully, trying to gauge any expression from him. But he gave me nothing. Or maybe he did have a glance at me while taking the sip, just peeking under from his lashes before instantly turning his attention back to the cup. And then he stood up and left, leaving me alone to think about what just happened.

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